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Legacies are no longer unique? Seriously?


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No, I most certainly got the point. You wanna be "unique"...just like everyone else. It's a name...be creative if you don't wanna share. My name is fairly common in real life and I don't whine every time I meet someone with it. YOU make yourself unique, not your stupid name.

The problem is that no name is guaranteed to be unique anymore. What happens when you create the most unique name in the world and a new player logs in and thinks "Wow. That's a cool name, I think I'm going to use it as my legacy name."

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Let's take a moment to try and be calm. Okay, now let's take a moment to use our brains:


1: Loads of people whined endlessly about losing their Legacy name and how it was stupid that the Legacy name needed to be unique. Many people (including me) listed reasons why that was a reasonable decision (and they match many of the reasons in this thread). That said, there are plenty of reasonable arguments for them to not be unique. They are, largely, decoration. Instead of making some decoration act like an account-ID, they should expose an account ID to account for concerns like Guild membership. Shoehorning a decoration into such a role is bad design. Summary: People whined for this change. Now other people are whining against it. Maybe you should both realize that neither of you is absolutely correct.


2: If anyone spent even a couple seconds reading the patch notes, they'd see that an upcoming change will allow everyone a single free rename of their Legacy. Of course, that's not going to help the "...in the cash shop" trolls, so best just ignore it. Also, don't let facts stop you from ranting. Everyone is free to make a fool of themselves.

Edited by Malastare
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I'm guessing it's due to the number of legacy names "locked" to unsubscribed people that no longer play.


Then what about first names that are "locked" to unsubscribed people that no longer play?


I know at least 2 of the names I lost in the transfer are on accounts where that character has not been played (at least) since the server transfers. Not in any sort of meaningful way, at any rate.

Edited by InnerPieces
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I'm guessing it's due to the number of legacy names "locked" to unsubscribed people that no longer play.


I'm guessing it's because it was an easy to make change and now someone at BW can tell someone else at BW or at EA that they are being responsive to customer requests.


Only good solution for this is to now turn off Legacy display and ignore that it even exists.


Or maybe that was the reason...we'll show those who are complaining that they lost their legacy name in a transfer, we'll make legacy name worthless. :rak_02:

Edited by Inspirator
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the Legacy name is a SURNAME.........surnames aren't unique, nor should they be. This will allow players across all play types and servers to in a sense "combine" and become a digital family. The legacy name is not even tied into anything about your account as far as identifiation anyway.
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Then what about first names that are "locked" to unsubscribed people that no longer play?


I know at least 2 of the names I lost in the transfer are on accounts that have not been played (at least) since the server transfers.


First hit's free, then it'll cost ya. :) Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Got screwed on my legacy name. Since I had to change the first name on something like 5 of 6 characters, I just added it to the end of the name and hid my legacy. So this change is not really of any use to me till first name changes as well. Other than the one character who's name I was able to keep that is...

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The problem is that no name is guaranteed to be unique anymore. What happens when you create the most unique name in the world and a new player logs in and thinks "Wow. That's a cool name, I think I'm going to use it as my legacy name."


Well I don't... wait... You're right, it would likely result in the world ending in a fiery cataclysm.


Here's the thing. I'd much rather have duplicated Legacy names than the crap that "creative" people are using right now to make names. I was encouraged at first when I read the naming policy. Nine months later, we have stupid names like "Tîña Dærthkillër" roaming around. If people are going to have head-bashingly unoriginal names, then I'd much rather that they just be unoriginal and spare me the ugly mis-use of ligatures and accented vowels.


If I were in charge, is it the decision I would have made? No. I liked unique Legacy names. I also like the idea of assigning alternate (potentially non-unique) surnames to individual characters. And I would have limited names to no more than two apostrophes, and forced textual uniqueness to convert accented characters to their un-accented variations for equivalence testing. I'm sure that would have pissed off far more people than this decision.

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FIRST NAMEs will never have the same flexibility / duplicity as Legacy name are now with the change. I do not see it happening at all. And one reason comes ultimately to mind. It would cause considerable confusion during MVP voting in warzones. Further more for those guilds that run 3rd party program like parsers to monitor individual character performance would also confuse the reported data collected.
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This is sodding ridicules! The stupidity of whoever is thinking up these changes is staggering! just make the normal names un unique also and have done with it!


When you’re at it you can put names such as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker on your cartel store! Make a killing -_-

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The problem is that no name is guaranteed to be unique anymore. What happens when you create the most unique name in the world and a new player logs in and thinks "Wow. That's a cool name, I think I'm going to use it as my legacy name."


Said player is either a veteran who already has a legacy name... problem solved because they more then likely are attached to their name and won't change it to yours (since it's one time and permanent change).




It's a brand new player who will first have to go and level up into his 30s to complete chapter 1 so he/she can choose a Legacy name. Given the average attention span of your general MMO player, especially one that would fixate on a "neat" surname.... they will forget your name way before then.


