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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Optimization Truth: It was NEVER my computer?


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You have a separate graphics card, right? You are using the separate one and not the one integrated in to that processor?


This type of sith is what get to me. The "gentleman" assumes he is the only one who knows anything about computers and then rags on anyone else.... sigh where to we get these clow.. err.. "gentlemen"?


I will ask again of another clow.. err.. "gentleman" have you tried to help the folks on the CS section of the forum? Have you even looked at the CS part of the forums? Do you have ANY idea what we're talking about?


Like you I will assume your answer is "no". So do your GD homework before you post.

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I can say that I noticed a hit in perfomance after the Maint. on the 5th of Sept. In full disclosure my PC is from the early 2007 era using an old AMD 2600 @ 1.2 Ghz I believe?,and a cheap Nvidia 9500GT GPU. I have Win7 x64 and 8GB DDR2.


I know this is not ideal for any game but to be honest I was not expecting much when I installed SWtoR on this old rig but I played WoW with about a 35fps rate with little issue. I could not do 25man raids but 10man were manageable.

When i first started SWtoR about two weeks ago the framerate was decent and I did not see any issues in the low level FP's but after Wednesday I have started playing on my laptop which is much newer with a core i5 CPU, low end Nvidia 525 mobile GPU and 8GB DDR3 as even solo questing is terrible after last Wednesday on my vintage desktop.


Sorry, but is a known issue they are looking into.


Chances of solving in 1 week is about 30% based on past experiences.


So cross your finger and pray to what ever god/gods/ social pc types you believe in/wish were real.


Oh, the "gentlemen" BW lapdogs will claim it is your machine/lack of computer abilities still, ignore them they are WEIRD.

Edited by Roalmo
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This type of sith is what get to me. The "gentleman" assumes he is the only one who knows anything about computers and then rags on anyone else.... sigh where to we get these clow.. err.. "gentlemen"?


I will ask again of another clow.. err.. "gentleman" have you tried to help the folks on the CS section of the forum? Have you even looked at the CS part of the forums? Do you have ANY idea what we're talking about?


Like you I will assume your answer is "no". So do your GD homework before you post.


You do realize that since you know nothing at all about me, you are only describing yourself and your ways of thinking? Anyway why is there a sudden flow of trolls in the forums or did the GW2 fail already for some people?

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You do realize that since you know nothing at all about me, you are only describing yourself and your ways of thinking? Anyway why is there a sudden flow of trolls in the forums or did the GW2 fail already for some people?


Trolls? You mean the paying customers who are still waiting for promised content, and are now seeing the first glimpse of the content they promised and being understandably critical? Is that what TOR players are now, trolls? I thought they were fine discerning individuals who value their time and money.

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Trolls? You mean the paying customers who are still waiting for promised content, and are now seeing the first glimpse of the content they promised and being understandably critical? Is that what TOR players are now, trolls? I thought they were fine discerning individuals who value their time and money.


I do. That's why I'm playing GW2 90% of my gaming time now. Unsubbed, time is ticking away. If only Arenanet had developed SW:TOR, it'd be twice as good as it is.

Edited by islander
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After the release of this game, reports came back from players that they were having issues with game performance. Lag, huge drops in frame rates, and other problems were voiced online in many forums.


Bioware went on the offensive. Stating that not only are a majority of players not experiencing any sort of issues with gameplay, those having issues have crappy "low end" computers. Essentially blaming them for the problems.


James Ohlen told Eurogamer:




Ouch. :eek:


I personally BOUGHT this computer to play this game. I made sure it was well above requirements and ready to play any game that came it's way. In spite of this, I had major lag issues on the fleet, and other places where multiple players fought or interacted.


Despite the fact that others were having the same issues, even professional reviewers who PRAISED the game, Bioware/EA stuck to the story.




That's in praise of the game itself. I know that this guy isn't using Windows 95.


The "it's you not them" sentiments were even echoed on the forums, with members stating that everything was essentially fine, and the problems were all on the part of those complaining.


The truth that most weren't aware of at the time, is that EA licensed the Hero Engine in spite of being told that it was not optimized for this game, and was essentially unfinished.




Bio/EA eventually started optimizing the engine that was perfect save for the "5% of the low-end gamers", and as stated officially by one of it's employees on these very forums.




This is a step in the right direction, I applaud the fact that it is taking place, but one that was needed many months ago.


The only MMO I've played since December of 2011 until August 2012, has been this one. I invested time, money, and even support into this game. Id left the others behind because they became stale, and as a KOTOR fan, I thought this was the MMO for me. The performance issues were such that playing the game was one of the most annoying MMO experiences I've had to date.


Now, after playing Guild Wars 2, a substantially cheaper game, the evidence of the problems being on the side of Bioware and not me is overwhelming.


Participating in World v World and having 30 or 40 people spamming abilities against each other caused ZERO noticeable dips in frame rates or obvious lag. In fact, I've had very few problems with performance at all. That's the one thing the game got right, outside of some of the more expected problems.


The lesson here for Bioware should be that if you have costumers complaining of performance issues, and you KNOW for a fact that the engine you have was not optimized for your game, don't point the finger at them. We're on YOUR side. Otherwise we wouldn't have been there in the first place.


Were there gamers playing on low end computers? I'm sure there were and are. I however doubt that they don't realize this fact and are shocked that thier out-of-date computers are slower. The complaints I've read on these forums were from people with higher end computers based on the stats of the computer itself that they posted.


I shouldn't need to buy a $5000 computer just to make this game work as intended.

I applaud the fact that optimization has been taking place, and hope it continues, but I hope a lesson was learned here in blaming those who support you and how so many walked away because of the snail paced action.


If a free-to-play and less expensive game like GW2 runs smoother than this one you want people to pay to fully experience, you've really got to step up your game.


- DH


Thank god. I thought this engine was at its best, now I find out its been unprepared from the beginning, explaining the many flaws with the game and why biobrain is all over the map doing other things to catch up.


Though I do think Bioware employees were under contract not to disclose any information about EA without approval. So I can figure them for being kept in the dark about this. Guess my statements were true after all, the game has so much potential in development to begin with.

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