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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New to the game - pessimism all around!


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Actually I have found it's the other way around. Complaints mostly seem to be leveled at Bioware, at it seems to me the most common action after that as far as who is trying to convince who is the smaller group of game supporters that try to convince those naysayers the game is fine, it is the naysayers fault, or they should leave and play something else.


Which of course 2/3 of the players did exactly that.


It is always interesting to me when a game critic will try and convince fans his opinion is a defensible one. After all, it doesn't matter what the game fans think...they will say and do anything to try and discredit the critic, and history is on the critics side...the game has lost a substantial amount of players. No amount of spin is going to change that.


What I am most concerned about is the folks that do not post their complaints and simply leave. I would rather they speak up...Bioware needs to hear what players feel is wrong with their game IMO.






If more of the "negative" things had been fixed in late Beta or in the first 6 months after the game going Live, then the game would likely still have more than 500,000 subs and wouldn't be going F2P/cashshop.


The very worst thing Bioware EA needs to do is listen to the "everything is fine" brigade (those that haven't already quit - which is a huge irony in itself :confused:), they've been so wrong, so often in SWTOR it's appalling and depressing. :(


For every person that posts something "negative" about the game that they feel needs improving here, 10 or more have just silently quit (my entire guild of 30 long time MMORPG players quit, for the "negative" reasons, and only 1 of them ever posted on these forums).


Bioware EA needs to fix the "negative" issues and get the game growing again.

Edited by Goretzu
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Actually I have found it's the other way around. Complaints mostly seem to be leveled at Bioware, at it seems to me the most common action after that as far as who is trying to convince who is the smaller group of game supporters that try to convince those naysayers the game is fine, it is the naysayers fault, or they should leave and play something else.


Which of course 2/3 of the players did exactly that.


It is always interesting to me when a game critic will try and convince fans his opinion is a defensible one. After all, it doesn't matter what the game fans think...they will say and do anything to try and discredit the critic, and history is on the critics side...the game has lost a substantial amount of players. No amount of spin is going to change that.


What I am most concerned about is the folks that do not post their complaints and simply leave. I would rather they speak up...Bioware needs to hear what players feel is wrong with their game IMO.


Well said.

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I know what you mean. But just remember that forums are where angry people go to complain, usually, at least in terms of the General Discussion forum.


Of course there are others who come just to read and respond and contribute, but the percentage of players who visit the forums is a small one. Most of the players are in the game, having fun and playing!


Complaining (in a constructive way) is very important and is most definitely contributing to the forums. I complain, and many others, because we like the game. But this game is having some serious problems retaining subscribers, and so we voice our complaints and concerns so that maybe Bioware will listen. Although it seems Bioware rarely does, which in turn makes us angry.


Please try not to hold it against me and those like me. There is just so much potential being wasted with this game, it is very hard not to get angry and frustrated sometimes. :(

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Complaining (in a constructive way) is very important and is most definitely contributing to the forums. I complain, and many others, because we like the game. But this game is having some serious problems retaining subscribers, and so we voice our complaints and concerns so that maybe Bioware will listen. Although it seems Bioware rarely does, which in turn makes us angry.


Please try not to hold it against me and those like me. There is just so much potential being wasted with this game, it is very hard not to get angry and frustrated sometimes. :(


Well said.

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Complaining (in a constructive way) is very important and is most definitely contributing to the forums. I complain, and many others, because we like the game. But this game is having some serious problems retaining subscribers, and so we voice our complaints and concerns so that maybe Bioware will listen. Although it seems Bioware rarely does, which in turn makes us angry.


Please try not to hold it against me and those like me. There is just so much potential being wasted with this game, it is very hard not to get angry and frustrated sometimes. :(


I'm not sure the subscribers who left all want the same things, or even knew what they wanted in particular.


I've seen a lot of people complaining that they expected this game to be SWG2, and were disappointed when it wasn't. When there was plenty of information beforehand describing what this game would and would NOT be, those kinds of complaints are just useless.