The odds of your propostion being an actual problem in game is probably on par with winning a pick6 lotto on any given week.

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When you’re at it you can put names such as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker on your cartel store! Make a killing -_-


Did you notice you quoted yourself and responded to yourself? :p


I've done it too on ocaison... I'm just having some fun with you. Breathe.... relax. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I think this was a good decision. It is realistic and will let people who want to as RP married or family have the same last name. Or just to have aconnection to a friend. There was no reason to let it be uniqe in the first place.


Look at this as a hand to all the complaints about having to change names after server merges and as a first step to letting you link legacies with someone else.


I expect that after we are all allowed to pick new legacies they will start looking at first names too.


To all the ones who clam that pepole can impersonate you and get you banned just by taking you Legacy name. Do you really think that Bioware ever uses Legacy name to decide a ban? That's just idiotic. They have unique identifiers for your characterts and your account, thats how the underlaying database works. All databases. They will know if someone else is impersonating you.

Edited by Wesodd
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No, I most certainly got the point. You wanna be "unique"...just like everyone else. It's a name...be creative if you don't wanna share. My name is fairly common in real life and I don't whine every time I meet someone with it. YOU make yourself unique, not your stupid name.


Hell hath frozen over. I agree with TUXs.



Did we really need another thread crying about this? We get it. You want to be a special snowflake just like everyone else. Surnames dont need to be unique. First names do.


This was done because of the forced server merges. I'd imagine it was done for the F2P crowd as well. You will be ok with more than one Skywalker on your server.

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I think this was a good decision. It is realistic and will let people who want to as RP married or family have the same last name. Or just to have aconnection to a friend. There was no reason to let it be uniqe in the first place.


Look at this as a hand to all the complaints about having to change names after server merges and as a first step to letting you link legacies with someone else.


I expect that after we are all allowed to pick new legacies they will start looking at first names too.


To all the ones who clam that pepole can impersonate you and get you banned just by taking you Legacy name. Do you really think that Bioware ever uses Legacy name to decide a ban? That's just idiotic. They have unique identifiers for your characterts and your account, thats how the underlaying database works. All databases. They will know if someone else is impersonating you.


I wasn't talking about bans. Reputation is player to player, not player to BioWare. People can easily (and I never mentioned intentionally) ruin your reputation purely by coincidence.


Also, this does nothing for first names to which the damage has already been done as has the damage regarding legacy name changes. They can already change first names and are apparently waiting for the cash shops to let us do it on our own.


This is no argument, though I do get your point. The fact is, characters could marry each other, be friends, lovers, siblings or whatever else they want all the while having different legacies. That's what role-playing is in these exceptionally non-RP environments we call MMOs. It's acting like you can do something that is not within the game mechanics. Legacy served a far greater purpose by allowing our own characters to be recognizable and identifiable in an easy and consistent manner, regardless of faction. Now that is blown and is far more unfortunate than before when RPers had to pretend things (and yes, I am a RPer).


Regardless, it doesn't matter and neither do we. BioWare will do whatever they want and there is nothing we can do to change it if we don't like it.


That's life.

Edited by InnerPieces
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For me, it isn't about reputation or things like that. I don't like the fact that I would no longer be able to mail legacy items between characters.


Um, that ability hasn't been changed. You still mail them to your alt's first names and they are still part of your Legacy. This is not going to cause any mail mix-ups because other players still can't have the same first names as you.



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Hell hath frozen over. I agree with TUXs.



Did we really need another thread crying about this? We get it. You want to be a special snowflake just like everyone else. Surnames dont need to be unique. First names do.


This was done because of the forced server merges. I'd imagine it was done for the F2P crowd as well. You will be ok with more than one Skywalker on your server.


Except that he didn't get the point at first. Keep reading and you'll get the point too. Also, this was the first post regarding the subject. It wasn't crying (thanks for the insult), but you're right... it is pointless.

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These kinds of situations and debates are why all modern MMOs should use a system like Champions Online when it comes to names (not that I'm going to prop anything else about that particular mess of a game):


Your Unique ID should be separate from character names. Let us create an Account Name, then automatically attach character names to that. Then you can even give us the option to see or hide the UID name.




UID: Galathir

Character: Karathor


With show UID enabled, I would show up as something like [Karathor@Galathir] in chat. With UID hidden, let us right click their name to see UID. This way, people could rely on UID for connecting with friends. Whisper to UID... Ignore UID... etc. First names and Legacy names could then both be NOT unique... eliminating the thrice cursed names that people come up with when they get tired of trying the ones they usually use and find them all taken.


As has been stated, the archaic practice of using character names as real identifiers in today's truly MASSIVE MMORPGs is just silly... names aren't even unique in the real world.


EDIT: Just as a point of security, UID should be chosen independently of your login name... since publicly displaying 1/2 or 1/3 of your login credentials would be a brain dead move.

Edited by Galathir
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