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This is not Star Wars


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So, if people don't support something you do or like you basic reaction is to dismiss them?


I never said it was THE reason that people left, read my post.


My "friends" have a right to their opinion, if that make them ignorant and close minded then i prefer them over those blindly led.


Everyone has a right to their opinion, including those who don't like the time line of the game.


Well just to chime in, you really did paint your friends as ignorant. :o

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So.. only people who play subscription based MMO:s have decent PC:s? :D


No - but the requirements for TOR to run smoothly aren't very friendly to casual gamers or a general Star Wars fan, as something like, oh I don't know, WoW might be. It's just a simple fact. If F2P is intended to bring in as many people as possible, a constraint will be the system requirements for TOR.

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you can run this game fine on a $70 card (radeon HD 6770) i know because ive done it. it may not be beautiful but SWG was absolutely hideous and people loved that apparently.


So let me get this straight - some guy or gal that didn't want to pay $60 for the box or $15 a month for a subscription will now go out and have the motivation and money to get a $70 video card, install it themselves into their PC, then find out the rest of their machine is outdated, know to replace their drivers and whatever else might apply, still to possibly find their processor is 4 years too old, get a new PC THEN play TOR as F2P!


Even if that is hyperbole, my earlier point was the average Star Wars fan is not necessarily a gamer with a rig that matches the minimum requirements for TOR to run smoothly. This has been a problem even for gamers and fans who were motivated to play TOR since it launched.

Edited by arunav
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No - but the requirements for TOR to run smoothly aren't very friendly to casual gamers or a general Star Wars fan, as something like, oh I don't know, WoW might be. It's just a simple fact. If F2P is intended to bring in as many people as possible, a constraint will be the system requirements for TOR.


I doubt it. It's not like the game needs somekind of hadron collider to work. Any 2-3 year old middle class pc will run it. Remember that those "casuals" are not going to scream in the forums when their FPS counter drops under 90 with maximum settings.

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honestly i like the old republic story way more than the one in the movies.i`m talking about KoTOR story...whoever wrote it.in SWTOR...class storyline is good...but generally,i see some failures in it.Ofc...i`m talking about my personal experience.1st...Darth Revan has been made so irrelevant in this whole story.before i joined SWTOR...i was hoping and expecting the Revan story will be continued or at least expanded...and now all you do is killing him in one flashpoint..which i cannot remember last time i`ve done it.2nd.....Darth Malgus...seeing the trailer made me wanna play sith warrior even before i started it...and it ends with killing him in flashpoint also?idk guys...but if i were their boss...i`d fire those story writers right away
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I doubt it. It's not like the game needs somekind of hadron collider to work. Any 2-3 year old middle class pc will run it. Remember that those "casuals" are not going to scream in the forums when their FPS counter drops under 90 with maximum settings.


Ya think...


They will, that will always be a constant in any game whether its P2P or F2P.


Then again going back to the posters original point re the resources reqd to run TOR.. they are actually pretty low but that isn't reallly the issue as we have all come to know.

High spec, spanking new high priced PC's are suffering just as much as PC's brought out of the Arc. The performance issues are wide and varied and not limited to one end or the other of the PC market, that for me is the key indicator that there is some underlying fundemental issue within the game design whether it be engine related or not.. but i'll leave that upto the tech wizards on here to banter around though.. cos getting even a relatively stable 30FPS is a trial and tribulation for lots, 90FPS is nothing more than a dream for many, many others :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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there is always a few in the crowd, that think the only cannon is the original stories, you can show them the evidence but, hey if they can't think beyond the 1-6 box nothing you can do about it, you plead your case, it is a shame they cut themselves out of allot of good story telling.. For me I read the expanded universe sruff and it mostly has the blessing of GL, but i am one one of those people that prefer my stories and lore come from the maker GL himself.

I did enjoy the expanded universe and some of the fit in really well, the universe is a huge place, lot more stories out there other than Luke, and Han's..

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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?


So in this case, ignorance was not bliss :rak_01:


And I was so prepared to come in here and say, "Yeah huh it is too!" But you were making a serious discussion :p


But yeah, you argument definitely has weight. . .unfortunately. I love this game, still :D Never EVER played a MMORPG this long in my entire gaming life, and I can't get enough (Unless I'm doing something else).

