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Just done with Fate of the Jedi, Apocalypse.What comes after ?


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Anyone know if they are working on more books about Luke after this time period, or do they alredy exist ?

Have to say btw Luke in fate of the jedi is really powerful, 3 times he defeat Abelot almost alone and she is like

almost a God.And the rest of the fight in the book they always make it so Luke is really tired and have been up long so he can hardly fight but even so he kills 3-15 Sith in the fights.And how Luke one time when fighting her hes connection with the force is so strong he is going all yellow like shining because the force is going from him in such a strong way-


Anyways really good series Audible.com did a really good job making the VO etc for the books.

Really immersive.VO samples under the pictures. http://www.audible.com/search/ref=sr_lftbox_1_1

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X-wing: Mercy Kill just came out not to long ago and is labeled as a spin off of Apocalypse...




Heard it was really good, won't read it because I'm nowhere near FOTJ and LOTF in terms of timeline. I kinda like to read in Order...


I'm halfway in the giant NJO Series...and I have the occasional TCW era book.

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Next up is Crucible by Denning, being released mid-next year.


After that is the Jaina-centric trilogy Sword of the Jedi by Christie Golden, due for 2014 currently.


Although this could all change if Disney decides to mess with it.

Edited by Stncold
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