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Will anything actually retain customers?


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No, but I wasted about equal amount of my effort to my answer as he did for his comparison. I also have heard a lot better direct comparisons of the 3 games. I could do one with wow myself if I wanted but I am too lazy.


...so instead of critiqing his comparison you decided to deride him for returning?


You do realize this game has lost 2/3 of its population, by some accounts as many as 100k in the last week and a half alone (14% of base).


Here is an off color unfair question in response to your behavior....do you want this game to fail?

Edited by LordArtemis
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I had a way to take care of hardcore gamers. The Tomb of Lords. I talked about it in Beta.


The idea is to have a heroic instance that changes almost every time you enter it. First, just to get there you have to hijack an enemy ship. This takes an entire group, and each member has to do something different on the ship. Unfortunately no matter what you do you will die. The idea is to last as long as you can.




Not saying your idea is a bad one, it's actually really good.


An easier way to accomodate hardcore players, or players who want a challenge and group-centered play would just be to copy any dungeon from Everquest or Vanguard and replace the orcs/goblins with Imperials/Republics. Done and done. I just saved $50,000,000 in development costs. You're welcome.

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Not saying your idea is a bad one, it's actually really good.


An easier way to accomodate hardcore players, or players who want a challenge and group-centered play would just be to copy any dungeon from Everquest or Vanguard and replace the orcs/goblins with Imperials/Republics. Done and done. I just saved $50,000,000 in development costs. You're welcome.


Actually, you just increased development costs by 100 fold since all of those will have to be ported to fit into BWs "version" of the hero engine. :eek:



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No shades? Guess you finally... (dramatic pause)... Lost your cool.






:eek: is as close as I can get to imitating Craig Ferguson. :p


:D was to indicate humor.


Really if you can't see that you need to pull your :cool: off.



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Actually, you just increased development costs by 100 fold since all of those will have to be ported to fit into BWs "version" of the hero engine. :eek:




It's easy. Five simple steps to change any orc into an Imperial...


1) Add Space Glow to swords.

2) Add Space Nazi Bondage uniform.

3) Remove any danger.

4) Remove any AI.

5) Remove any sense of accomplishment.

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It's easy. Five simple steps to change any orc into an Imperial...


1) Add Space Glow to swords.

2) Add Space Nazi Bondage uniform.

3) Remove any danger.

4) Remove any AI.

5) Remove any sense of accomplishment.


You aren't following the hero engin threads, I see and are suffering from Dr. Sheldon Cooperitis. :D

Edited by Urael
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Not saying your idea is a bad one, it's actually really good.


An easier way to accomodate hardcore players, or players who want a challenge and group-centered play would just be to copy any dungeon from Everquest or Vanguard and replace the orcs/goblins with Imperials/Republics. Done and done. I just saved $50,000,000 in development costs. You're welcome.




Well, yes, there are quite a few good runs in other games. I think something like this could be made using mostly existing assets...ships from flashpoints, generic war assets and terrain from Balmorra and/or Ord Mantell, Tomb sections from Korriban, any number of standard speech sections from the game for both mobs and players.


Most of the assets required to build such a run are already in the game, and would need to be assembled. I believe it could be done with little to no VO work, save perhaps your own team talking about the plan and the imps or reps talking to you after capture. Perhaps the challenge dialog might have to be recorded.


My suggestion there is to pull talent from inside the studio.

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For me and several of my friends, we all would be retainable over the long run if the gear didn't look like ***.


Simple fix, right?


Having robes like what was seen in the trailers are what drew us all in, not some bright orange hazard, 2 foot long single pauldron with a bozo the clown nose as a helmet.

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...so instead of critiqing his comparison you decided to deride him for returning?


You do realize this game has lost 2/3 of its population, by some accounts as many as 100k in the last week and a half alone (14% of base).


Here is an off color unfair question in response to your behavior....do you want this game to fail?


I didnt see much point in commenting his comparison. He basically said that he was playing other games for a few weeks and he came back to say that this game sucks. So I was wondering why would he come back after just a few weeks in GW2 and first thing post in the forums to say that this game sucks. Or why stop playing GW2 in just few weeks. I know plenty of people playing that game and none have quit yet.


