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so..does anyone know if Revan Died or not


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Um, if he knew Fold Space why didnt he use when fighting the Emperor?


The Aang Ti were only discovered by anyone in Rise of the Empire Era.


They didnt have interstellar travel until around when the JO discovered them.



Plus, Revan spent more than half of his life as a Jedi Knight, then he became a Sith Lord for a short period of his life and then he became a Jedi Master. Settling in with Bastila Shan.


How do you know his exact age?


Also, where do you see an open space in there where he went to the Rift and discovered the Aing-Ti and learned the Fold Space Ability?


Also, if it was during his Sith Lord time, they would have tried to kill him as they are monks of the Living Force. Doesnt seem like they would welcome a Dark-Sider..


who discovered america first? if you say Christopher Columbus, then i have another question for you, how come they have found viking remains in america?


that is just one case of us learning that what we thought we knew, was wrong.


so again, you can not say some1 meeting the Aang Ti before the empire era would break canon. all it would do is, change the things we thought we knew.


also you can't say its impossible for revan learn it, this is star wars in this galaxy more often than not the impossible is proven to be possible

Edited by grandmthethird
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who discovered america first? if you say Christopher Columbus, then i have another question for you, how come they have found viking remains in america?


that is just one case of us learning that what we thought we knew, was wrong.


so again, you can not say some1 meeting the Aang Ti before the empire era would break canon. all it would do is, change the things we thought we knew.


also you can't say its impossible for revan learn it, this is star wars in this galaxy more often than not the impossible is proven to be possible


You answered less than half of my points..

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You answered less than half of my points..


tbh i only really care that ppl don't use the argument that it would break canon. because it wouldn't, learning that what we thought we knew is wrong, happens all the time, and in a story its called a plot twist.


the rest i couldn't care less about, and i personally hope they don't bring revan back, not because it breaks canon tho. just because i think 300+ years is a good run, and allot has been done with his story, every story has to come to an end.


but you are wrong about me not answering the rest of your points, the last statement i made answers everything (i will go back and underline it for you)

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tbh i only really care that ppl don't use the argument that it would break canon. because it wouldn't, learning that what we thought we knew is wrong, happens all the time, and in a story its called a plot twist.


the rest i couldn't care less about, and i personally hope they don't bring revan back, not because it breaks canon tho. just because i think 300+ years is a good run, and allot has been done with his story, every story has to come to an end.


but you are wrong about me not answering the rest of your points, the last statement i made answers everything (i will go back and underline it for you)


By your logic, its okay to retcon?


Because is changing things that we knew and making them wrong by replacing it with something else.

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I believe the actual ability is called "Force Warp", but i hope he's dead. This Revan doesn't deserve the humiliation of another return at the hands of bioware, they ruined him in this game and the Revan novel, i'm just hoping they don't ruin him again.


This is coming from someone who truly enjoyed Kotor, and liked revan. (although meetra is better :p)


No, it is Fold Space: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Fold_space. There is no such thing as Force Warp. If you can't loot someone in an MMO then assume that they are still alive, same goes for no body.

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It wasn't the Emperor, in game you received a mail about the Emperor. (Forget if its in the SW or JK line) That the Emperor is still alive.


This ^ It appears that the new lead writer has no idea what he is talking about and/or retconning.

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who discovered america first? if you say Christopher Columbus, then i have another question for you, how come they have found viking remains in america?


that is just one case of us learning that what we thought we knew, was wrong.


so again, you can not say some1 meeting the Aang Ti before the empire era would break canon. all it would do is, change the things we thought we knew.


also you can't say its impossible for revan learn it, this is star wars in this galaxy more often than not the impossible is proven to be possible


Furthermore I would like to add that more than one group of people can gain knowledge through different practices, I would imagine the same is true for Force Powers. Revan could have just came across the ability on his own, perhaps he discovered it and teaches it to the Aang TI? Who knows.

