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30% snare on sweltering heat for Assault Commandos.


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So not only did we NOT get ANY defensive CD help for Assault for PVP, they reduced the snare from 50% down to 30%. Keep in mind the snare lasts a whopping TWO SECONDS. Now while the % reduction doesn't seem much to you, remember the melee classes like Juggs/Maras have a low cost spammable snare that reduces speed by 50% for 9 SECONDS and if they're spec'd Focus, a 60% snare that makes you move slower the more it ticks.


So all they have to do now is hit us with it once and we have to start burning our CDs just to gain some distance. Now you are required to spec Degauss if you want to PVP, and this only removes existing snares so if they re-apply it you're screwed. Once again you make a change to Troopers focused exclusively on PVP and don't consider the impact to both the advanced classes. I'm guessing the 30% reduction is to make it harder for Vanguards to keep their targets in their new 10m range? ok, great, but what about Commandos?


What is the reasoning behind this? are we not dying fast enough to melee that you have to make it even easier for them to stay in melee range? are we destroying melee classes in PVP in such a way to be considered OP? Where are the survivability changes that we've been asking for months?


You're leaving melee the way they are and nerfing Vanguards, well reducing the range on some of their attacks, not sure if that counts as a nerf since apparently you'll still be hitting like trucks. We get an interrupt as Commandos, yay, and some buffs to CM tree, and... you buff the GUNNERY TREE??? you mean the one tree no sane Commando would use for PVP because of the susceptibility to interrupts, THAT tree?


Someone please post that Ascii picture of Capt. Picard /facepalming.

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Gunnery commandos get the nice toys like a guaranteed snare on full auto, a more powerful knockback, and now the stockstrike root which many gunnery commandos don't even want, but I'd love to have as an assault commando.


Umm, Cover Fire has always been there. 2 pts. for 100% guaranteed snare, it just slows target down even more now, but you are still required to stand still while channeling it and it's still interruptable so your target will still be closing while you fire. Stockstrike root would be awesome for Assault yes but that would make too much sense right BW?


Oh and what more powerful knockback are you referring to? or are you referring to skills that were already there?


Also, reducing our snare to 30% and keeping the same RNG dependency on it? Sometimes I wonder if you BW developers even play this class when you make these changes.

Edited by DarkSideTOR
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This is so sad it's funny.


I mean, they could at least have balanced it out by giving us a reliable way to apply the snare, but nooooo...


Besides, the nerf to the snare for Assault Vanguards doesn't make much sense, anyway; they're forcing the spec to stay within 10 meters of their target, but with a weak, short duration snare, a pull on a long cooldown, and no effective means of removing/bypassing movement-impairing effects on themselves, they're going to be fairly easy to avoid.


Perhaps not so much for dps commandos, but I can see healers kiting them to oblivion.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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This is so sad it's funny.


I mean, they could at least have balanced it out by giving us a reliable way to apply the snare, but nooooo...


Besides, the nerf to the snare for Assault Vanguards doesn't make much sense, anyway; they're forcing the spec to stay within 10 meters of their target, but with a weak, short duration snare, a pull on a long cooldown, and no effective means of removing/bypassing movement-impairing effects on themselves, they're going to be fairly easy to avoid.


Perhaps not so much for dps commandos, but I can see healers kiting them to oblivion.


That's exactly what I was thinking. 30% reduction speed, while Consulars/Inquisitors get the CD of their spring reduced to 20 seconds... Lawl those Huttball games are gonna be fun now, and by fun I mean suck. Notice that they are making it harder for Vanguards to kill their targets but they did almost nothing to Marauders/Sents... hmm I wonder why... I mean 1 second off the GBTF duration, really? that's what's gonna balance that class compared to everyone else?


They will still have the best burst damage in the game, the best defensive CDs in PVP, etc. God forbid the Devs nerf their favorite played class.. we can't have that.

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just so we're clear, i was under the impression that sweltering heat applied its root every time plasma cell did damage (effectively making it an 8s snare)


not to detract from the fact that reducing it is rather stupid since commando assault needs a buff, not a nerf

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Sweltering heat applies a 2 sec snare every time plasma cell procs not when the dot ticks off. Every attack has a base 10% chance and an additional talented 6%.


Which is 16% per hit and due to the number of hits in a default attack, the default attack has a 70% chance to trigger it.


So while you are busy running screaming from the melee you may spam your default attack knowing that 3/10 times it won't proc. And no one said it's not allowed to fail to proc 4+ times in a row either.

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Which is 16% per hit and due to the number of hits in a default attack, the default attack has a 70% chance to trigger it.


So while you are busy running screaming from the melee you may spam your default attack knowing that 3/10 times it won't proc. And no one said it's not allowed to fail to proc 4+ times in a row either.


Notice that NOBODY ELSE's snare is getting reduced so if they hit you with it you don't stand a chance to get away other than using your knockback and if that happens to be on CD... you might as well stand there and eat your 8k dmg Ravage/Master strike hits or get stunned into oblivion by Operatives or Shadows.

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I've killed people as AS solo. Of course I usually get the notification that I won while I'm sitting it the respawn area. Dots of VENGEANCE!


Yep! Fail PVP class is fail. I'll be shocked if incend round isn't bugged in assault to be 10m for us as well.



Honestly though we're clearly the only class that is never meant to come out on the winning side of a 1v1 ever.

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So not only did we NOT get ANY defensive CD help for Assault for PVP, they reduced the snare from 50% down to 30%. Keep in mind the snare lasts a whopping TWO SECONDS. Now while the % reduction doesn't seem much to you, remember the melee classes like Juggs/Maras have a low cost spammable snare that reduces speed by 50% for 9 SECONDS and if they're spec'd Focus, a 60% snare that makes you move slower the more it ticks.


So all they have to do now is hit us with it once and we have to start burning our CDs just to gain some distance. Now you are required to spec Degauss if you want to PVP, and this only removes existing snares so if they re-apply it you're screwed. Once again you make a change to Troopers focused exclusively on PVP and don't consider the impact to both the advanced classes. I'm guessing the 30% reduction is to make it harder for Vanguards to keep their targets in their new 10m range? ok, great, but what about Commandos?


What is the reasoning behind this? are we not dying fast enough to melee that you have to make it even easier for them to stay in melee range? are we destroying melee classes in PVP in such a way to be considered OP? Where are the survivability changes that we've been asking for months?


You're leaving melee the way they are and nerfing Vanguards, well reducing the range on some of their attacks, not sure if that counts as a nerf since apparently you'll still be hitting like trucks. We get an interrupt as Commandos, yay, and some buffs to CM tree, and... you buff the GUNNERY TREE??? you mean the one tree no sane Commando would use for PVP because of the susceptibility to interrupts, THAT tree?


Someone please post that Ascii picture of Capt. Picard /facepalming.


That is the first thing that popped in my head. The melee class's that snare will be even more difficult for us now. They have to many gap closers, and bigger snares than we do now. 'Degauss' apples to a skill with a 2min timer its not really very effective, and like you said the snare will be quickly re-applied by melee.


They could add another 10% for each point spent in sweltering heat. That would keep us at 50%, and limit PT/VG to 30%. This is a huge nerf for our kiting witch is already very difficult vs good melee players.


Very frustrating that the developers cant figure this out. Maybe 1.5 will finally fix our class...I doubt it but you never know.

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So far we DO seem to do better with the odd updates (well with 1.3) than we do with the even updates (1.2 and 1.4).



They need to implement cross server queuing for ranked so ranked can become a bigger factor and generator of metrics so they can see no one uses DPS commandos ever. Maybe that will wake them up (read: probably not).

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