I doubt anything I do or can do can make this game fail or not fail.

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One of the biggest problems with this game is also it's biggest asset, the voice acting, WoW can chug out a lot of content because they don't use extensive voice acting, or creating a story for every class, this game however, everyone is voice acted, and it takes time to record and code the acting, and all the different responses to how players would interact with them.
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I didnt see much point in commenting his comparison. He basically said that he was playing other games for a few weeks and he came back to say that this game sucks. So I was wondering why would he come back after just a few weeks in GW2 and first thing post in the forums to say that this game sucks. Or why stop playing GW2 in just few weeks. I know plenty of people playing that game and none have quit yet.


I doubt anything I do or can do can make this game fail or not fail.


Perhaps....but that isn't what I asked. I didn't ask if you could make this game fail or not fail. I asked if you wanted it to fail.


By deriding returning players it just seems like that is your intent. After all, if you wanted the game to succeed you would probably do everything you can to convince people to stay.


Naturally that is just my opinion. But I understand your explanation.

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I didnt see much point in commenting his comparison. He basically said that he was playing other games for a few weeks and he came back to say that this game sucks. So I was wondering why would he come back after just a few weeks in GW2 and first thing post in the forums to say that this game sucks. Or why stop playing GW2 in just few weeks. I know plenty of people playing that game and none have quit yet.


I doubt anything I do or can do can make this game fail or not fail.



That has been the underlying flavours of these forums since December 2011, people saying "well I don't like this" or "this could be better" and a load of people saying "if you don't like it just leave".


And they DID, nearly 2,000,000 of them. :(


(not that the forum is at fault for that, but perhaps if they things listed in the forum had been addressed things would be different)

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That has been the underlying flavours of these forums since December 2011, people saying "well I don't like this" or "this could be better" and a load of people saying "if you don't like it just leave".


And they DID, nearly 2,000,000 of them. :(


(not that the forum is at fault for that, but perhaps if they things listed in the forum had been addressed things would be different)


Seems to be the same problem in any game and any mmorpg forum I have followed. At first the rush and then people leaving + increasing stream of complains. Even wow had this, their saviour was that they could show ever increasing playercount which occasionally they used to shut up the complainers. After passing the million player mark they were immune to complains since clearly anything they do or dont do must be right. They had million players afterall and the next best game had few hundred thousand.


Dont get me wrong. I dont see anything wrong with complaining if people take some time to think about what they are complaining about and maybe give suggestion how to fix it. Just look at the suggestion box with loads of well written and detailed ideas from people how to make the game better. And some not so well written or detailed but ideas nevertheless.


I dont really know where this game is going at the moment. I am wondering are they are waiting these big hits to the playerbase to be released (wow in 2 weeks) before they will do something, like adverticing, or have they given up and are just trying to manage with the ever decreasing resources and financing. I can believe in the developers ability to do whatever must be done but there is someone higher up in the corporation controlling the wallet. That person has the ability to make or break this game. To me that person is a total unknown, so I just have to wait and see what happens.

Edited by turjake
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People want PvP like in WAR, but they left WAR.


People want sandbox elements like in SWG, but they left SWG.


People want community and character customisation like in CoH, but they left CoH.


People want the amount of end-game content of WoW, but they left WoW.


So even if SWTOR was some ultimate MMO force, bringing together all of these features together and adding in some fully voiced class stories. Would it actually retain a larger amount of people for very long?


No game lasts forever. Many people pleay games for years however and especially those that you mentioned. For example, I subscribed to wow for about 7 years. The fact that I seldom play it anymore isnt really a slight to blizzard.


I do think this game could hold peoples attention in ways some of these others did. Unfortunately, they just don't seem to want to address core issues. They have some of the pieces for a game that could hold my interest but as it is it will likely be a short term diversion that I enjoy and move on to the next thing.. Listening to the customers can be a bunch of noise. Everyone has different selef interests about the game.. Certainly consider the community for improving aspects of the game but hopefully they also address foundation things that really bring people in and keep them involved.

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