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Please help me understand Bioware


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Okay so I was reading the new improvements for 1.4 and can someone please explain why in the world you would mess with overload? They say its because you're hitting targets you don't mean to hit. What? Whenever I use overload I use it to stop someone or get people away from me in PVP anyone else is just a bonus anyway. It also states they wont be changing the trooper because that wouldn't affect game play for PVP. First off out of all the games in PVP I have played there is not one single game I have played without at least 2 troopers whenever I face the republic. Secondly that push is so unbelievably OP its not even funny. I got hit by it at the top of the ramp by the poison pit in huttball by the edge of that ability and it still hits me with full force into the poison pit yet we are nerfing overload? Can someone please explain because sorcs cant get hit with melee if a melee player comes at you first off you need to be able to get away ASAP secondly they will go at you from behind so a stupid cone AOE ability for the front is useless. That was the whole point of overload to get enemies away so you can be a functional ranged DPS as intended so how in the world do you get enemies away if they are constantly behind you?
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Theres this thing called mouse turning. Personally I think having a directional pushback which pushes back further is much more useful than an all area push-back which only knocks back a little. means also with the lag it shouldnt backfire on you pushing your target to aid them. Edited by Solar_Breeze
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Theres this thing called mouse turning. Personally I think having a directional pushback which pushes back further is much more useful than an all area push-back which only knocks back a little. means also with the lag it shouldnt backfire on you pushing your target to aid them.

I agree.

What I feel like many are forgetting, is that the current Overload has a range of 8 meters around you, whereas the new one will have a 15 meter range in front of you, as well as being applied instantly instead of you having to wait for the animation to finish.


I will of course wait with my final judgement until after I've played it, but in theory I really like it, I think it will be significantly more useful with the changes.


I also like that they made it require more skill in order to get the best results out of it. It means that the people who are turret casting, keyboard turning, rolling face on keyboard hitting random buttons hoping for the best, will be less successful than they were in the past. :D

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I guess I kind of don't understand it either.


Sure, Overload is a bit unreliable when it comes to knocking people off ledges in certain PvP warzones. But that's what, 2 warzones where that's a problem? Any OTHER situation, Overload is my 'get the heck off me' skill. If I have 2-3 melee humping my healing behind while I'm trying to run away from them - Overload.


Also, where in PvE do I care about a directional push? Never.


I don't know, I feel this is a pointless change to make sure 1-2 more people can be reliably punted off ledges and sacrificing an emergency ability to do so - particularly painful on a healy sorc where currently I feel like paper when playing PvP.

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Also, where in PvE do I care about a directional push? Never.


No kidding.


Last I checked PVE was all about 12345.


I play both, and seriously can never get on the side of the PVE complainers... scripted encounters, you already know what the mobs are going to do... how much easier can it be? Just mash dem 12345s.

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Overload is my 'get the heck off me' skill.

And now you can anticipate what is going to happen and push them away from you from further away, 15 meter vs 8.


Also, where in PvE do I care about a directional push? Never.

When you want to be able to push specific mobs in a specific direction instead of pushing everyone around you, great for when you want to leave for example CC'd mobs alone or when you don't want to touch mobs which the tank is focusing on while still pushing others.

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It does not work as it was designed to work if it is a cone push. It does not matter if it doubles the distance. You still end up getting mobbed by 80 percent of the mobs your trying to push off of you.


It is a silly change that is completely unnecessary. The change HAD to be made for PVP, that much is conceded, but there is absolutely NO REASON to also change it for PVE. It is an iconic ability that can not be changed....you might was well remove force lightning or light sabers for Inqs since they are rarely used.


This is simply a change you do not make.

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