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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You know your in trouble when..


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When you hear your tank snoring on Vent after he pulls the endboss (this actually happened to me in WoW, during our drunken Friday night oldskool raids, good times!)


LOL I may have been in those raids with you!!


When your healer starts running into a wall.

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When the enemy team plants a bomb on a door in Voidstar... While five of your teammates are over there.


When three Sentinels and two Guardians leap at you while you're on a fire pit in Huttball.


When Darth Baras Force charges at you. :D


... when you discover that your "Tank" is actually a sentinel who THINKS he's a tank.


Hah, I've actually tanked Hard Mode flashpoints on my Marauder, holding agro through sheer DPS and using Cloak of Pain whenever I can :D

Edited by Ardim
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When you get pugged for some OP for a guild run and they "forget" to mention that all the Crafting Materials are kept by the Guild for use. This was only after the first BOSS was down. (Master looting enabled)


A PUG for our Guild Run shows up under geared and hides over by the trees so we don't gear check him. Raid leader pulled aggro over by him to help him to the door.

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When you reach the laser bridges on red reaper... and one of the sith sends the tank cliff-diving.



That was an embarrasing walk back through the flashpoint, let me tell you.



Also, when fighting the final boss of EV, when your main tank is stuck in a mind prison, and your offtank gets a little too close to those floating pilar things.

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