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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?


I hear what you are saying...the attraction for me to SWG all those years ago was very much that the game was set in between eps 4 and 5 with little to no Jedi roaming around. The idea was you were playing any role you wanted within that setting and it was successful I think because of its familiarity in terms of time line.


With SWTOR, not only have they gone down the gung ho You are the HERO and nohing less than that route (which would be fine in and of itself) but I also think the time line and era do put people off unless they are proper fans and/or have knowledge of the expanded universe.


I am one of the biggest Star Wars and MMORPG geeks I know and EVEN I occasionally feel detached from the Star Wars universe when playing. I think it would help to have a few more species and soft features that are more grounded in the traditional Star Wars universe in order to offer players some instant familiarity...



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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?




No. There was a Star Wars MMO set in that time period and it failed.


For those saying they don't like this Star Wars setting / story because of the timeframe it's in, ask them how they'd feel about thousands of Jedi running around during the time period of episodes IV-VI.

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also, i know you say jedi´s were alot more common in old rep days, but 2 of 4 of classes are jedi´s ? Maybe it´s just me but i think it´s a bit much. I cant get in a group without a jedi. And all jedi´s are freaking hero´s that according to class stories have basicly saved the world singlehandedly. I love my class story, but i also love to hate it. It just makes no sense from a mmo perspective especially if you are a roleplayer.
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No. There was a Star Wars MMO set in that time period and it failed.


For those saying they don't like this Star Wars setting / story because of the timeframe it's in, ask them how they'd feel about thousands of Jedi running around during the time period of episodes IV-VI.


Right? There were many reason SWG sucked poodoo balls, and the jedi thing you mention was one of them. I personally love this setting, and it, to me, is as SW as it gets. To me, its an evolution of what SW means, what it is.

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also, i know you say jedi´s were alot more common in old rep days, but 2 of 4 of classes are jedi´s ? Maybe it´s just me but i think it´s a bit much. I cant get in a group without a jedi. And all jedi´s are freaking hero´s that according to class stories have basicly saved the world singlehandedly. I love my class story, but i also love to hate it. It just makes no sense from a mmo perspective especially if you are a roleplayer.


Luke was a hero that saved the Galaxy. . .twice. And he was a what?

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I tend to think people like the OP's friends maybe a small minority.




I definitley think this game could benefit from a sort of visionquest quest chain, flashpoint, or Op. Where through meditation or w/e we as players particpate in the movie cannon in some way.


Maybe not directly but like some weird crazy old force user prohpet type could make a player, group, or Op-group inhabit some bodies in the far off future to help secure the escape of a certain Bothan with secret plans for some super weapon. Could be cool to fight some straight up stormtroopers, ATSTs OR ATATs etc. And at the end we die but the mission is succesful.


Pubs could think they are helping the coming of "The Chosen One" prophecy and Sith could think they are aiding the most poweful Sith Lord ever. The gag being they're the same person or w/e. Some kind of convoluted time travel destiny crap.


I dont know, There maybe liscencing issues but even using the prequels exclusively could be something. like Pubs do something regarding Kashyyk to help a certain lil-green master slip away and Sith help execute Order 66 or something.


Just something that loosley ties our characters to most known cannon. I just think it could make a player's adventure more meaningful in some way. LIke "Without me something in the movies couldnt of happened"


If that makes any sense... ;p

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I tend to think people like the OP's friends maybe a small minority.




I definitley think this game could benefit from a sort of visionquest quest chain, flashpoint, or Op. Where through meditation or w/e we as players particpate in the movie cannon in some way.


Maybe not directly but like some weird crazy old force user prohpet type could make a player, group, or Op-group inhabit some bodies in the far off future to help secure the escape of a certain Bothan with secret plans for some super weapon. Could be cool to fight some straight up stormtroopers, ATSTs OR ATATs etc. And at the end we die but the mission is succesful.


Pubs could think they are helping the coming of "The Chosen One" prophecy and Sith could think they are aiding the most poweful Sith Lord ever. The gag being they're the same person or w/e. Some kind of convoluted time travel destiny crap.


