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The Icons.


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Jedi - Yoda/Obi-Wan/Luke.

No other Jedi, movies or EU, quite fits as an icon of the Jedi Order, in my opinion.


Sith - Sidious/Exar Kun and to a lesser extent Ulic Qel-Droma, for turning the Mandalorian Crusaders from an enemy into a weapon against the Republic.


Republic - This one's a little tough, personally.

I'd probably go for *dons his trusty Flamesuit +5 Elemental resistance* Carth Onasi.

Brave, honourable, willing to give his all for the people of the Republic.

The only other individual who comes to mind


Galactic Empire - Forgive me for this, but I have to go for Grand Moff Tarkin. Not an EU character per se, but he's there and seems the most fitting icon for the Galactic Empire.


Mandalorians - Mandalore the Indomitable/Mandalore the Preserver (Canderous Ordo)

They are my favourite examples of the Mandalorians at their "purest".

Fierce, brutal, remorseless, honourable, loyal to whomever they deem worthy and not to credits.


Hutt Cartels - I actually find this tougher than an icon for the Republic. So, I can really only say someone not from the EU -> Jabba the Hutt.

Edited by Fyurii
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Not really that aware of EU, mostly just the old republic but I'll give it a shot


Jedi - Bastila or Satele Shan

Sith - Darth Bane

Republic - Carth Onasi

Empire - Thrawn

Mandalorians - Canderous

Hutts - Not a Hutt but Xizor, as an underworld icon

Edited by Beniboybling
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Throughout the whole of the EU, who would you say are the icons of the Jedi, of the Sith, of the Republic, of the Mandalorians, the Galactic Empire and of the Hutt Cartels.


And here's the twist, they can't be anyone from the saga.


Jedi- Meetra Surik. Without her, there would be no Jedi Order

Sith- Darth Bane. Created the Rule of Two which allowed Darth Sidious to destroy the Jedi Order

Republic- Carth Onasi. He's a loyal soldier who can do just as much for the galaxy as any Jedi.

Mandalorians- Canderous Ordo. He is a true Mandalorian because he eventually brought the clans together.

Galactic Empire- Grand Admiral Thrawn. The best tactician ever and most successful military leader in the Empire


I don't know about Hutts. I would say Jabba, but he is from the movies so how about Droga the Hutt.

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Jedi - Yoda/Obi-Wan/Luke.

No other Jedi, movies or EU, quite fits as an icon of the Jedi Order, in my opinion.


Sith - Sidious/Exar Kun and to a lesser extent Ulic Qel-Droma, for turning the Mandalorian Crusaders from an enemy into a weapon against the Republic.


Republic - This one's a little tough, personally.

I'd probably go for *dons his trusty Flamesuit +5 Elemental resistance* Carth Onasi.

Brave, honourable, willing to give his all for the people of the Republic.

The only other individual who comes to mind


Galactic Empire - Forgive me for this, but I have to go for Grand Moff Tarkin. Not an EU character per se, but he's there and seems the most fitting icon for the Galactic Empire.


Mandalorians - Mandalore the Indomitable/Mandalore the Preserver (Canderous Ordo)

They are my favourite examples of the Mandalorians at their "purest".

Fierce, brutal, remorseless, honourable, loyal to whomever they deem worthy and not to credits.


Hutt Cartels - I actually find this tougher than an icon for the Republic. So, I can really only say someone not from the EU -> Jabba the Hutt.


Yeh... but this is EU only characters...

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To be fair, you didn't actually state that we had to use characters who either only appear in, or originate from the EU.

The Pedant in me takes full advantage of that kind of truly miniscule technical detail :t_wink:


You just ignored the entire last sentence, it can't be anybody from the saga, if they were in the saga, they can't be chosen, this is EU only.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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You just ignored the entire last sentence


I didn't ignore it.

I only just saw it when you wrote the above, so that's a reading fail for me then, with an added demerit for using movie characters in over half my answers.:D_embarrassed :


C'mon, it must have been evident that I hadn't seen that last sentence from my earlier reply?

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I didn't ignore it.

I only just saw it when you wrote the above, so that's a reading fail for me then, with an added demerit for using movie characters in over half my answers.:D_embarrassed :


C'mon, it must have been evident that I hadn't seen that last sentence from my earlier reply?


Lol fair enough, but yeh, EU only please.

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Jedi- Meetra Surik. Without her, there would be no Jedi Order

Sith- Darth Bane. Created the Rule of Two which allowed Darth Sidious to destroy the Jedi Order

Republic- Carth Onasi. He's a loyal soldier who can do just as much for the galaxy as any Jedi.

Mandalorians- Canderous Ordo. He is a true Mandalorian because he eventually brought the clans together.

Galactic Empire- Grand Admiral Thrawn. The best tactician ever and most successful military leader in the Empire


I don't know about Hutts. I would say Jabba, but he is from the movies so how about Droga the Hutt.


Pretty much got to agree with this one.

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