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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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Shoutout to the person today who stunned the stealther so he didn't interrupt me as I was capping the node back. It was the move that turned the tide and won the match.


It was such a good stun, and it was the game changing move.


I don't remember their name but you know who you are.

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I'd like to shout out the PUG last night that turned a blow out Alderaan into a close fight. We were 3 capped early on and down big time when we managed to score a 3 cap ourselves and missed the win by a mere 40 pts. Great effort in a match that looked like a sure loss after the first 2 minutes.


Sometimes a close lose feels far more rewarding than a blow out win.

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Shout out to the slinger who basically carried his Pub pug to three straight NC wins last night. Dude was destroying people, pulling 1.2M damage in a pug WZ.. I was too busy trying to stay alive to remember his name, but he was taking out People in full Partisan/partial Conq like they were in lvl 12 greens. Made me want to level my sniper.
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Shout out to the slinger who basically carried his Pub pug to three straight NC wins last night. Dude was destroying people, pulling 1.2M damage in a pug WZ.. I was too busy trying to stay alive to remember his name, but he was taking out People in full Partisan/partial Conq like they were in lvl 12 greens. Made me want to level my sniper.


Well, it wasn't me, but I'll second the shout out because 1.2 MM is good for a SS spec GS. Of course, he could be in Sab spec, which puts out 1.2MM pretty easily.

Edited by mdimech
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Shout out to the bad-*** pub premade who whooped our asses in Voidstar... but lost the match because they felt bad for killing us so much... I think they had 45-47 kills each but just couldn't get through that first door... Then our little rag tag group managed to ninja swipe the first door in like 2 min for the win. I've never been so completely out played in a match that was a win, but it was fun.
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Good job to all the teams in Civil war battling out to the bitter end! The changes in bikes has been great. I have been in so many matches where mid is fought tooth and nail, with both sides working to cap. It's nice to see a game that is competitive right to the end and so close. Much more fun than the 550 - nothing blowouts we used to see all too often.


Good job!

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Good job to all the teams in Civil war battling out to the bitter end! The changes in bikes has been great. I have been in so many matches where mid is fought tooth and nail, with both sides working to cap. It's nice to see a game that is competitive right to the end and so close. Much more fun than the 550 - nothing blowouts we used to see all too often.


Good job!


I agree, Civil War is alot more interesting now the side speeders have gone. In lowbies at least, haven't pvp'd on my 55 toon for a long while, having the opposeing team cap both side nodes is no longer a sure defeat. Had alot mroe games where there has only been 20 ponits in it

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Shout out to Nil and the Buffed Fully A-team... We had fun last night...



... Doc hit's like a dump truck.

















Judging you so hard.


Thanks for all those we fought tonight, it was fun and very competitive.

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Judging you so hard.


Thanks for all those we fought tonight, it was fun and very competitive.


Competitive PVP is where it's at... Probably why people love to hate on Republic for super queing 8 man premades. They are really the only guild I see doing it and these matches where they all have 45-50 kills vs the PUG with 4-5 kills seems so pointless. You can't get better if you don't face better competition. I know they have made me a much better player...


And no hate on Republic, I like many of their players... I just don't find pug farming much fun.

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Competitive PVP is where it's at... Probably why people love to hate on Republic for super queing 8 man premades. They are really the only guild I see doing it and these matches where they all have 45-50 kills vs the PUG with 4-5 kills seems so pointless. You can't get better if you don't face better competition. I know they have made me a much better player...


And no hate on Republic, I like many of their players... I just don't find pug farming much fun.


The purpose of super queuing is not because we find it fun to "murder all the helpless pugs". There are a few reasons:


1) Bad losing streak because of some very stupid players that end up on our team. Grouping up gives us less of a chance to get these types of people; or if we do they can usually be carried.


2) We like to play together and there will usually be anywhere from 4-13 eligible people online at the same time.


3) We aren't the only guild to do this, Project Mayhem runs super queues as well as a mix of Inconceivable, Azure Blades, and The Core. I enjoy when we come up against them because the matches usually end up being VERY close.


Basically super queues happen because too many people want to play together and some of the pugs out there make me want to kill myself. Super queues can also be accidental if we happen to have 2 four man groups queuing.


NOTE: If we happen to get on opposite teams we don't quit the match. We fight against each other, have fun...cause you know, it's a game.

MORE NOTES: I personally will also solo queue a lot of my matches.

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The purpose of super queuing is not because we find it fun to "murder all the helpless pugs". There are a few reasons:


1) Bad losing streak because of some very stupid players that end up on our team. Grouping up gives us less of a chance to get these types of people; or if we do they can usually be carried.


2) We like to play together and there will usually be anywhere from 4-13 eligible people online at the same time.


3) We aren't the only guild to do this, Project Mayhem runs super queues as well as a mix of Inconceivable, Azure Blades, and The Core. I enjoy when we come up against them because the matches usually end up being VERY close.


Basically super queues happen because too many people want to play together and some of the pugs out there make me want to kill myself. Super queues can also be accidental if we happen to have 2 four man groups queuing.


NOTE: If we happen to get on opposite teams we don't quit the match. We fight against each other, have fun...cause you know, it's a game.

MORE NOTES: I personally will also solo queue a lot of my matches.


I sort of regret the initial post to be honest... I can't stress enough that I respect your guild, it just isn't my bag. And you guys are the only guild I have run into that does this on the server. I know I hear other people whining about it, but to be honest it isn't a big issue on this server.


