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Help me be evil...


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I enjoy running the gamut of the moral spectrum. I've played a viciously egomaniacal Sith, a martially pacifistic Jedi, a consummate professional Bounty Hunter.


My problem is, I'd like to explore the dark side a little with a Republic character, and I'm having a hard time determining how to do that. While Imperial Dark/Light choices tend to be relatively open to a variety of archetypes, most of the Dark Side choices for Republic characters seem much more limited to just being selfish jerks.


I'm looking at approaching it as a Trooper or Consular, specifically, if possible. I have a Smuggler currently, who's a delightful sort of independent and neutral, and I'd like to stick him to the path unless he would be remarkably better for this. So the question ultimately, is there one who can feel more "natural" taking a Dark approach, or heck, even feel "villainous"? Preferably one where doing so doesn't make all my companions hate me, too?

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Well, as a consular I once destroyed a man's mind with the force to get information out of him. Is that villanous enough?


Generally speaking, legitimately approving-of-evil companions as Republic are few and far between. The only one I can think of is a Knight companion, and, well. Yeah. The rest have their share of dark side approval companions, but as you say, it tends to be because they're selfish jerks who are only in it for the money. That, or they just love shooting captured Imperials.

Edited by Bleeters
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I have a DS consular and a lot of the dark side choices I made were decisions that could be seen as justifiable. Not necessarily nice, certainly not "light", but making sense in a harsh kind of way.


For example: (Consular Act 1/Taris spoiler):



I had the choice of saving one person or medical holocrons that had data that could be used to save millions. The DS choice is to save the holocrons and I can understand that. Letting someone die when their friends are begging you to save them is a pretty terrible thing. That said, it's a difficult decision to have to make. It seemed harsh for my Sage to save the holocrons instead, but from his point of view, sacrificing one to save many was the right thing to do.



Many of the LS/DS choices on Republic side are a little ambiguous. Is it such a bad thing to give medicine to wounded soldiers rather than refugees, for example? Especially if you're a Jedi, some choices are more about not giving into your passions - there's a mission on Tython where the LS choice is to



grass up two padawans who have fallen in love.



I felt like a jerk doing so on my pure LS Sentinel, but I could see why it was a Light choice. They had broken the Jedi Code and were headed on a path that risked leading them to the Dark Side. I believe some of the [Flirt] options net you DS points for the Jedi classes.


On the subject of companions, Qyzen seems to approve of many of my DS choices, usually the ones that involve killing an enemy instead of taking him prisoner. He gets on well with my Consular, who's more the vengeful Knight Templar sort - hates corruption, speciesism and slavery, won't do something wrong for credits, likes killing Imperials etc. However, the other Republic companions, at least the early ones, seem to be very LS, T7 especially.

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Helpful thread. I have one character slot left and since my legacy is all Imp except for a lone gunslinger I figured I'd roll a Jedi next week. I was torn between knight and consular but now I suppose I'll go consular/shadow. If going DS livens up the storyline (which I've heard is dull)...:D
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