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My thing with SWTOR PVPERS


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Well, after trolling on the PVP forums once and a bunch of people replying back... i will make a surious one. So this is it, People, i mean alot of people usually only pvp in MMORPG's (Which is obv the dumbest thing since hip hop)

The thing is SWTOR is kinda only PVE game, but thats what some people will not understand.

"WHY IS THERE SO MANY STUNS" you say, let me tell you this... its because the game is mainly used for PVE so when the player does PVE they have a way to defeat enemies who are hard including there adds... but sure... yeah theres always gotta be PVP, but how much idiots some BW fans are we are to dumb to relize this, this, that this is BW pretty much first MMORPG, the only reason WoW made top was because people WoW was one of the first of its kind so it was pretty easy not to screw up PvE/PvP because they had nothing to loose against. And that is what i have to say.

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Was trying to follow the rant but then noticed:


"WoW was one of the first of its kind"


Now it is hard to take anything you have to say very seriously. So, I stopped.


I understand this, but this is what started the Revolution of MMORPG PVP/PVE

Edited by MightyVittey
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Was trying to follow the rant but then noticed:


"WoW was one of the first of its kind"


Now it is hard to take anything you have to say very seriously. So, I stopped.


you waited until there to stop caring what he said? i couldnt understand half of it. im assuming english isnt his first language though.

Edited by booziwan
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I actually think the OP is correct in that Wow started something with the MMO genre. I for one would never have known about any of the games on the MMO market without hearing about Wow first.


That is more ignorance from the WoW Generation. WoW brought you in, but it was definitely not what brought MMOs into the mainstream. There were more than several popular MMOs in the market when WoW hit. What WoW did was make an easy MMO for the masses.


If this new generation of MMOers who think that WoW is the catalyst of it all had to play Ultima Online or even Everquest, they would all rage quit in the biggest ball of QQ the gaming world has ever seen.


Seriously, if the history of MMOs were a parking lot, WoW would be a handicap space with shuttle service to the door.

Edited by TheBBP
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I actually think the OP is correct in that Wow started something with the MMO genre. I for one would never have known about any of the games on the MMO market without hearing about Wow first.



Not trying to be offensive with this question, but how old are you? It could explain why you hadnt known of earlier MMOs.

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That is more ignorance from the WoW Generation. WoW brought you in, but it was definitely not what brought MMOs into the mainstream. There were more than several popular MMOs in the market when WoW hit. What WoW did was make an easy MMO for the masses.


If this new generation of MMOers who think that WoW is the catalyst of it all had to play Ultima Online or even Everquest, they would all rage quit in the biggest ball of QQ the gaming world has ever seen.


Seriously, if the history of MMOs were a parking lot, WoW would be a handicap space with shuttle service to the door.


Bingo! I'm sorry but this is spot on. In some ways WoW made a few things better (honestly the raids that literally lasted all day were getting to be much.. sunshine is needed and healthy), but in others it's really hurt. WoW brought "barrens chat" being the norm into the world of MMO's... don't even get me started on the entitlement issues. *sighs* and the list goes on and on...

Edited by Desiirea
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That is more ignorance from the WoW Generation. WoW brought you in, but it was definitely not what brought MMOs into the mainstream. There were more than several popular MMOs in the market when WoW hit. What WoW did was make an easy MMO for the masses.


If this new generation of MMOers who think that WoW is the catalyst of it all had to play Ultima Online or even Everquest, they would all rage quit in the biggest ball of QQ the gaming world has ever seen.


Seriously, if the history of MMOs were a parking lot, WoW would be a handicap space with shuttle service to the door.


well said


i especially like your parking space analogy:D

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I have to agree with TheBBP and Desiirea. I played pen and paper D&D for 2 years, a few MUD's and EQ for 5 to 6 years. Imagine leveling a toon to cap taking a year, not months, weeks, or days. The WoW generation, in many respects, ruined the immersion those of us who played EQ enjoyed.


Unless you played before there were quest guides and such, there truly was immersion. I remember doing the ranger epic searching high and low for quest NPCs when there wasn't a mission bubble floating over their head. The WoW/Console generation wanted it all, now...

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I feel old, started with Ultima Online in '99.


Just for you!

One thing to all the WoW "Kiddies":


Get a pink robe and go back to trammel! *g*



To OP: Why are many stuns i never use in PvE (because i only need max one stun/mezz for a solo fight) a sign that this is a PvE Game?

Edited by Eshmael
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That is more ignorance from the WoW Generation. WoW brought you in, but it was definitely not what brought MMOs into the mainstream. There were more than several popular MMOs in the market when WoW hit. What WoW did was make an easy MMO for the masses.


If this new generation of MMOers who think that WoW is the catalyst of it all had to play Ultima Online or even Everquest, they would all rage quit in the biggest ball of QQ the gaming world has ever seen.


Seriously, if the history of MMOs were a parking lot, WoW would be a handicap space with shuttle service to the door.