Meaningful complaints, such as game-breaking bugs, some of the work that's been done on balance issues in other areas of the forum, and the like are always welcome and i could put those in the category of "contributions".


Complaints that this game sucks because it didn't have a customizable UI at launch are silly. It's much better with a customizable UI, but it was easily playable without it.


And let me add some of the "This Game Isn't Star Wars" complaints as well. Completely ridiculous in nature and completely subjective.

Edited by Kubernetic
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If more of the "negative" things had been fixed in late Beta or in the first 6 months after the game going Live, then the game would likely still have more than 500,000 subs and wouldn't be going F2P/cashshop.


The very worst thing Bioware EA needs to do is listen to the "everything is fine" brigade (those that haven't already quit - which is a huge irony in itself :confused:), they've been so wrong, so often in SWTOR it's appalling and depressing. :(


For every person that posts something "negative" about the game that they feel needs improving here, 10 or more have just silently quit (my entire guild of 30 long time MMORPG players quit, for the "negative" reasons, and only 1 of them ever posted on these forums).


Bioware EA needs to fix the "negative" issues and get the game growing again.


According to the hate machine, if you say anything positive and you are part of the "everything is fine brigade" :rolleyes: No one said everything is fine there are issues I complain about them too, but having issues and subscribing to the cult of goofy girl that has taken up residence on these forums are two entirely different things.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I'm not sure the subscribers who left all want the same things, or even knew what they wanted in particular.


I've seen a lot of people complaining that they expected this game to be SWG2, and were disappointed when it wasn't. When there was plenty of information beforehand describing what this game would and would NOT be, those kinds of complaints are just useless.


Meaningful complaints, such as game-breaking bugs, some of the work that's been done on balance issues in other areas of the forum, and the like are always welcome and i could put those in the category of "contributions".


Complaints that this game sucks because it didn't have a customizable UI at launch are silly. It's much better with a customizable UI, but it was easily playable without it.


And let me add some of the "This Game Isn't Star Wars" complaints as well. Completely ridiculous in nature and completely subjective.


To the person complaining, their complaint is important to them. So some of them voice it on the forums. As long as it is constructive and not "omg, I hate this stupid game, I quit, the end", then I think it is a good thing to post their complaint as it helps with feedback and gives other players a chance to discuss it as well.


Just because someone else's complaint/concern is ridiculous and/or uselss in your opinion, does not mean it is not a valid complaint.

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A lot of experienced (and some times spoiled) MMO players have taken up this game. This has sadly lead to many people believing this game should be identical, if not far succeed, the game they left (or forced to leave in the case of Star Wars Galaxy) to play this.


Believe me, it was actually much worse in the past (especially around patch 1.2) and things have been improving quiet nicely since then.


As an experienced MMO players, what disappoints me most about this game is that it is too similar to the wrong game. I won't utter the name but it starts with a "W", ends with a "W", and has an "o" in the middle.

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It's because of two main reasons.


1. F2P. This is scary and good at the same time.

2. The new 1.4 updates. Though it will be awesome! There are A LOT of changes to peoples individual characters. So if someone has been playing the same way for a year than obviously they will be upset.


Expect that again soon!! and a new WZ and FP!


I admit I have been pessimistic, so forgive me (us?), if we are still here we really like it too! It's just rough when your "toon" get's altered dramatically.

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6 years of wow, rarely visited blizz forums


Here, two weeks in visited cs forum for help with fps issues. Actively supported and contributed to "awful fps" and other threads which intended to help bioware resolve fps issues in ilum and war zones.


3 months, and nothing. Bioware claims performance issues are client side.


All Friends except 1 quit game, I soldier on, write several guides for PvP.


Bioware pulls rated war zones mere hours before maintenance.


Post in twitter about possible fps fixes, #swtor filled with fanbois and haters.


A long list of bioware fails. #swtor becomes barren except for the occasional blog ad.


