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My toughs on Swtor and its team.


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My time with Swtor is giving me nothing. This is how my story goes.


First of all, i wanted to get into the open beta. I registred a account that could not be activated trough the link. I wanna add that the activation mails took there time. After failing to lauch my first account i tried another one. Same story. Anyway i could not get the registration to work untill the 15/12 when i made my 3td account.


Whan i bought the game from my reseller they named the wrong shipping dates and my pregame activation mail was late. When i finally made it to the game. The servers ware qued down to the maximum. We still have 1 /1/2 ques. I get this. Maby not so strange at launch. But it still pisses me of to wait all days becase of game crashes, back to que.


I do like the game. Its a perfect copy of other peoples work. Call it torrenting information if you like. But if you are to copy somthing, atleast make the game work. Now pls unstuck me and put me back on the server so i can play what i pay for. And pls gm´s. Stop ignoring ppl.


I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.

Edited by Meluna
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My time with Swtor is giving me nothing. This is how my story goes.


First of all, i wanted to get into the open beta. I registred a account that could not be activated trough the link. I wanna add that the activation mails took there time. After failing to lauch my first account i tried another one. Same story. Anyway i could not get the registration to work untill the 15/12 when i made my 3td account.


Whan i bought the game from my reseller they named the wrong shipping dates and my pregame activation mail was late. When i finally made it to the game. The servers ware qued down to the maximum. We still have 1 /1/2 ques. I get this. Maby not so strange at launch. But it still pisses me of to wait all days becase of game crashes, back to que.


I do like the game. Its a perfect copy of other peoples work. Call it torrenting information if you like. But if you are to copy somthing, atleast make the game work. Now pls unstuck me and put me back on the server so i can play what i pay for. And pls gm´s. Stop ignoring ppl.


I just got a mail from a dev saying im not heling them by spamming the forums. I quess im not. But then again they are here to help me, im not paying to help them. And if they keep ignoring posts and gm tickets. They had it comming.


I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.


Dude. What?


There was no open beta.

Wrong shipping date is not BioWare's fault.

There is not a queue on all servers. Roll elsewhere.

There is an unstick button in the ticket window.

I dunno if you are spamming the forums but this is not productive in the least.

Edited by Inhalcator
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My time with Swtor is giving me nothing. This is how my story goes.


First of all, i wanted to get into the open beta. I registred a account that could not be activated trough the link. I wanna add that the activation mails took there time. After failing to lauch my first account i tried another one. Same story. Anyway i could not get the registration to work untill the 15/12 when i made my 3td account.


Whan i bought the game from my reseller they named the wrong shipping dates and my pregame activation mail was late. When i finally made it to the game. The servers ware qued down to the maximum. We still have 1 /1/2 ques. I get this. Maby not so strange at launch. But it still pisses me of to wait all days becase of game crashes, back to que.


I do like the game. Its a perfect copy of other peoples work. Call it torrenting information if you like. But if you are to copy somthing, atleast make the game work. Now pls unstuck me and put me back on the server so i can play what i pay for. And pls gm´s. Stop ignoring ppl.


I just got a mail from a dev saying im not helping them by spamming the forums. I quess im not. But then again they are here to help me, im not paying to help them. And if they keep ignoring posts and gm tickets. They had it comming.


I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.


Sense.. can you make any?

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My time with Swtor is giving me nothing. This is how my story goes.


First of all, i wanted to get into the open beta. I registred a account that could not be activated trough the link. I wanna add that the activation mails took there time. After failing to lauch my first account i tried another one. Same story. Anyway i could not get the registration to work untill the 15/12 when i made my 3td account.


Whan i bought the game from my reseller they named the wrong shipping dates and my pregame activation mail was late. When i finally made it to the game. The servers ware qued down to the maximum. We still have 1 /1/2 ques. I get this. Maby not so strange at launch. But it still pisses me of to wait all days becase of game crashes, back to que.


I do like the game. Its a perfect copy of other peoples work. Call it torrenting information if you like. But if you are to copy somthing, atleast make the game work. Now pls unstuck me and put me back on the server so i can play what i pay for. And pls gm´s. Stop ignoring ppl.


