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Legacies are no longer unique? Seriously?


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You guys are going so far backward here it's staggering.


Legacies are the one thing that should be unique. Mainly because you have to earn it. It is the first name that should not be unique and is a far greater point of contention with the forced server merges than Legacy ever was. Why couldn't you just tie first names in with the unique legacy name? That would be far more "forward thinking" than non-unique (i.e., pointless) Legacy names.


Any word on the logic behind this? It won't make it any better to understand it, but I sure would like for you to try, BW.


Regressive MMO concepts are ridiculous, IMO. You had something great and somewhat unique in this game and now you're trashing that. What's the point if you're not moving the genre forward?


Sorry if I seem upset, but you've already taken all of my first names from me with the forced server merges and now you're taking the last bit of player identity I had left. The one thing that ties my toons with random names together can now be used by anyone. Yeah, it's a bit upsetting.

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Yeah and anyone else can have it too. The point is, there goes yet another character consolidation effort and personal identifier. You missed the point.


No, I most certainly got the point. You wanna be "unique"...just like everyone else. It's a name...be creative if you don't wanna share. My name is fairly common in real life and I don't whine every time I meet someone with it. YOU make yourself unique, not your stupid name.

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No, I most certainly got the point. You wanna be "unique"...just like everyone else. It's a name...be creative if you don't wanna share. My name is fairly common in real life and I don't whine every time I meet someone with it. YOU make yourself unique, not your stupid name.


Yeah, well I noticed they didn't offer first name changes along with the Legacy name changes. Why is that? Oh, clearly they're about to charge us extra for those. I had a first and last name set up I really enjoyed on my original (not nearly dead) server. They took that from me forcing us to new (unnecessary) servers. Okay fine. I sucked that up. I changed all my first names at their whim and even had to change my Legacy name at their whim. If they want me to be happy (and clearly they don't with their regressive concepts) they would let us change our first names for free as well. Then I could repair the damage they've done to playing my Star Wars fantasy the way I want (which is something they've said repeatedly they want to provide.. even though I think the phrase is silly). If I could put things back the way they were I would not be nearly as upset. As it is, to me, it feels like a regressive, pointless effort when they, once again, could have done something to move the genre forward... even if it was just a couple of steps.


You're not going to change my mind, but thanks for trying.


Back on point, I would love for BioWare to take a moment to explain how regressive naming policies is actually beneficial.

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Yeah, well I noticed they didn't offer first name changes along with the Legacy name changes. Why is that? Oh, clearly they're about to charge us extra for those. I had a first and last name set up I really enjoyed on my original (not nearly dead) server. They took that from me forcing us to new (unnecessary) servers. Okay fine. I sucked that up. I changed all my first names at their whim and even had to change my Legacy name at their whim. If they want me to be happy (and clearly they don't with their regressive concepts) they would let us change our first names for free as well. Then I could repair the damage they've done to playing my Star Wars fantasy the way I want (which is something they've said repeatedly they want to provide.. even though I think the phrase is silly). If I could put things back the way they were I would not be nearly as upset. As it is, to me, it feels like a regressive, pointless effort when they, once again, could have done something to move the genre forward... even if it was just a couple of steps.


You're not going to change my mind, but thanks for trying.


Back on point, I would love for BioWare to take a moment to explain how regressive naming policies is actually beneficial.

You're completely right with that highlighted part. I doubt you'll be able to though...not until they introduce the cash shop at least.

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What's the big deal? A lot of people lost their legacy names during the server merges. Those players earned their legacy just like you did. You make your character unique not your name.


Even MORE people lost MORE first names during the server merges. How are they fixing that?

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You're completely right with that highlighted part. I doubt you'll be able to though...not until they introduce the cash shop at least.


Don't get me wrong. I will, of course, suck this one up too. I'm just venting because I see this as.. well I've already explained how I see it.


For the rest, yes, obviously I am the one who makes my character unique from a RP perspective which is about all there is left for uniqueness. The ability to pull mods out of top tier armor (to keep your set it has to be top tier) for an extremely high price helps with a more unique appearance. However, character names are the personal identifier that sets you a part from everyone else at a glance. It is a matter of "Oh, I know that guy" because of my Legacy. It has nothing to do with how "cool" I think my Legacy is. The same issue goes for first names. As a poor example, there can be 10 "Anakin Skywalker"... how exactly do you tell them a part when you see them on a list? Furthermore, do you really want someone to associate your character with some ninja griefing moron because you share the same Legacy name? That is what I mean by personal identifier. I am not so shallow or elitist in my thinking that I am the only one deemed worthy or clever enough to have a name combination no one else can have ever.

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Even MORE people lost MORE first names during the server merges. How are they fixing that?


Yeah, this makes very little sense. The Legacy names may be 'important', but our toon names are what I feel is the main identifier and object of the most concern.

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Best case scenario: It ruins things for RPers, makes people less easy to identify, and generally takes away a layer of customization.


Worst case scenario: Lets say you and I are on the same server and you do something that pisses me off. Say I am a really vindictive person and a huge dick. Whats to stop me from making a new f2p account, taking your legacy name, and getting myself invited to your guild. Hey, we've got the same legacy, how would they know the difference? I then proceed to steal your guild bank and general do everything I can to destroy your reputation. For all your guild and server knows, its you. You are now an outcast and cannot ever get into a guild again.


