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CC Kicking?


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Sorry for the Wall of Text

I recently did a Hard mode FP and was trying to get my group to stop using all their CC's on one enemy then all attack him after, I was marking the mob and posting which to CC for each player and which to burn, and I was promptly kicked at the third mob, after saying, "Do you guys even know how to CC?" I was the Tank and quite shocked by this.


So then I did the Heroic in the Black Hole and ran into a similar problem. Instead of being so aggressive I simple said, "Does everyone know how to CC?" After I received a confirmation from all players we went on to a rather large mob and I tried to mark them all correctly and designate who CC'ed what, but instead of waiting for the CC's to drop OR the tank to initiate combat the Healer did, and promptly died. We beat the mob but only cause I pulled agro and one of the DPS did some handy off-healing. At this point my ire had rose and I said, "Common guy pay attention!" Less then 5 seconds after I said that, the 30 second kick timer began. The healer and the non-healing DPS ignored me and I asked him why, he said "Cause they don't like you, they think your a jerk." he followed up with a "I'm sorry." Then I was alone.

Another time on the same Heroic I was a healer and told everyone, "Stop CC'ing the guys I just CC'ed it a waste!" And was kicked.


I understand that these Heroics are Solo able, but I was the carrying force in the group for all but the Flash point yet I find is astounding that people will not be willing to take and criticism, even if helpful, on their gameplay. If I've done EV 100 times I'm still willing to listen to peoples comments and suggestions about how to handle certain parts of it, even thought I find it remedial. I will always let people know when I feel that their suggestions are harmful or incorrect but more often then not I'll try it out regardless.


I was completely at a loss for words for these recent kickings until today, but I find this pretty asinine. Please tell me if you have been kicked for failure to CC correctly or stating that other group members are failing to CC correct. Its something I have a great interest in: was I wrong to tell them to CC better, should I allow people to figure it out on their own, should people be kicked for harassing to much about 'proper' CC's? I would love to hear feedback on this issue because its one of gaming etiquette and I like to be on top of mine while playing an MMO so not to diminish others gameplay experience.

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Usually when I run something on my shadow, I make my own CC mark. That seems to be the trend with the groups I get, everyone picks a mark then does their CC on that target then it is the tanks job take them out in whatever order (As a tank I usually go for the one that was CC'ed first). I don't have a problem getting aggro if someone else attacks first. If they are breaking CC then I say don't get aggro back and let them die, srsly, they will learn. :)
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Well, I never take anything too seriously when Im in groups. Also, I've done the black hole heroic with just my friend and our companions so with a full group it's really pretty easy regardless of what is cc'd. I have a tank and an operative healer with sleep dart and a droid cc, and as long as there's communication about cc even if is just targets being marked with a lightning bolt I don't think it matters who decides what is cc'd. When I play my tank I might ask for a specific target to be cc'd if I think it'd make the fight easier and the target isn't already marked for cc by someone in the group. And, when I play my operative if I think cc'ing something would make the mob easier to handle for the group and on me as the healer I might say something like "ill cc the droid" before marking it to make sure the group knows. Communication is key either way.


Also, when the healer pulled the mob they may have actually just been doing their cc - my droid cc does the same thing, pulls the rest of the mob onto me which is a other reason why communication is key - the longer it takes the tank to taunt the mob the more energy I waste healing myself or the dps that did the cc or whatever.

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Exactly, thanks for sharing, I usually (as a tank) let them resolve it. However when I'm tank It peeves me when I see 3 CC's land on ine target, then the group decides to burn the CC'ed target effectively wasting their CC's and leave me to handle a mob of 3-5 strong or elite creeps.


The worst is when I am a healer with a CC and state, "I'll CC purple gear, then as I'm channeling it I see some one else drop right on my marked and called target, sometime I can cancel my CC, most of the time I can't the I see the dps attack that char that was just CC'ed and I'm left healing everyone instead of just the tank.