I just got a mail from a dev saying im not helping them by spamming the forums. I quess im not. But then again they are here to help me, im not paying to help them. And if they keep ignoring posts and gm tickets. They had it comming.


I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.


Personally, if I was a dev, I'd e-mail you to tell you I think you're an a-hole. "Perfect copy of other people's work".


If you guys are so miserable, why can't you just leave? Have to troll and QQ the Dev's work.

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Sounds like your issues are mostly due to whoever sold you the game being retarded. Queues are being addressed, read the gigantic news posts about it at the top of the forum.


Otherwise I'm sure BW dev's have more important things on their plate than addressing the complaints of someone with a tenuous grasp of the English language.

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I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.


Here, this is worth the perspective.


In a week’s time, SOE will be launching the anticipated (and oft argued over) DC Universe Online. No stranger to MMO launches, SOE will hopefully be able to pull off a successfully smooth opening day. But despite a wealth of experience, sometimes things just don’t go as planned in the first days of a fledgling MMO. In the brand new year spirit of looking back to see where we are when moving forward, let’s take a look at five of the worst MMORPG launches in recent memory. Bear in mind, these are based on the author’s (my own) personal experiences since I began this hobby, and when I write the following synopses I’m not picking on the mentioned games… I’m just trying to call it like I see it. All said, let’s list us a list, shall we? Be sure to add your own thoughts below, as always.

5.) Star Wars Galaxies


What happens when you’re about to launch an MMORPG based on one of the world’s most beloved intellectual properties? Well, you pretty much get the attention of the entire gaming world. And even though MMOs were still working their way toward wide-spread gaming acceptance, Star Wars Galaxies had hundreds of thousands of eager players lining up on launch day to try out SOE and Raph Koster’s idea of a virtual Star Wars galaxy that they could live in. The problem is that the game didn’t actually launch on the day it was supposed to… many issues kept the servers from going live until the day after. I can only assume there were quite a few people who stayed home from work “sick” that were displeased that day.


4.) Aion


Aion had a huge slew of expectations behind it. The next major MMORPG release from NCsoft after Tabula Rasa, heralded as a return to form for the company, released to wide acclaim in the East. Gameplay issues aside (until recently the title was heavily criticized for being too geared towards the Eastern audience), the main problem with the game at launch was that players just couldn’t log into it. Perhaps not expecting so many people anxious to try a game that promised the power of flight to be a main mechanic, the servers experienced massive queues for days on end. It was not pretty to be on their forums, or ours, or read any of the blogs during that release.


3.) Age of Conan


The first of two games on this list made by Funcom, Age of Conan didn’t really suffer from any server issues like Aion or SWG. Rather the game itself was woefully underdeveloped at launch, and came with a huge level of hype in its wake. A combination that never really bodes well. Though the game has bounced back under the direction of Craig Morrison, it’s likely it never will fully bounce back from its obviously early launch and achieve the kind of success it had once been pegged for. Luckily Mr. Morrison is no stranger to turning rough launches around, as #2 will clearly illustrate.


2.) Anarchy Online


Anarchy Online is nowadays known as a cult-classic MMORPG. It has oodles of fans from both the past and present that still love and play the pioneering game today. But who knew that the game would ever get beyond its absolutely horrific early days of release? When it comes to server and client stability issues, few can take the honor of most aggravating away from Anarchy Online. It definitely made up for its early issues with plenty of expansions and fun had by all its players for years, but man were those early days rough.


1.) World of Warcraft


However, as far as player-aggravation goes, Blizzard’s behemoth will probably own the title of most hair-pulling for a while. No one, not even Blizzard, expected WoW to become the juggernaut it has during its monumental six-year run. When it launched the fact that the developer was caught off guard by the response to its first MMO release was painfully obvious. Servers were down for days at a time, players couldn’t loot, server-side lag was abundant and no matter how many new shards the studio launched, they filled to peak population incredibly quickly. The early days of WoW were hampered by its own success. So much so that the developer began handing out free days in accordance with how many days the servers were inaccessible. In the end, let’s just hope that everyone has learned from all five of these games’ mistakes. I shudder to think about what Blizzard’s next MMO launch will be like.