I dont know, There maybe liscencing issues but even using the prequels exclusively could be something. like Pubs do something regarding Kashyyk to help a certain lil-green master slip away and Sith help execute Order 66 or something.


Just something that loosley ties our characters to most known cannon. I just think it could make a player's adventure more meaningful in some way. LIke "Without me something in the movies couldnt of happened"


If that makes any sense... ;p


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but please no! That is all. . .

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I was talking to a couple of people about this game and tried to persuade them to sign up and play, but they said the game was "Not star Wars" i asked them to explain and they stated that to them star wars was Episode 1-6 and if the game was set in that time period they would be more than happy to join us all online. they were not interested in Luke, Leah Or Han Solo they just wanted to play Star Wars in the time line of the movies as this is Star Wars as they understand it.


I showed them the game and they said that this games story is too foreign from the original movies universe and this just seems like a space MMO with Light Sabers and Blasters.


This got me thinking, could this be one of the reasons there is such an exodus from the game is because people expected to play in the universe of Episode 1-6, but found that they where thousands of years before that and that all that they know as Star Wars is no where to be seen?


This game reeks of fantasy.


Art design for cloth and armor - worst ever in a mmorrpg? DCUO as an example has way better Sci-Fi art or about any FPS Sci-Fi'ish game out on the market.


The Force: except the obvious lightning "why oh why" are there so much color- BioWare have butchered the mysticism of the whole idea the force which we all (well most I belive) is so fond of.*


The "War" in Star Wars: We want war between the factions, Republic and Empire, Jedi and Sith and the criminals mixed up inbetween such as scoundrels and fringers, Bounty Hunters, Hutts, Black Sun etc. etc. Instead BioWare have created and is currently only focusing on 3'rd party major forces- "heck" they might aswell be peace between the Reps and Imps as they could be allies fighting every other threat that BioWare throws into this game.


Space: Sorry BioWare, the rail-shooter does not count. So much untapped possibilities.. I'm stunned.. shocked.


more fantasy.. poor excuses for implementing yet more fantasy.. Voss.. a colorful uber force species nullifying and making the Jedi and the Sith almost obsolete.. and the we-need-even-more-fantasy-let's-create-mineotaurs-Esh-Kah


and of/c the "we-need-to-have-a-atlantian-themed-super-race-rakata" which alone imho creates every plot now and in the future up until 2'nd Death Star obsolete.


sorry for the spelling here, rambling!

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Not at all. =)


halfbaked idea is halfbaked ;p


Thank you. I mean that. I just hurt some other person's feelings, but it came across as complaining, what that other person was saying, and its just tiresome.


Also, more to what you said, its just that you gotta love this game for what is is, Star Wars in the way way back times, when things were actually more advanced :D

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also, i know you say jedi´s were alot more common in old rep days, but 2 of 4 of classes are jedi´s ? Maybe it´s just me but i think it´s a bit much. I cant get in a group without a jedi. And all jedi´s are freaking hero´s that according to class stories have basicly saved the world singlehandedly. I love my class story, but i also love to hate it. It just makes no sense from a mmo perspective especially if you are a roleplayer.


OK, all Jedi are heroes. So are all Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents, and Smugglers. That's the point of the BioWare stories. No matter which class you play, you're a hero. (Well, I guess depending on the choices you make. You could also be an anti-hero.)

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No its not a Star Wars the movies game. Its a Star Wars universe KOTOR game. I happend to really like the KOTOR universe so Im fine with it.


Trouble is that they did not really choose though, they made it a bit of a mixture. Which is all still fine with me. The setting doesnt bother me one bit.

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For as many people who will want to play Jedi, this is the era to play in. You're far enough back Jedi are "common" and not so close to the Rise Of The Sith that- A) You have the rule of two, and B) You know your Jedi isn't going to get a blaster bolt to the head when the Emperor unleashes his secret order.


Who on earth would want to play a Jedi he knew was going to get shot in the back by his trooper in 6 months?


And for the poster above me, I think your signature is exaggerating a bit. WAR was a black hole of Fail. It sucked the fail right out of other nearby lameness just to bolster its own fail. It was little more than a first person shooter with a barely functional paperdoll.


To the folks talking about SWG. Am I the only one who wants to take half of SWG and just port it over into SWTOR? The housing, space, and tradeskills?

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