And what happens to legacy mail now? And will we ever get legacy friends ala realid now?

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I think part of the reason why they did this was I read in previous threads from other people. That they wanted to share the same Legacy name with their friends. Meaning if the so called roleplayers wanted to go around saying their friend is their brother, wife, etc. They could tie that person into their account using Legacy.


However I think what those players actually wanted is for those particular accounts to be bound to one specific Legacy Name. So all the Legacy experience would all go to the same accounts tied to that particular Legacy name. Plus for them to have their friends on the so called Family Tree when you bring it up. This may just be a temporary move to get to an end result, but who knows. :rak_02:

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Hey, we've got the same legacy, how would they know the difference? I then proceed to steal your guild bank and general do everything I can to destroy your reputation. For all your guild and server knows, its you. You are now an outcast and cannot ever get into a guild again.


That's another great point. To a lesser extent, what about those douchebags who will create a new character (even on the same account), join your guild "anonymously," clean out the guild bank and then say it wasn't them. "It must've been someone else... anyone can have my Legacy name!"


I guess the answer will be "lock down your guild vault and only let trusted officers hand out items." :rod_frown_p:

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With this change you might as well scrap the legacy name entirely and just let people pick last names for individual characters. I understand this change was probably to accomodate server movers, but really, this change serves noone over any reasonable timeframe. Everyone will end up confused and unhappy.
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Best case scenario: It ruins things for RPers, makes people less easy to identify, and generally takes away a layer of customization.


Worst case scenario: Lets say you and I are on the same server and you do something that pisses me off. Say I am a really vindictive person and a huge dick. Whats to stop me from making a new f2p account, taking your legacy name, and getting myself invited to your guild. Hey, we've got the same legacy, how would they know the difference? I then proceed to steal your guild bank and general do everything I can to destroy your reputation. For all your guild and server knows, its you. You are now an outcast and cannot ever get into a guild again.


And what happens to legacy mail now? And will we ever get legacy friends ala realid now?


Legacy 2.0, we'll get another account identifier. Personally I'd prefer legacy stay unique, and let people spend legacy points of some kind on non-unique surnames for toons. Picking a legacy name that works as a surname for all 8 classes is nigh on impossible.

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yes, the patch notes say that you can change your legacy name 1 time for free in a future patch.


Ah, thanks. :)




Don't get me wrong. I will, of course, suck this one up too. I'm just venting because I see this as.. well I've already explained how I see it.


For the rest, yes, obviously I am the one who makes my character unique from a RP perspective which is about all there is left for uniqueness. The ability to pull mods out of top tier armor (to keep your set it has to be top tier) for an extremely high price helps with a more unique appearance. However, character names are the personal identifier that sets you a part from everyone else at a glance. It is a matter of "Oh, I know that guy" because of my Legacy. It has nothing to do with how "cool" I think my Legacy is. The same issue goes for first names. As a poor example, there can be 10 "Anakin Skywalker"... how exactly do you tell them a part when you see them on a list? Furthermore, do you really want someone to associate your character with some ninja griefing moron because you share the same Legacy name? That is what I mean by personal identifier. I am not so shallow or elitist in my thinking that I am the only one deemed worthy or clever enough to have a name combination no one else can have ever.


I understand what you mean........... but to be honest the old system of unique names was a hang-over from the 1990's system of MMORPG account identification (in fact really 1980's MUD system).


These days both your first name and surname/legacy-name should NOT be unique, just the account code identification should be unique.

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I understand what you mean........... but to be honest the old system of unique names was a hang-over from the 1990's system of MMORPG account identification (in fact really 1980's MUD system).


These days both your first name and surname/legacy-name should NOT be unique, just the account code identification should be unique.


Ultimately I agree with you here as well. The half-baked way they are going about doing this is what is ticking me off and there is no indication they will ever move toward account code identification either. Just another half cocked, seemingly unnecessary change with absolutely no explanation or consideration for the loyalty of paying customers who have been paying since beta (i.e., those of us who have put up with the massacre of every other personally identifying aspect of our characters).

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Best case scenario: It ruins things for RPers, makes people less easy to identify, and generally takes away a layer of customization.


Worst case scenario: Lets say you and I are on the same server and you do something that pisses me off. Say I am a really vindictive person and a huge dick. Whats to stop me from making a new f2p account, taking your legacy name, and getting myself invited to your guild. Hey, we've got the same legacy, how would they know the difference? I then proceed to steal your guild bank and general do everything I can to destroy your reputation. For all your guild and server knows, its you. You are now an outcast and cannot ever get into a guild again.


And what happens to legacy mail now? And will we ever get legacy friends ala realid now?


So you're worried someone is going to pay $15 for a new account and level a new character up through Chapter 1 to steal your legacy and ruin you're reputation? If someone has that much free time more power to them. I'll just make a new character and hide my Legacy name. Problem solved.

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So you're worried someone is going to pay $15 for a new account and level a new character up through Chapter 1 to steal your legacy and ruin you're reputation? If someone has that much free time more power to them. I'll just make a new character and hide my Legacy name. Problem solved.


The point is, it doesn't have to be intentional harassment to ruin your in-game reputation. Any ninja'ing, griefing moron can "happen" to have your Legacy name and likewise "happen" to ruin your in-game reputation. While his example was extreme, the underlying issue is quite valid.

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