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Any guilds have a late night Ops group?


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I'm on the Empire side.


Bumping this. Have been stranded on East Coast server since all my "die-hard" SW buds dropped the game a long time ago.


Still looking for a fun guild that has regularly scheduled Ops on at least 2 nights/week (Sat through Tuesday) starting no sooner than 1030pm server time. I'm not looking for a guild trying to bolster it's late-night roster. I'm looking for a group of people that reliably game late at night and regularly do late Ops.


Thanks for the read!

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Torav nex has one that starts at 12:30 tuesday - thursday.


As of 9/25 the Ops leader of their Narcoleptic Insomniacs OPS Team indicated he was stepping down and possibly un-subbing. I'm not trying to troll, I'm just looking for a solid and established late night Imperial HMFP/HM Ops team with room for a tank.

Edited by btcorrad
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Hey fellow Jedi hunters, I am also currently looking for an active raiding guild that does operations late at night. My main character is a Sorcerer (DPS) in a combination of Black Hole and Rakata gear. Here is a link to my armory, http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/82d8b4c3-6c72-49ad-8e17-bf95e8d270bb. I work second shift and get home around 11:45 p.m. EST, Sunday- Thursday. I have experience raiding EV and KP Hm and EC sm up past Colonel Vorgath. I am trying to find an guild that has a lot of members that are on late and also enjoy doing Lost Island and PVP. I also have a level 50 Juggernaut in full Columi and a level 46 Assassin that I'm working on. If you think I could be useful to your guild please feel free to send me a message in game or to my account. Thanks for your time.


Wyyrlok, The Forgotten Legacy:wea_03:

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Hey fellow Jedi hunters, [stuff]. Thanks for your time.


Wyyrlok, The Forgotten Legacy:wea_03:


Dude, shoot me a PM here or in-game email if you find a fitting guild. We have near perfectly matched playtimes.


I have 6 50s,


Main, Tank: Selk-re - shieldtech Powertech - columi/BH gear

DPS: Amon-re and Cobra-kahn - both lightning Sorcs - columi/BH gear

Heals: Seth-re - corruption Sorc - columi/BH gear


Alt, Tank: Sutekh-re - Juggernaut - currently working on putting together a columi set to legacy over to ease earning the actual set with bonuses


Alt, DPS: Neheb-re - Sniper - currently a crew-skills *****

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If no healers, I could try to lvl my sorc up to 50. she is currently at 28 i believe. I prefer the merc dps, but could go healer if we get enough for group right away.

Toons I have are:

So'ary - Sith Sorc - healer - lvl 31

Nerrium - BH Merc - arsenal dps 50 recruit gear

Thalken - 18 Jug dps/tank

Edited by NasDragon
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I am part of a guild Equinox that runs ops msot evenings as late as 10:30 est some days http://swtorequinox.torportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=453012&TabID=3889526 the link you can see the calendar.


I have not had the time to run them but the guild is fantastic.


- Remal Revino


Hey I have a 50 Sentinel and a 50 Sage (heals) looking for a Republic guild to run with. I have an Imperial Guild I run with alot so I know the fights (except TFB at this point) Highly interested in more info.

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Please check out knights of havoc http://knightsofhavoc.com/. We have both republic and imperial guilds (mostly republic). We have guild events every night, plus multiple ops per week. We have people running as late as 3 AM EST. Check out the website or ping me in game @Bigfeet.


While I belong to another guild, Just want to give a shout out to Knight of Havoc, I ran my first SM KP last night with them, and they were a great group to run with. *Tips his hat to KoH*


-Remal Revino



For the person asking for more info on Equinox or the guild now known as Equinox @ Jedi Convenant I would reach out to Obinian he runs the guild and is on frequently. Let them know Remal sent you.

Edited by Jedi_Slayer
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Looking for guild that runs ops around 10pm (est.)

2200 aim merc dps or ~2k cunning op healer avail.

Have completed all SM's thru TFB and some of EC HM.

Also have 5-6 friends that are looking for a new guild as well, with random raid times.


PST here or in game, Mclovincredz .

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Just wanted to let everyone know that the guys and gals at Knights Of Havov/Havoc's Fallen Knights are really, a great fun group to be with. The KOH is on the republic side and it is there main, but they do have toons on the Imp side as well (HFK). I just joined them, and they have included me in many of there group activities already. Within a week I was able to do several HM FP's EV story and hard, KP story.

Thank you everyone at Knights of Havoc

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Dominus Nihil on the Republic side typically runs 5 HM Ops (EC or TFB) per week. Most ops are currently between midnight to 3:00am Eastern (9am - Midnight Pacific). We also try to run some East Coast friendly raids between 9 - 12 Eastern but we have fewer members available at this time spot; but with another few members we would love to make these more regular. Check out our recruitment post in these same forums for info on how to contact us. You could join us for a raid or two and then determine if DN is right for you (and you we will do the same).
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I am the guildmaster of WRIS, an Imperial guild that is recruiting members for our late night Ops group. We have been trying to get reliable members for about a month now, and unfortunatly the people who join saying they are "active" turn out to be on every 10-15 days. Helpful.

Anyhow, anyone looking at this thread should send in game mail to Sorcero on the Imperial side. We would like to get going on the late night ops group A.S.A.P.

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