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Just renewed... bad idea?


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cant really waste money on a good game now can u i am yet 2 really run into any bugs that made it so i cant get something done and all games have bugs and im sure they are getting bug fixes 2 us as fast as they can when they get them fixed but i think u did the right thing coming back give it 3 months see what happens in 1.4 :p
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Matter of taste I think...wife and I unsubbed today, finally, for lack of innovation. Bugs can be fixed, classes balanced etc but if the game just isn't fun for us(!), then there is no point :/

I agree with some of the above regarding an uncertain future. F2P will of course increase player numbers so it could be a good thing but hard to say overall how that switch will affect the game and its direction.

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Bad idea? For 15 bucks? Nah, it's all good. You will have hours of entertainment even if you choose not to continue at some point. The game has improved but I will let you be the judge.


I personally haven't run into any serious bugs and or issues and I'm enjoying end game and my alts immensely. Post 1.2 has been great and now if they deliver on more frequent content updates you will not have to do anything to get that too OP.


Well worth the price of a movie and a glass of water. :D

Edited by Rafaman
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You're correct, no ONE can. But if the general consensus says I wasted my money, then I wasted my money.


Not really. If you find the time you've bought enjoyable to play, then no matter what anyone says you have not wasted your money. Likewise if you hate every second of it, you have wasted your money no matter what anyone here says. When it comes to entertainment products you can't go off a general consensus to determine its worth to you personally, because one mans 'Lord of the Rings trilogy' is another mans 'Dungeon Siege: In the Name of the King'.

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Exaggerate much?


The game is hardly in shambles, my guild is collecting more GW2 refugees than it knows what to do with. folks are excited about the F2P conversion and what's coming down the pike in regards to PVP and in 1.4


But keep on doomcrying it's quite laughable. :rolleyes:



People such as yourself always crack me up. Did you pick up your lines from this guy?


To answer the op questions, honestly I would have just waited until they went free to play before trying the game again. I think in the next year the game will be a shell of what it was during the first release month. It may still be running but we will have to just wait and see. The people who think switching to scam to play....I mean free to play will save the game are humorous at best.




Edited by LordSkyKnight
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Depends what you have come back for.


At the moment there is very very little end game. You have the option to re-run flashpoints on hard mode, re-run ops or run warzones. All of which appears to be a gear grind for horrible looking gear. Only I am not sure what you are ment to do when you have the gear up the difficulty and run again to get campaign gear and then wait for the next tier?


I mentioned in an ops run yesterday for a story mode there isn't much story. Perhaps even more annoying is that most of the difficulty comes from instant death mechanics so unless you know them prior to the fight you wipe and then come back. Making jumping and hopping and knowing what comes next more important than being skilled at your role and class. Much like the rail shooter space combat we have with no real story other than a short bit of text about why you are flying the exact same mission just with more powerful enemies every 3 missions.


If on the other hand you have come back to replay the level 1 to 49 experience then its a fine time to come back. You even have the option to group finder for those flashpoints as you advance, a lot more orange gear is available with the option to mod it and a number of bugs have been fixed.

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