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Flying mounts at 50 legacy?


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Would be a nice simple update to put in the game for all those dedicated players who have reached 50 legacy. Of course you can post a reason why it shouldnt be in the game. If you work at bioware/know everything about the game engine then please tell me how difficult it would be to implement something like this in the game.


It could cost like 3 million credits and would separate the rich and dedicated from everyone else

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Will never happen, ever. Such a bad idea, terrible idea.


People said this game would beat WoW, look what happened. People said this game will never go F2P too. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?

Edited by DarthWoad
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Would be a nice simple update to put in the game for all those dedicated players who have reached 50 legacy. Of course you can post a reason why it shouldnt be in the game. If you work at bioware/know everything about the game engine then please tell me how difficult it would be to implement something like this in the game.


It could cost like 3 million credits and would separate the rich and dedicated from everyone else


The game's areas are not designed to support flying mounts. Even though I don't work for Bioware, I can tell you how to easily verify this for yourself. Go to Voss, and climb around on the mountains at the edges of areas. They're just like the movie prop face fronts.


The game was designed for you to see the scenery from specific, very controlled viewing angles. WoW started off in a much better position to support flying mounts, and even they had to put months/years of development effort into making the zones support flying mounts. They couldn't have justified it had it not been the focal point for an entire expansion.


With the state of SWTOR, I doubt it will ever be in Bioware's best interests to add WoW-style free-flying mounts.

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People said this game would beat WoW, look what happened. People said this game will never go F2P too. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?


Subscriber battle? no, it didn't beat wow. Engaging stories where you can get yourself immersed like no other and some things actually are a challenge with fun lessons learned throughout the game that make a connection to yourself in your head through your OWN thoughts? Then yes, in that respect it did beat wow. At least for me. By a long shot.


I wish people would stop thinking an mmorpg needs 12 mill subscribers to overtake wow as number 1 subscriber spot to be "better than wow". there are lots of mmos better than wow, wow just happens to be the most popular and runs on LOTS of old machines as well as have tons of polish. I would like to see this game with 8 years of polish. HECK to the YES!


Just because it isn't popular, doesn't mean it isn't good :)

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People said this game will never go F2P too. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?


Can you explain this game going F2P? I have seen no such information? Are you perhaps referring to the upcoming F2P "option"? This game isn't going to F2P....F2P would mean all subs would be cancelled.....and it would be FREE 2 PLAY this game in full - I would hardly call the F2P model, this game going "free to play" ....please educate yourself, before making references. Google, I heard is a good starting point.


Flying mounts would be pretty sweet!! First though, I think I'd like to see the space missions come off the rail system.... :) Let me fly around free in space....before I can fly around a planet.

Edited by DarkkChaos
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People said this game would beat WoW, look what happened. People said this game will never go F2P too. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?



My reason:


You would be able to instantly get most datacrons with no effort.


i think (s)he gave you one.

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People said this game would beat WoW, look what happened. People said this game will never go F2P too. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?


Every MMO that is ever produced is suppose to be a WoW killer Lets look at the record of who actually did it....

SWTOR Failed

GW2 Failed massively

TSW: Super failed

RIFT Mondo failed


No one in their right mind ever believed that, and even Stephen Reid said on twitter after he left Bioware that BW wanted TOR to be F2P from the start and Lucasarts said no, the expectations for TOR has always been 500K to 2 million users and TOR should maintain that expectation when it turns F2P later this year.

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It's not happening and


A) This isn't WoW :eek::rolleyes:

B) A lot of people have been speaking against this idea

C) BW would have to redo parts of maps, etc so that flying mounts could work anywhere w/o seeign flaws on terrains, etc. The point of paths, etc would be useless.

Edited by Eillack
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Have a flying mount? You mean like the taxis on Alderaan? HECK YES!!


See people like the "idea" of flying mounts. They think "oh I'll be able to get from point a to b so much faster. But they don't realize how much that kills the world. You lose so much engagement it turns the entire game into just some thing you fly over, and you'll never see another person on the ground ever again.


No more randomly running into people and joining up with them to take down some enemies

No more big PVP open world battles.

No more jumping out and fighting some guys questing.

If people thought the zones seemed dead before, flying mounts would completely kill them.

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What exactly in this game would you do with a flying mount if you had one???? Serious question that deserves a serious answer (something other then "me wants!")


WoW had to create an entire dynamic in their MMO to make flying mounts useful and desired via their first expansion. Even then, it was only good for the expansion and did not support vanilla content zones. It was not until years later that they completely redid the vanilla zones to support flying.


You should be putting your attention and QQ on wanting off the rails space flight and combat. You stand a much better chance of being listened to and taken seriously if you focus here. AND, guess what.... just like in the case of WoW, we will have to wait for a major expansion to get it.

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It won't happen. Bioware would have to redo all the planet maps which would costs a ton of money. There are too many other things they are working on. The environments we see are just an empty shell. Not a nice and simple change at all. Learn more about how video game environments are created. Even if they did have the resources to do it, you'd find flying very limited. The maps are designed to funnel you and separate you from other areas. If you could fly, you would still hit the invisible borders. The planets are a very enclosed space. Edited by Jedi_Tyran
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Can you explain this game going F2P? I have seen no such information? Are you perhaps referring to the upcoming F2P "option"? This game isn't going to F2P....F2P would mean all subs would be cancelled.....and it would be FREE 2 PLAY this game in full - I would hardly call the F2P model, this game going "free to play" ....please educate yourself, before making references. Google, I heard is a good starting point.


Flying mounts would be pretty sweet!! First though, I think I'd like to see the space missions come off the rail system.... :) Let me fly around free in space....before I can fly around a planet.


Yes I was referring to the upcoming F2P option. So please educate yourself before misinterpreting what everyone says and telling them to educate themselves. And you heard Google is good? Haven't you used it before?

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I understand your thought process behind the idea OP, so Don't think I'm against the concept. but as stated many times already, it's simply too much to change. So the part about your idea that is off base is where you stated it was "simple".


the game eingine and the world structure wasn't even designed to take flying like that into consideration. Add to that the sparse resources available, and the real question is: If they can't put the resources together at the moment to even get a solid structure for people to migrate to the PTR, do you honestly think they would put the herculean effort into redesigning the WHOLE game just so you can fly from point A to point B instead of speeding there?


Probably not.

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