Stop playing after going through confusion, denial, anger, bargaining...


I have accepted the fact that this game won't get better.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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I think there are a quite a few depressed Star wars fans around here because;


a. It's not like you can go play another Star Wars MMO if you don't like this one.


b. After SWTOR has turned out to be a huge financial disappointment for EA and Bioware, it's doubtful that there will be another Star Wars MMO in the near future or perhaps even ever again. I would not be surprised if Lucas Arts decided that the risk of another disappointing MMO was to big a risk to take and might hurt the Star Wars brand.

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I think one of my worst fears is that this game will go the route of so many WoW competitors, and just be scrapped after a certain low has been reached. It'd break my heart. :(


LOTRO hasn't been scrapped it's thriving

Same with DDO

CO despite having an abysmal launch has quite the community

EQ II is doing just fine


So really SWTOR has a good chance too if they are diligent, nothing is guaranteed, but I'll remain optimistic.

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LOTRO hasn't been scrapped it's thriving

Same with DDO

CO despite having an abysmal launch has quite the community

EQ II is doing just fine


So really SWTOR has a good chance too if they are diligent, nothing is guaranteed, but I'll remain optimistic.


Then we shall remain hopeful together.


In the meantime, I am looking for some good RP guilds on Jung Ma. Any suggestions?

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Well OP, there isn't much more I can add. You can see there are a myriad for reasons for concern or maybe even fear. Of course, forums are the place to vent so if you hang around here for long you may get the feeling TOR will shut down operations any minute. lol. Nevertheless, what you also see more prevalent now are posts from those who are enjoying the game and continue to support it. They may be critical but they are nonetheless actively supporting the game with their subs.


What is harder to understand is the hate and vitriol some (who have left long ago) had for this game. So much so that even after they quit playing they would routinely come here and continue their jihad. I'm not really sure why and I certainly don't understand it. It was a game within the game as others have pointed out, but it seemed pointless to me if you have no vested interest. But most of those individuals are gone now and... good riddance.


However, for the most part, the subs and players left are a stabilizing into a community of sorts that includes a wide spectrum of opinions and desires. You still see the "I quit" posts from time to time but usually it is more of a departure with a possible return as opposed to the "I hate BW and I hate you for staying" crap of the past.


I certainly like and need to see criticism of the game. Offering opinions on what can be improved or complaints on any aspect is warranted. But to have a real conversation that may mean something to the powers that be, we had to get over the fanboi stigma and the obvious vendettas. And this is where I think we are now. The conversations are seemingly more tame but the concerns are just as valid. Personally, I think we are moving in the right direction as a community. But.... BW has got to step up and deliver on content whether it be updates or fixes and continue to improve the game. I will be here for a loooong time. I love the game and I have taken my time to ensure I get the most out of it. I don't see the hate anymore. I see concerned fans that are here hoping to stay a while.

Edited by Rafaman
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LOTRO hasn't been scrapped it's thriving

Same with DDO

CO despite having an abysmal launch has quite the community

EQ II is doing just fine


So really SWTOR has a good chance too if they are diligent, nothing is guaranteed, but I'll remain optimistic.


The next six months-ish should tell the tale.


If they try to re-hook the crowd that already gave up by going more WoW-ish. It will die a quick death. That ship has sailed and one doesn't get a second chance to make a first impression.


If they try to cater to the wants of those who tough it out, they have a chance.

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Honestly, I have my gripes with the game....


....but...I see it this way. The people that are negative and complaining are only doing so because they want it to succeed. Sometimes people are just not very good at getting their point across in a constructive manner.


If I (or they) hated the game, they wouldn't be posting or playing now would they? We all just want this to work...it's just they make some really bad decisions over there in texas....(in my opinion of course)


Agreed. Some really bone headed decisions. For example, the Dread Gear. I don't care if it was "planned". Evolve, be responsive to your customers or...oh, well, we've already seen what happens when you don't.

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