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My toughs on Swtor and its team.


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I can GUARANTEE you were not around for WoWs launch. This one has been about 100xs smoother.


Yep, from my link above.


1.) World of Warcraft


However, as far as player-aggravation goes, Blizzard’s behemoth will probably own the title of most hair-pulling for a while. No one, not even Blizzard, expected WoW to become the juggernaut it has during its monumental six-year run. When it launched the fact that the developer was caught off guard by the response to its first MMO release was painfully obvious. Servers were down for days at a time, players couldn’t loot, server-side lag was abundant and no matter how many new shards the studio launched, they filled to peak population incredibly quickly. The early days of WoW were hampered by its own success. So much so that the developer began handing out free days in accordance with how many days the servers were inaccessible. In the end, let’s just hope that everyone has learned from all five of these games’ mistakes. I shudder to think about what Blizzard’s next MMO launch will be like.

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Dude. What?


There was no open beta.

Wrong shipping date is not BioWare's fault.

There is not a queue on all servers. Roll elsewhere.

There is an unstick button in the ticket window.

I dunno if you are spamming the forums but this is not productive in the least.


Plus he butchered the word thought.....

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You couldnt even play WoW at launch due to insane number of players in starting areas crashing servers over and over again. You have proven that you were not around for WoW launch with that comment.


well i wasent poundering the servers at 00:00. But on shattered hands, we did not have many crashes. I did however get stuck the first time i went to ashenwale. But the /unstuck command worked.

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i really have no clue what you said through half of that. so im gonna respond to some of your points not in the main post and your one point in the main post that i understood.


server queues-- yeah they suck, but they are to be expected in the beginning of the most anticipated game of all time and the highest selling mmo game of all time, with 10 times the preorders of any other mmo in the history of mmo's. some things you kind of have to expect.


actually if you payed anything more than 5 bucks to play this game then you have spent more money than me so far, as i wont be buying my box till tommorrow. but in all actuality you, me nor any of the others spent any money playing in the early access. it was a free gift from bioware for us preordering.


everything else i have no clue what the heck you are talking about with your third account. i made my account and it worked just fine.

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