I've been kicked 4 times now for losing my temper at this, not anything vulgur or slanderous. But obviously not friendly, they don't even try to listen and kick me. Is it to much to ask for to expect a person to know to CC correctly? Am I expecting to much from other players?

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Exactly, thanks for sharing, I usually (as a tank) let them resolve it. However when I'm tank It peeves me when I see 3 CC's land on ine target, then the group decides to burn the CC'ed target effectively wasting their CC's and leave me to handle a mob of 3-5 strong or elite creeps.


The worst is when I am a healer with a CC and state, "I'll CC purple gear, then as I'm channeling it I see some one else drop right on my marked and called target, sometime I can cancel my CC, most of the time I can't the I see the dps attack that char that was just CC'ed and I'm left healing everyone instead of just the tank.


I've been kicked 4 times now for losing my temper at this, not anything vulgur or slanderous. But obviously not friendly, they don't even try to listen and kick me. Is it to much to ask for to expect a person to know to CC correctly? Am I expecting to much from other players?


could be that your problem is in how you deliver your message. If you are a dickwad then expect to get kicked

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Yea it sounds like people are reading your messages differently than you want them to. What has worked best for me in the BH heroic and the few ops I've done is marking the mobs to be cc'd and then asking the players to choose which mark they want to have. (I like when others do this too because I like to pick star or shield for some reason.) Then it comes off as less bossy but you're still taking control of the group to make sure stupid **** doesn't happen as much. It's also nice to have one person in charge of the marking since that avoids people trying to mark the same mob.
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I feel for you guys.

I get 13K health Tanks that do not even wait for any CC and then tell me I suck as a healer when they drop dead.


Or the more common one is Sentinels that have 21K health that dive into ever fight before the tank then say the tank sucks.


Or the crazy Commando that shoots every single CC that has a Icon and says sorry like 50 times but we wipe again.

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could be that your problem is in how you deliver your message. If you are a dickwad then expect to get kicked


More people suck at this game then know how to play.


I got a guy other day that says he does Ops all the time, but wiped us 4 times.


Hard to be polite to complete morons. I did not kick him and we finished but others tell me he did it again to them.

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OP, I fully believe that you have run into a good handful of idjits. However, I have to believe that since you are telling us that you have been kicked multiple times, that your delivery of advice to your group members is less than polite.


There are a ton of folks who do not know what they are doing, but in my experience, MOST are open to some tactful advice and knowledge. Very few are so bad that they rage when they are being corrected.


I think you need to work on your tact.

Edited by TheBBP
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There are a ton of folks who do not know what they are doing, but in my experience, MOST are open to some tactful advice and knowledge. Very few are so bad that they rage when they are being corrected.


I think you need to work on your tact.


pretty much this. i've been in some frustrating parties before, but as long as you're polite and don't act all up tight, people will generally listen to your suggestions.


i qued my tank up once and ended up tanking BoI HM with a sage pvper who was full clad in recruit gear, qued as heals, and didn't heal anyone (they were dual specced tank and heals according to them). it was a little obvious that they haven't done HMs before. yeah, i got frustrated, but instead of raging when they made mistakes, i said stuff like, "it's alright. we'll try again." and "let's see if we can't get you some better gear." when i gave them instructions, they listened and very willingly did what i suggested. sometimes it just takes a little patience and understanding.

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...ended up tanking BoI HM with a sage pvper who was full clad in recruit gear, qued as heals, and didn't heal anyone (they were dual specced tank and heals according to them). it was a little obvious that they haven't done HMs before...
A Sage, dual specced tank and healer?


That...does not seem physically possible...

Edited by MishraArtificer
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Sorry for the Wall of Text

I recently did a Hard mode FP and was trying to get my group to stop using all their CC's on one enemy then all attack him after, I was marking the mob and posting which to CC for each player and which to burn, and I was promptly kicked at the third mob, after saying, "Do you guys even know how to CC?" I was the Tank and quite shocked by this. .