That's not including EQ2 which was even worse IMHO. Trust me, this launch has been relatively painless.

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My time with Swtor is giving me nothing. This is how my story goes.


First of all, i wanted to get into the open beta. I registred a account that could not be activated trough the link. I wanna add that the activation mails took there time. After failing to lauch my first account i tried another one. Same story. Anyway i could not get the registration to work untill the 15/12 when i made my 3td account.


Whan i bought the game from my reseller they named the wrong shipping dates and my pregame activation mail was late. When i finally made it to the game. The servers ware qued down to the maximum. We still have 1 /1/2 ques. I get this. Maby not so strange at launch. But it still pisses me of to wait all days becase of game crashes, back to que.


I do like the game. Its a perfect copy of other peoples work. Call it torrenting information if you like. But if you are to copy somthing, atleast make the game work. Now pls unstuck me and put me back on the server so i can play what i pay for. And pls gm´s. Stop ignoring ppl.


I just got a mail from a dev saying im not helping them by spamming the forums. I quess im not. But then again they are here to help me, im not paying to help them. And if they keep ignoring posts and gm tickets. They had it comming.


I would love to se this game make it. But this game funny as it really is, aint working.


I have literally had NONE of those issues with the exception of the queues.... The damn game is at launch you WILL have queues also any game time you have right now you have NOT had to pay for. It has been FREE. My longest que was approx 30 mins.


The other stuff is on your end my game client is completely stable and never crashes.

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Tbh i re read that. And i agree that looks a bit scetchy. Been trying to get help from support for 3 days. English aint my main languige.


Im just an old wow player who is spoiled with a working game.


Sounds like you're spoiled more from not having to deal with launch issues with an MMO. It hasn't even been a week. Stuff will get ironed out. Your tickets will get acknowledged (eventually). Try and have some patience. I assume you weren't there for WoW's launch. It was a serious mess.

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I have literally had NONE of those issues with the exception of the queues.... The damn game is at launch you WILL have queues also any game time you have right now you have NOT had to pay for. It has been FREE. My longest que was approx 30 mins.


The other stuff is on your end my game client is completely stable and never crashes.


I will disagree in that your assessment of queue times notwithstanding is purely anecdotal. Just because you haven't noticed a queue time doesn't mean that they are non-existent if not much worse on some other servers. My server for example is anywhere up to 2 hours.


The only difference is, I understand why the queues exist so I mostly don't give a damn.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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Tbh i re read that. And i agree that looks a bit scetchy. Been trying to get help from support for 3 days. English aint my main languige.


Im just an old wow player who is spoiled with a working game.


I can GUARANTEE you were not around for WoWs launch. This one has been about 100xs smoother.

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I can GUARANTEE you were not around for WoWs launch. This one has been about 100xs smoother.


I was there. But i really dont had that mutch issues tbh. I take it you never got stuck in swtor yet? Where the only reply you get from a gm contains " if you get stuck pls use the /stuck command" the stuck command sends me a few inches to any direction. It does not zone me out of the place im stuck in. It does not kill me, putting me back at the health station :/


As ppl say i have no right to complain yet. But i do after lauch. Sadly the majority of ppl likes getting ****ed over and over at releases. I pay for games just as i pay for a good dinner at the local pub. If the food is cold , i complain. Just at any dev would do.

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I was there. But i really dont had that mutch issues tbh. I take it you never got stuck in swtor yet? Where the only reply you get from a gm contains " if you get stuck pls use the /stuck command" the stuck command sends me a few inches to any direction. It does not zone me out of the place im stuck in. It does not kill me, putting me back at the health station :/


As ppl say i have no right to complain yet. But i do after lauch. Sadly the majority of ppl likes getting ****ed over and over at releases. I pay for games just as i pay for a good dinner at the local pub. If the food is cold , i complain. Just at any dev would do.



You couldnt even play WoW at launch due to insane number of players in starting areas crashing servers over and over again. You have proven that you were not around for WoW launch with that comment.

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