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Traveling off world before you have a ship?


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I've fired up my first serious alt, a little Sith healer, and have been enjoying seeing the Imperial side of things. Unfortunately I was not digging the look of "lower robes" (why don't they use the amazing cloth simulation this game has?) and looked through the GTN in search of a pair of pants. When I realized that nearly every piece of gear I would ever equip in my leg slot would have that same horrible "stretch the texture" look, I started poking around for another idea. That backup plan turned out to be social gear, and I set out at once to get Social Rank 2, seeing at the Rank 1 set has - you guessed it - the same skirt look for female characters. After running Black Talon a dozen times or so I was all set, and promptly found myself in a bind.


I haven't done a single class quest past level 10, since a friend of mine and I are supposed to be doing our class quests together, as we wanted to see each others' stories. That means I don't have my own ship, and when I tried to stow away on a friend's flight (as I had done on my main character, with a friend's ship) I was informed by an error message saying you cannot get on others' ships until you have your own. Since I don't have a ship, and I can't seem to bum a ride off anyone else, I don't know how I'm going to get to Belmora in order to pick up my Rank 2 social set! I was only able to find shuttles to the first three planets on the space station. Is there any way to travel off world before you have a ship?

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The ony way you can go to another planet that is not the starter or capital world is to get a ship. You need to finish your class quest on your capital world to get it.


Confirmed. When the world event rolled out last month, I wanted to get the speeder for a few of my alts. Getting my lvl 10 to Nar Shadaa proved to be a problem. You can not group with another player and hitch a ride on their ship until you have one of your own. It wouldn't even let me in the darn hanger! :mad:

So I had a guildie power me through the class story to get my ship.

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Its to keep them nasty gold spammers off of random worlds where theyre hard to track down. Most wont go to the trouble of running all the way to a ship cause they are gonna be reported and deleted in a day anyways. Thats why you only ever occasionally see the gold seller spam on starter worlds...and maybe for a couple of hours on fleet once they hit 7. It was also done to stop the people afking low level alts on ilum on chest spawns back in the day when it could still be done. Edited by Xitzay
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Also, you only need social 1 to get a pair of trousers (pants) for your Sorc - the http://www.torhead.com/item/dXKTD1J/civilian-pilot-pants


They cost about 80 Fleet comms tho - so you'll need a ship to get them anyway (and early space missions are easy and a nice source of XP and Credits)


both capital planets also have a social set you can buy at social level 1. they are cheap. you buy them with credits instead of commendations. the pants for those sets are male only though.

Edited by happysister
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both capital planets also have a social set you can buy at social level 1. they are cheap. you buy them with credits instead of commendations. the pants for those sets are male only though.


the social vendor on coruscant has a set for male and female. Are you sure that both pants are male only?

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the female version isn't actually pants, i believe. it's really a skirt. i could be wrong though.


Ah! I see your meaning. Check the schematics from synthweaving and armormech. There may be one there that works with your outfit.

There is an officer set for 'pub and imp trooper set for imps on fleet, but I think you need to have a collector's edition to access it.

This link may be useful:


Edited by JacksonMo
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Thank you for all the suggestions! I swung by the low level social vender to check, and sure enough, it's a skirt for the ladies and pants for the gents. The good news is that I was able to finally able to catch my buddy online and the two of us finished off the first planet and flew away into the space-sun-set in our shiny new ships - and now I have new pants.
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  • 5 months later...


im troooper commando, level 22. When i started in the first planet i finished class quests sending me to taris.. I had another quest (not a class quest ) about board the ship and go to another planet which resulted on higher levels npc's. Means i didnt have to finish a class quest before I leave the planet. The class quest was sending me to a different planet than the regular quest... lol..

My questioin on this is I have to finish the class quests for that particular planet in order to get some good bonus or gear or i can skip class quests.


jose (overseas)

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im troooper commando, level 22. When i started in the first planet i finished class quests sending me to taris.. I had another quest (not a class quest ) about board the ship and go to another planet which resulted on higher levels npc's. Means i didnt have to finish a class quest before I leave the planet. The class quest was sending me to a different planet than the regular quest... lol..

My questioin on this is I have to finish the class quests for that particular planet in order to get some good bonus or gear or i can skip class quests.


jose (overseas)


Hello Jose.

For some reason, when you finish the capital world (Coruscant for Republic characters) you get 2 class missions, one for Taris and one for Nar Shaddaa; and when you finish those, you get another 2, one for Tatooine and one for Alderaan.

The intented progress is Taris - Nar Shaddaa - Taatooine - Alderaan. I have no idea why the game gives you a class mission for the next planet, except to create confusion. :D In any case: finish up at least your class missions in Taris, and be at least level 20, before going to Nar Shaddaa. You can probably finish Nar Shaddaa before starting Taris, but you will have a bit of a hard time unless you level up first - and then all missions in Taris will be grey and give no XP.

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