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*NEW* 1.4 Patch Notes Released


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Bounty Hunter



  • Electro Dart now has a 10-meter range.
  • Unload has a new animation when used with a single blaster pistol.



  • Due to changes in the Mercenary skill trees, all Mercenaries have had their skill points refunded.
  • Disabling Shot is a new ability that interrupts the target's current action and prevents that ability from being used for the next 4 seconds.



  • Afterburners: Rocket Punch now immobilizes the target for 4 seconds instead of knocking it back.
  • Pinning Fire: This ability's snare has been increased to 70%.
  • Tracer Lock: Each stack of Tracer Lock now additionally reduces the activation time of your next Healing Scan by 20% per stack.



  • Kolto Residue now additionally snares enemies struck by your Kolto Missile by 50% for 3 seconds.
  • Warden is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect.
  • Peacekeeper is a new 2-point skill. While protected by your own Kolto Shell, firing Rapid Shots at an enemy now triggers your Kolto Shell (this can only happen once every 3 seconds). This does not trigger if your health is full.


Pyrotech (Mercenary)

  • Sweltering Heat's snare has been reduced to 30%.




  • Would you take a dps merc over any other class to ranked warzones with these changes?
  • Would you take a healer merc over a sorc or operative to ranked warzones with these changes?
  • I think afterburners should be moved to T1 arsenal alongside the other three T1 talents. This will give all mercs a root or add the root effect to rocketpunch knockback effect.
  • The instant cast heal from 5 stacks of tracer lock, consumes the 5 stacks of tracer lock. In short, either you have a harder hitting railshot, or your healing scan is instant cast (it still costs heat).

Edited by DkSharktooth
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with regards to merc healing, i am not entirely sure whether the changes will provide us much new besides the interupt. being able to kite abit better is nice but i find the main issue is heat. heat is such a harsh resource to manage and with the change to kolto shell you could potientially have to spend more heat. When i die in pvp its always due to heat. I was hoping for a slight heat change e.g rapid scan cost being reduced by 16 again instead of 8, something minor but would put us back in line with ops and sorcs.
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actually this isn't really a nerf aimed at trooper/BH its more of an attempt to cut down on all cc that you can still shoot the target that is being cc'd so there will hopefully be fewer stun locks....


and no i don't think that this was the right step for BW to make... it sort of smacks of nerfing all ranged dps that might have depended on these cc's to keep their target at long range...


don't get me started on the removal of the push back as a merc/commando i considered it my job to lock down locations i can't tell you how many times i have knocked melee off a cliff by letting them chase me to it, then once they think my ability to throw them off is down using an upper cut to say goodbye... even if the cliff is 10 ft that is a long walk around the rocks in a wz where you are effectively useless... i have no use for snares, they just don't fit my play style....

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don't get me started on the removal of the push back as a merc/commando i considered it my job to lock down locations i can't tell you how many times i have knocked melee off a cliff by letting them chase me to it, then once they think my ability to throw them off is down using an upper cut to say goodbye... even if the cliff is 10 ft that is a long walk around the rocks in a wz where you are effectively useless... i have no use for snares, they just don't fit my play style....


Yes i have been very out spoken about this and the fact BioWare dont even talk about it with us makes it more frustrating.

BioWare if your listening, if any of your team is out there F***'n listen to us. WE WANT OUR KNOCK BACK TO STAY, it makes our class unique in this aspect, i hope to god some mod reads this on and pass on the message..

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