Look bud there are alot of ppl out there "including myself" that dont like being criticized about there gameplay I suggest just to keep your mouth shut next time and maybe you might last in a group, just a suggestion. That all,

That crap there I got highlighted in red in your post that you said will get you booted everytime without question, being a ******** in a group doesnt work and its appent you have already found out, if you joined one of are groups and start criticizing how we play I would have booted your butt too so maybe you need to take some advise here :rolleyes:

Edited by Legolose
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Look bud there are alot of ppl out there "including myself" that dont like being criticized about there gameplay I suggest just to keep your mouth shut next time and maybe you might last in a group, just a suggestion. That all,

That crap there I got highlighted in red in your post that you said will get you booted everytime without question, being a ******** in a group doesnt work and its appent you have already found out, if you joined one of are groups and start criticizing how we play I would have booted your butt too so maybe you need to take some advise here :rolleyes:



If you can not learn to get along with others as you think you are perfect then you need to be kicked.

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A Sage, dual specced tank and healer?


That...does not seem physically possible...


i'm just repeating what they told me. it doesn't make any sense to me either because sages don't have a tank spec, but hey. i don't really pvp, so i wouldn't know what newfangled stuff people come up with. but they were definitely a sage, and definitely not specced as full heals. i'm assuming they thought they could tank because they went up the middle tree enough to put points to improve their bubble, but i can't say for sure.

Edited by happysister
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could be that your problem is in how you deliver your message. If you are a dickwad then expect to get kicked



Even though you're right about the correct usage of CC's, you can't just go around being dick to random people.


Before you say something like that, think to yourself: how would I adress this person if he was right in front of me? using certain social "shorthands" such as prefacing your comments with "may I offer some constructive criticism? ..." or even a more straightforward "I don't want to sound like a dick but..."

Edited by RendValor
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Even though you're right about the correct usage of CC's, you can't just go around being dick to random people.


Before you say something like that, think to yourself: how would I adress this person if he was right in front of me? using certain social "shorthands" such as prefacing your comments with "may I offer some constructive criticism? ..." or even a more straightforward "I don't want to sound like a dick but..."


After a stupid wipe due to lack of any CC being polite about it is pretty tough.

I say things like *** why no CC?

Or Hey what you got against CC?

Or Hey is this the way we are going to do the rest of this FP with no CC?


Not being a dick just do not like a 4K armor bill and the first boss is not in sight yet.

Edited by Metalmac
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After a stupid wipe due to lack of any CC being polite about it is pretty tough.

I say things like *** why no CC?

Or Hey what you got against CC?

Or Hey is this the way we are going to do the rest of this FP with no CC?


Not being a dick just do not like a 4K armor bill and the first boss is not in sight yet.


see, if one of my friends or guildies said those things to me, i wouldn't mind so much because i know them and all. but if a stranger said those things to me, it's a little different. not to mention that it can be hard to discern what tone people are using when typing with plain text. that's one reason why i try to be more polite than usual with pugs so that they don't misunderstand what i'm saying and think i'm a jerk.


also, i've seen way worse than a 4k armor bill. >_>

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To me it sounds like you either got bad luck....or you're a jerk/don't know how to say it politely.


Yes, there's a lot of people that can't handle criticism.

Yes, there's a lot of people that don't know how to play effectively.

Yes, there's a lot of people that are just stubborn and want to do it their way or no way.

Then, the worst, there's people that are all three.

So you give them the option to just kick you instead? They'll take it.


But that's also a bad on your other group members, not just the person kicking. IF your criticism didn't come off as being an elitest a-hole, they should have voted "No" on the kick.

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Usually I mark a target and then type "I'll cc gear", wait a moment, then go ahead and do it unless it's apparent the group wants to do something different.


I seldom try to get anyone else to play differently. If someone busts my cc, it's usually by mistake. If it happens several times I'll type "please be careful of cc", but that's about it.


This approach has led to success in the many many pug flashpoints I've run.

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Some people get really impatient.


