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My thing with SWTOR PVPERS


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Well, after trolling on the PVP forums once and a bunch of people replying back... i will make a surious one. So this is it, People, i mean alot of people usually only pvp in MMORPG's (Which is obv the dumbest thing since hip hop)

The thing is SWTOR is kinda only PVE game, but thats what some people will not understand.

"WHY IS THERE SO MANY STUNS" you say, let me tell you this... its because the game is mainly used for PVE so when the player does PVE they have a way to defeat enemies who are hard including there adds... but sure... yeah theres always gotta be PVP, but how much idiots some BW fans are we are to dumb to relize this, this, that this is BW pretty much first MMORPG, the only reason WoW made top was because people WoW was one of the first of its kind so it was pretty easy not to screw up PvE/PvP because they had nothing to loose against. And that is what i have to say.


If you want to rant about PvP, I can tell you what I think the real problem is in every game with any form of PvP from SWTOR to freaking Mario Kart.


It's because the majority of PvPers have never been in any kind of a real fight or had any instruction on any kind of a real fight. It's not just MMOs. You can see this everywhere between online gaming to two friends kicking the crap out of each other on Madden. In the real world the only fair fight is the one you win. In gaming, winners are cheaters and losers are victims. In FPS's, it's jumpers and snipers. In MMOs, it's class imbalance and hackers. That's why people gripe about stun locks and such. In the real world, you lose a fight because you went up against someone better than you and lost. Online, you were the better player and the other guy had to resort to cheap tricks to win.


Me personally, I say if you go against anybody in any kind of fight expecting them to play fair you deserve everything that somebody does to you :D. To quote my old drill sergeant, "The only time you're guaranteed to win a fist fight is if you bring a friend with a gun."

Edited by Malles
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Unless you're full WH geared and going up against a Recruit geared nublet here, there's no such thing as solo ganking in TOR WZs. The funny thing about the OP's post was that he rants about the PvP here compared to WoW. Compared to EVE, most other games' PvP is a glorified pillowfight, especially here. No equipment repair costs. No XP debt. No nothing. Whereas in EVE, you can lose literally billions of ISK if your carrier gets hot dropped. I tend to laugh at everyone who complains about PvP in this game, though. :D


Sooo true, I had a Thanatos in EVE that I would literally bring out like only 100 meters from my space station whenever I used it because I was scared of getting ganked by faction warfare hahaha. In honesty though, I like the actual PVP in SWTOR... it's such a nice break from how frustrating and stressful EVE was at times. Not to mention huttball is such a blast. Unfortunately, I rarely participate in queues/matches due to the regular PVPers on my server... complaining and rage quitting etc. I'm like who cares if your team is losing this match? There isn't any consequence for losing so why not just have fun with it instead of straight up abandoning your comrades? Now when I'm in the mood I just world PVP and mess with flagged repubs in the daily areas, but even there I've had someone threaten to report me for some reason even though they were also flagged for PVP and had almost twice as many friends as my group. :confused:


Then again sometimes I wonder if I just don't 'get it' because I'm a female and PVP in any game I've ever played just ends up feeling like a glorified e-peen contest... :rolleyes:


EDIT: Thought perhaps I should include that I'm on a PVE server, so I'll be the first to admit that I don't know how things are on an actual PVP server...

Edited by BaiRui
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Bingo! I'm sorry but this is spot on. In some ways WoW made a few things better (honestly the raids that literally lasted all day were getting to be much.. sunshine is needed and healthy), but in others it's really hurt. WoW brought "barrens chat" being the norm into the world of MMO's... don't even get me started on the entitlement issues. *sighs* and the list goes on and on...


I quoted this player instead of the quote they quoted simply because: Yes, the day long raids were a bit much in Everquest. But..and most of the old timers will agree with me on most points, and will find a few places to nitpick, but that's fine.


D&D started it. in all it's forms

Then Ultima Online stole stuff from it/came up with new stuff

Everquest stole from Ultima Online/came up with new stuff

WoW stole from Everquest/came up with new stuff.


Kiddies..the WoW generation..you dunno what a MMO is until you've played the original MMOs, WoW..SUCKS compared to D&D, Ultima Online, and Everquest. Sure, there's aspects of each of those games that even I don't like (day long raids, corpse runs that took an hour or two, trains..ect) PvP though, is the one thing each of these titles have in common. It's always going to be there. It's just not the main staple of any of these games. You want a game with PvP as a main staple, go to a FPS game. Battlefield for example. MMORPGs focus mainly on player versus environment. That's the facts. There's an exception to every rule, but that doesn't make the exception the rule.


WoW is an MMO dumbed down. Plain and simple. As another player said, if you were to play Everquest, you'd not last but a scant few minutes before you got angry and just flat out quit. It took a different breed to play those games. There was none of the instant gratification found in WoW, or even in ToR. I wish ToR had went more the way of Everquest. It'd be a lot more gratifying to earn a 'saber or a gun, or a piece of armor, or sword.

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Sooo true, I had a Thanatos in EVE that I would literally bring out like only 100 meters from my space station whenever I used it because I was scared of getting ganked by faction warfare hahaha. In honesty though, I like the actual PVP in SWTOR... it's such a nice break from how frustrating and stressful EVE was at times. Not to mention huttball is such a blast. Unfortunately, I rarely participate in queues/matches due to the regular PVPers on my server... complaining and rage quitting etc. I'm like who cares if your team is losing this match? There isn't any consequence for losing so why not just have fun with it instead of straight up abandoning your comrades? Now when I'm in the mood I just world PVP and mess with flagged repubs in the daily areas, but even there I've had someone threaten to report me for some reason even though they were also flagged for PVP and had almost twice as many friends as my group. :confused:


Then again sometimes I wonder if I just don't 'get it' because I'm a female and PVP in any game I've ever played just ends up feeling like a glorified e-peen contest... :rolleyes:


EDIT: Thought perhaps I should include that I'm on a PVE server, so I'll be the first to admit that I don't know how things are on an actual PVP server...


I never said I didn't like pillowfights. I also enjoy the PvP here compared to EVE, sometimes. It's fun to use tactics to win as a team and not have to worry about getting podded and losing my Tengu. lol :D

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