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Bioware please: More character customization options


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It is so lame to see replicas of my character walking around. Same hairstyle, same facial features, they might have a tattoo that is different, but basically it is me with a tattoo. I don't understand why in 2012 you can't release a game with better character customization. A multiplayer game no less. Hell, many single player games offer way more options than this game. You have to know that when you create a game where hundreds of thousands are going to create multiple characters that you are going to need a character creation system that gives you endless options. It should be a friggin requirement for an MMO in my opinion. It should be against the law to release an MMO with crappy character customization. A developer should suffer in a lake of fire for all eternity for releasing a game with antiqued character customization...let me know when I have gone too far. But do you get my point? It is important. Don't put it on the back burner and say, well, that should be good enough, because it's not, not even close.
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i would love a barbershop! i hate making my character and then getting bored of her hair style :/


also, i would like tattoos! in all the mmo's i've played, never once have i had very good tattoo options, usually stuck to racial markings or some such nonsense. anyway, yeah... barbershop and tattoo parlor please! ;D

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There is a serious lack of character customisation and species in the game.


To start with I thought it was needed to allow for 100 man PvP battles but unforuntately despite stylised graphics and a desire to allow many computer systems to play the game this still lead to lag in large battles.


As such I am not sure what the reason behind the lack of choice is. Realistically its a very minor thing and sticks with you all the way through the game, more alien species or facial choices mean a lot to a player who wants his avatar to look how he wants. While I am not sure if space combat (as it is) or the 100th side quest on Belsavis, Voss or Corellia made as much impact.


So I hope there is a great number of additional features come free to play, after all its cosmetic and therefore very far from play to win while popular enough to bring in some revenue.

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To be honest i think another body type for males is really needed, for people that think 2 is too skinny and 3 is too gigantic. People were asking for this around launch and it never got added.


And also i would like more options for customisation, more faces would be a start, but being able to mix and match the different foreheads, eye shapes, noses, cheeks, chins and jawlines would be a huge improvement.

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Before I bought the game, I had a face that I wanted to re-create from a Bioware screen shot. (At that time I thought Bioware media represented the actual game.) I was disappointed to learn that not only could I not come close to what I wanted, I could only choose from a few simple face types from a couple human races.


I sincerely hope that a set of cool face types are released in the future.

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