Look, there are some tanks that will stand in front of each pull for like 30 seconds. That is insanely annoying and makes the run take forever. When I'm not tanking I hate putting up with this. I will go a long with it because I'd rather not wipe but sometimes the tank is just too damn slow and wanting to CC things that don't need to be CC'd.


My tanks are pretty geared and I run with an amazing healer so I don't CC at all. I don't mind when a tank wants to CC but it's important to understand that as the tank you are setting the pace of the FP. If you are going too slow, taking too much time and being bossy over things that may not matter (you cleared the pull without your healer, imagine if you just started the fight and let him heal you) then people will get fed up. I sympathize, I play 4 different tanks and it's what I spend most of my time doing in this game but part of your job is to go with what the group wants sometimes. For people to kick a tank and take a chance on waiting for another to queue it must be worse than you are saying.


Be respectful to your group. You may be the tank but you are still only 1 of 4 people.

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Sorry for the Wall of Text

I recently did a Hard mode FP and was trying to get my group to stop using all their CC's on one enemy then all attack him after, I was marking the mob and posting which to CC for each player and which to burn, and I was promptly kicked at the third mob, after saying, "Do you guys even know how to CC?" I was the Tank and quite shocked by this.


So then I did the Heroic in the Black Hole and ran into a similar problem. Instead of being so aggressive I simple said, "Does everyone know how to CC?" After I received a confirmation from all players we went on to a rather large mob and I tried to mark them all correctly and designate who CC'ed what, but instead of waiting for the CC's to drop OR the tank to initiate combat the Healer did, and promptly died. We beat the mob but only cause I pulled agro and one of the DPS did some handy off-healing. At this point my ire had rose and I said, "Common guy pay attention!" Less then 5 seconds after I said that, the 30 second kick timer began. The healer and the non-healing DPS ignored me and I asked him why, he said "Cause they don't like you, they think your a jerk." he followed up with a "I'm sorry." Then I was alone.

Another time on the same Heroic I was a healer and told everyone, "Stop CC'ing the guys I just CC'ed it a waste!" And was kicked.


I understand that these Heroics are Solo able, but I was the carrying force in the group for all but the Flash point yet I find is astounding that people will not be willing to take and criticism, even if helpful, on their gameplay. If I've done EV 100 times I'm still willing to listen to peoples comments and suggestions about how to handle certain parts of it, even thought I find it remedial. I will always let people know when I feel that their suggestions are harmful or incorrect but more often then not I'll try it out regardless.


I was completely at a loss for words for these recent kickings until today, but I find this pretty asinine. Please tell me if you have been kicked for failure to CC correctly or stating that other group members are failing to CC correct. Its something I have a great interest in: was I wrong to tell them to CC better, should I allow people to figure it out on their own, should people be kicked for harassing to much about 'proper' CC's? I would love to hear feedback on this issue because its one of gaming etiquette and I like to be on top of mine while playing an MMO so not to diminish others gameplay experience.


Screw 'em. Seriously. I don't want to hear that "I'm new to MMO's" garbage. Nothing wrong with asking questions and plenty wrong with not asking questions. I'd rather have an ignorant player who's open to learning instead of an oversensitive player who considers any form of criticism as harassment. I gave up trying to play nice with those guys years ago. Fact is, some people never leave high school and there's nothing you can do to help them out or work with them.


When I form or join any group, pug or otherwise, I mark a kill order and ask the players with CC to hit the pretty blue lightning bolt. Then remind the one guy who popped an AoE to not do that and move on to the next mob. If they don't get it within the first three wipes, I privately whisper whoever I think is doing something wrong and ask them what's up. Because chewing someone out in public is never the right thing to do in an MMO no matter what they did wrong.


Normally, that's all it takes. Quick spot correction and we're set. Even if they're feelings are hurt, they'll drop group on their own and get replaced. No big deal. But sometimes that person will try and get you kicked, and then all it takes is one other person to agree with them before you're gone. It's a coin flip. Honestly, if you get kicked for trying to better the group it's not a group you need to be a part of anyway.

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