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Unremitting vs Unstoppable


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I play a guardian and I know it must be frustrating for people to eat a full master strike with unremitting, but my real question, and pardon me if this has already been asked, is why does the Juggernaut have a very distinctive red glow/shield pop up when they are immune to cc's/interrupts but Guardians have no such distinct animation? It's kind of a pain to try and look at the enemy's small icons for the unremitting symbol while eating said MS, or blowing a CC/KB just to realize they are immune to begin with. Flame on community


Yes it can be nearly impossible to see whether a guardian has unremitting -- especially if other effects are present. Quite a few threads have already been posted on this subject. I'm sure Bioware will fix it ... soon.

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While I don't seem to have an issue with this... I do get it. Being a sorc it does seem easier to recognize the jugs vs guardians.


On the same note... I think the pebbles from the sages should be as visible as a sorcs lightning. It's something that comes with experience and not an issue any more but it would make sense. It's far easier to track the lightning back to it's source than it is tiny pebbles.


Of course its easier, mostly because its every effin where. I once had force lightning coming at me in 4 different directions. We just dont have pebble spammers like you guys have lightning spammers. its not that youre not seeing it, its that its not there nearly as much. Sith side have a crap ton of lightning turrets.


I have been seen a trend coming back from before patch 1.2 and that is the wz is full of mostly inq's and bh's, mostly pt's cause theyre stupid easy and hit like trucks and of course the ever popular dps tanks assissins and then the turret of all turrets sorcs. I have seen so many warzones with just those 3, its like do they know that other classes exist in this game?

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I think we can all agree that sith outswag the republic with ease. I find all of the Republic gear and abilities hideous; it's the only reason I don't play that side.


As for Unremitting, it should be more visible. A giant blue shield!


I quite like a lot of the trooper gear. One reason my main is a commando. Love the trooper gear.


Kind of the exception that proves the rule though (and it's not like BH gear is horrifying).

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I dunno.. all I know is that when i hit one and see that I am doing 3 points of damage with unload or something similar... I use electro dart and stun em. then, while they sit there twitching (because they already blew their escape) I shoot someone else... give a count of 3 and then open up on them again.


I love dropping them like that.. I can just imagine their oatmeal smeared face.. trying to mouth breathe through it.. and then raging.


makes me happy.


brings a smile to mah face.

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I think George Lucas did the same thing in the movies.


The Jedi wear bath robes with hoods on them while the Darth Vader got cool robot clothes.


Jedi got Ewoks and Taun Tauns while the Empire got AT-ST's and AT-AT's.


Compare how cool General Grievous is in comparison to Jar Jar Binks.


Clearly the coolness factor has been in favor of the Empire for long before this game.


Membership has its privileges. ;)

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  • 5 months later...
As a pve player, not a pvp one, I find the untoppable animation extremely annoying. For me, it ruins the rather awesome juggernaut leap animation in a way that the unremitting animation doesn't. I get that people like the larger effect for pvp, although for me, leaping with my guardian is much more satisfying than with my juggernaut. What I'd really like is the ability to turn off pvp informational effects outside pvp and have them automatically activate when one targets a player--and have turning then off be greyed out while flagged, of course. In pve, you know you have it and no one else needs to know. I'd also like them to do something about the area effect notification that's inexplicable for sorcerers/consulars from an in-game perspective. It's something we need to know in pve, but it doesn't have to be so illogical. But that's another issue. Edited by errant_knight
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As a pve player, not a pvp one, I find the untoppable animation extremely annoying. For me, it ruins the rather awesome juggernaut leap animation in a way that the unremitting animation doesn't. I get that people like the larger effect for pvp, although for me, leaping with my guardian is much more satisfying than with my juggernaut. What I'd really like is the ability to turn off pvp informational effects outside pvp and have them automatically activate when one targets a player--and have turning then off be greyed out while flagged, of course. In pve, you know you have it and no one else needs to know. I'd also like them to do something about the area effect notification that's inexplicable for sorcerers/consulars from an in-game perspective. It's something we need to know in pve, but it doesn't have to be so illogical. But that's another issue.


I wish we could hide certain Icon effect indicators and enlarge ones we really care about. Like the 4 buffs and what stance your in and sprint. So I can clearly see what is going on. That would be better for me than the animations.

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