You beat me to it. lol


The problem with the WoW Kids is that they think that WoW is the Alpha and the Omega of MMOs. They try to compare every other MMO to WoW, and throw a fit when they run up against one that doesn't fit with what they think an MMO should be. In EVE, we call Champion WoW PvPers "Target Practice" or "Killboard Fodder". :D

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I remember playing UO I was soooo happy I just saved up enough coin to buy a horse. I ran to town on the main road (seemd safe no monsters) and then all of a sudden BLAMMMOOO here comes so dude who ganks my *** steals all of my gear and I was :( . No money and no horse. I took to hiding in the woods and training bears and chopping trees after that. My bears used to prowl the roadside and eat other dudes that just got enoguh coin to go and buy a horse.


That said WoW was good because it was easy. I capped Level 125 while doing a Drudge dance in AC and sat in the plane of Hate waiting for a god to respawn........I killed Leets on Rubi-KA with my giant robots , and face rolled Kryat Dragons with TK/Fencer, I even got to rename a Goblin Squig handler because of some stupid Viloaton and was banned from EQ2 on 3 different accounts. This game is none of those. This game is an online game for Star Wars fans. Its a decent game for what it is.


I forgot where I was going with this except that WoW wasnt the first and I am not sure what the OP was trying to say. I could not understand much besides the first sencance and the WoW sentance. PvP is fun if you dont like it dont do it.

Edited by Ikod
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I understand this, but this is what started the Revolution of MMORPG PVP/PVE


I will say it "OMG N00B!"


I feel old, started with Ultima Online in '99.


Yeah i didn't get into UO I started with EQ then SWG in 03 then Wow came into the picture in 04 WoW was late in to the game. MMO was BIG by the time WoW hit in 04, if you are an old fart like me you will know that MMO's where all over the news long before WoW.

Edited by JohnnyGatt
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The thing is SWTOR is kinda only PVE game, but thats what some people will not understand.


What's even funnier is...BW kinda stated this from the beginning.


In regards to WoW, they did nothing "first/original" other then create a game that was "fun for all". If you really look at all their "innovations", there's really not much original at all about that game. They just made it available to the masses and made it fit their formula. *shrug*


It's true across almost all forms of entertainment though. Hell...look at all the remake movies and songs. And yet people still go, "Oh, you mean that new original song/movie by [insert new singer/group/director here]". While a person in the know goes, "No....I mean that REMAKE of a song/movie by [insert old group/singer/director here]."


Ah well...I digress.

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Wow, what a bunch of haters. Gaming has been around for a looong time now, and unfortunately not everyone was around for those first groundbreaking MMOs. So what if WoW is what introduced a certain player or entire 'generation' to MMOs? I'm 23 now, so I was still in elementary school when some of those early MMOs came out, and I don't feel like that's any reason for anyone to have to apologize for not knowing the entire history of MMO gaming. Personally, I've never played WoW, and my first MMO was EVE Online, but I sure as hell don't walk around with some elitist attitude.... it's an entirely different game with an entirely different gaming style.


As for the OP's discussion, I have to agree that SWTOR is significantly more geared towards PVE, if only based upon my comparison of SW and EVE online. Perhaps its only on my server, but I feel like SW PVPers expect to be able to somehow turn the tide of a match by themselves, rather than collaborate with a cohesive group of different classes to create a well rounded team. I mean EVE had its fair share of OP ships and whatnot, but you learned quickly to just alter your strategy or train up some support skills to counterbalance whatever the flavor of the month was....

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Wow, what a bunch of haters. Gaming has been around for a looong time now, and unfortunately not everyone was around for those first groundbreaking MMOs. So what if WoW is what introduced a certain player or entire 'generation' to MMOs? I'm 23 now, so I was still in elementary school when some of those early MMOs came out, and I don't feel like that's any reason for anyone to have to apologize for not knowing the entire history of MMO gaming. Personally, I've never played WoW, and my first MMO was EVE Online, but I sure as hell don't walk around with some elitist attitude.... it's an entirely different game with an entirely different gaming style.


As for the OP's discussion, I have to agree that SWTOR is significantly more geared towards PVE, if only based upon my comparison of SW and EVE online. Perhaps its only on my server, but I feel like SW PVPers expect to be able to somehow turn the tide of a match by themselves, rather than collaborate with a cohesive group of different classes to create a well rounded team. I mean EVE had its fair share of OP ships and whatnot, but you learned quickly to just alter your strategy or train up some support skills to counterbalance whatever the flavor of the month was....


Unless you're full WH geared and going up against a Recruit geared nublet here, there's no such thing as solo ganking in TOR WZs. The funny thing about the OP's post was that he rants about the PvP here compared to WoW. Compared to EVE, most other games' PvP is a glorified pillowfight, especially here. No equipment repair costs. No XP debt. No nothing. Whereas in EVE, you can lose literally billions of ISK if your carrier gets hot dropped. I tend to laugh at everyone who complains about PvP in this game, though. :D

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