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Force and Blade; hard decision with a story


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Hi everybody. I want to complete game as Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor and I don't want to create mirrors. So here is my question, what would you recommended me as a Jedi Consular and what as Sith Inquisitor. Which advance class fits better to Jedi and Sith. I am afraid that if I choose Sage it will be boring because I saw that Sage's skills mostly contain mixes of Force Push, but I can be wrong. Double-Bladed Sabers always are cool since Darth Maul's appearance in Phantom Menace but playing as tank for the second time with the identical class would be probably boring. Now goes the most meaningful thing which I consider about picking a advance class, so enjoy reading a story I created: In my Legacy tree Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor are two sisters separated right after birth beacuse their mother died during childbirth , one was taken by Republic, second by Empire. One of them is mistress of The Force and second one mistress of Light Saber, now I have to decide which one will be Sage or Shadow and Assassin or Sorcerer. Another part of story is that that despite they don't know each other, because of Force they can sense each other's presence and in future they will meet and face a duel in which they will find out about their origin (I don't know result yet). As irrelevant as it can be this is very hard decision to me so I appreciate any help I can get.


And btw, if you find this story interesting let me know, maybe I will write more :)

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Here's the thing, when they wrote and animated the SI story, they put a lot of work into making it very full of lightning and sorcery and ancient Sith magics. And, I mean, the Assassin can do some pretty great Dark Side stuff, but the story was clearly written for a Sorcerer who likes to Assassinate, rather than an Assassin who likes magic, if you understand my meaning there.


Now the Consular's story is a lot less focused on the "magic-y" side of things (Force-y just didn't feel right). The first act of your story has you learn some powerful Force tricks, but a lot of what happens throughout is diplomacy and general Force combat-styled stuff. And since the Jedi don't just send you to make peace, but also to take down threats, it works quite well (even better for me, actually) as a Shadow.


Plus, visually, the Sorc and Shadow are the better lookers in the group, just IMO. The Assassin's higher-level abilities are, visually, pretty ******, but the Sorcerer trumps him, and the Sage's animations are a little plain vanilla for my taste.


TL;DR Go Sorcerer and Shadow.

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Sorcerer's animations+combat abilities are a million times better to watch than the Sage's. I mean, infinite lightning vs. infinite pebbles. Also, many Inquisitor custcenes involve throwing Force lightning, which may feel more natural to a Sorcerer.


So my vote is Sorcerer/Shadow.

I also recommend going Sorcerer/Shadow because you get ur healer companion way earlier as a consular, the sorcerer abilities are more eye catching, not to mention the story makes more sense as a sorcerer
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