Plus we beat you guys in a voidstar earlier this week, so I've had my epic pug moment...:p

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I don't understand the logic in super q'ing on this server...or even staying here as a pvp guild. If you weren't just interested in pug-stomping you'd move the guild to pot5 or bastion..or at the very least q ranked on this server.


The PVP isn't that bad here... and far more mature in general (I know it doesn't seem it... but trust me).

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The PVP isn't that bad here... and far more mature in general (I know it doesn't seem it... but trust me).


I play both here and Pot5 and right after transfers it was pretty bad over there, but as time went on it's really not much different than here as far as attitudes go. Much fewer quitters than there were. Rarely do I see nastiness towards teammates...honestly I see more of that on TEH. General chat over there is a little worse, but not much. Bout the same amount cross-team poo talk.


And I won't quite make the same disclaimer as Viking as far as Republic goes...I like some of them(Llama's in that boat) but not all :D

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I don't understand the logic in super q'ing on this server...or even staying here as a pvp guild. If you weren't just interested in pug-stomping you'd move the guild to pot5 or bastion..or at the very least q ranked on this server.


To be honest, the reason that I didn't stay on Pot5 with my couple toons was because I hated having my legacy split. I have 12 toons currently and to transfer them all would be a ridiculous amount of money. On top of that the majority of my friends were on the Ebon Hawk because they were PvE players. The fact that the 50,000 total kills I was working for was then split on each server didn't help matters at all.


The final decision on my part to stay on Ebon Hawk was mainly driven by the lack of friends on Pot5. It wasn't a "OMG these guys beat me SO bad I'm gonna go back to a RP server and pug stomp so I can feel better about myself!" mentality. To be honest, I wish that Ebon Hawk was magically merged with Pot5 so I could have the faster queue pops and still maintain all of my friends.


As far as the ranked is concerned I dunno...I'm not in charge of arranging any ranked competition. (and it's not like there's an abundance of ranked going on). I think <Republic> did do 1 ranked match a couple weeks ago (I wasn't a part of it) but the other team was unable to queue after that.


I sort of regret the initial post to be honest... I can't stress enough that I respect your guild, it just isn't my bag. And you guys are the only guild I have run into that does this on the server. I know I hear other people whining about it, but to be honest it isn't a big issue on this server.


Plus we beat you guys in a voidstar earlier this week, so I've had my epic pug moment...:p


I congratulate you! I love when those epic pug moments happen! :D


And I won't quite make the same disclaimer as Viking as far as Republic goes...I like some of them(Llama's in that boat) but not all :D


<3 Send Hex my love too when you're over there!

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To be honest, the reason that I didn't stay on Pot5 with my couple toons was because I hated having my legacy split. I have 12 toons currently and to transfer them all would be a ridiculous amount of money. On top of that the majority of my friends were on the Ebon Hawk because they were PvE players. The fact that the 50,000 total kills I was working for was then split on each server didn't help matters at all.



Totally get that. That's why I only moved one over there so far. Might move a pub toon over too, but I don't ever see myself moving them all. I just think the pvp guilds would be happier as a whole if they moved mains for better competition. Then play over here when there aren't enough around to group there.


Isn't it lame that kills prior to 2.0 don't count for 50,000!? I mean that was one of the few things tracked before the achievement system was put in place!

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3) We aren't the only guild to do this, Project Mayhem runs super queues as well as a mix of Inconceivable, Azure Blades, and The Core. I enjoy when we come up against them because the matches usually end up being VERY close.


AB rarely does four man's anymore, I'm one of the only people left that actually PvP's in the guild.


I honestly don't understand why it never turns into ranked when two super queues come up against each other. It's maddening. :mad:


Much respect to you though Fiama, don't want you to think I'm ripping on you! :D

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AB rarely does four man's anymore, I'm one of the only people left that actually PvP's in the guild.


I honestly don't understand why it never turns into ranked when two super queues come up against each other. It's maddening. :mad:


Much respect to you though Fiama, don't want you to think I'm ripping on you! :D


Hence the reason I said "mix" of those guilds. I've been invited to a few ops groups where AB, Core, Inconceivable, Republic, and other misc players will super queue while waiting for ranked to take place...sadly, the ranked usually never pops, at least the times I've been around.


Personally I'd be more than happy to go up for ranked if I find another group to run against...but like I said before, I'm not the person who sets up ranked and I can be somewhat shy when it comes to making my ideas known.

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Hence the reason I said "mix" of those guilds. I've been invited to a few ops groups where AB, Core, Inconceivable, Republic, and other misc players will super queue while waiting for ranked to take place...sadly, the ranked usually never pops, at least the times I've been around.


Personally I'd be more than happy to go up for ranked if I find another group to run against...but like I said before, I'm not the person who sets up ranked and I can be somewhat shy when it comes to making my ideas known.


Im not sure about the past couple weeks, but Incon and PM were queing Mondays and Weds between 9-11 ish. There were occasionally some other teams as well, but not enough, I'm sure they would be glad to get some games in against someone different.

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Im not sure about the past couple weeks, but Incon and PM were queing Mondays and Weds between 9-11 ish. There were occasionally some other teams as well, but not enough, I'm sure they would be glad to get some games in against someone different.


I'll let the guild know the time schedule, maybe we'll be able to get something together.

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