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I read that there is a good chance he used a force power called Fold Space to teleport out of the Foundry, so there is a pretty good chance he is still alive. Plus, you can't just destroy one of the greatest Star Wars characters of all time like it seemed they did in the Foundry, so I think we'll see him again.
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Ignoring the question of the "hows" behind his survival. I'd just like to say that I kind of hope he is dead. I'm a huge fan of the original kotor. My first year in the dorms at college kotor and Smash Brothers were the two games everybody was playing, and I bonded with a lot of good friends talking about Revan. The thing is that all of our Revans were very different characters. That was the fun of talking about kotor. Getting to hear about all of the other ways his/her story could go. I really hate the idea of there being a "definitive" Revan. It wouldn't have been so bad if the guy had kept his mask on and stayed mostly silent (or had a voice that was obviously modulated). If he had maintained the air of mystery of the Darth Revan in the flashbacks in kotor, maintaining the idea that he could have been any/every Revan it would have been different. As it is I hope that annoying Nietzsche Wannabe with the stupid goatee is dead and stays that way.
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By your logic, its okay to retcon?


Because is changing things that we knew and making them wrong by replacing it with something else.


in our hypothetical little scenario, nothing would need to be retconned, as no canon would be broken. changing something in the eyes of the reader is not breaking canon, changing something in the eyes of the star wars characters is what would break canon


so lets imagine that a writer decided to go with this as a way to bring back revan-


when the emperor vitiate used the dark ritual on his home world, he became immortal, over the last 1000 years he has traveled the universe learning new force techniques, from undiscovered civilizations, while his avatar has stayed in his citadel ruling the empire. one place the emperor visited was the Aang Ti's home world where he learned the fold space ability. after visiting these new places and learning these ability's the emperor in all his infinite power used the force to wipe all memory's from every1 on the planet, of him ever being there


revan while being trapped in the emperors prison for 300 years has played mind tug a war with the emperor, at this time he has had access to all the emperors knowledge, and during this time he learns of the ability of fold space. although he has never used this ability so he really has no way to know if it will work. but in the battle in SWTOR there comes a point where its die or trust in his instincts and the force, he subconsciously used the ability and survives the battle.




that would not break canon, it doesn't make the ppl in th empire era out to be lairs, it just makes out that something happened 3000 yeas ago that they don't know about. you can argue over if that's a good story or not, but not that it breaks canon. now i'm no revanite and i hope he stays dead, but i'm not so single minded that if they did bring him back i would be jumping on the "they broke canon" bandwagon, because that would not break canon, and there would be no need to retcon anything


i need to thank Aurbere who came up with the idea of revan learning force warp from the emperor. see i'm no writer and i don't think Aurbere is (but he might be) but if 2 ppl on a forum can come up with a quick explanation of how revan could still be alive, and have it not break canon. imagine what a real star wars writer could come up with

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in our hypothetical little scenario, nothing would need to be retconned, as no canon would be broken. changing something in the eyes of the reader is not breaking canon, changing something in the eyes of the star wars characters is what would break canon


so lets imagine that a writer decided to go with this as a way to bring back revan-


when the emperor vitiate used the dark ritual on his home world, he became immortal, over the last 1000 years he has traveled the universe learning new force techniques, from undiscovered civilizations, while his avatar has stayed in his citadel ruling the empire. one place the emperor visited was the Aang Ti's home world where he learned the fold space ability. after visiting these new places and learning these ability's the emperor in all his infinite power used the force to wipe all memory's from every1 on the planet, of him ever being there


revan while being trapped in the emperors prison for 300 years has played mind tug a war with the emperor, at this time he has had access to all the emperors knowledge, and during this time he learns of the ability of fold space. although he has never used this ability so he really has no way to know if it will work. but in the battle in SWTOR there comes a point where its die or trust in his instincts and the force, he subconsciously used the ability and survives the battle.




that would not break canon, it doesn't make the ppl in th empire era out to be lairs, it just makes out that something happened 3000 yeas ago that they don't know about. you can argue over if that's a good story or not, but not that it breaks canon. now i'm no revanite and i hope he stays dead, but i'm not so single minded that if they did bring him back i would be jumping on the "they broke canon" bandwagon, because that would not break canon, and there would be no need to retcon anything


i need to thank Aurbere who came up with the idea of revan learning force warp from the emperor. see i'm no writer and i don't think Aurbere is (but he might be) but if 2 ppl on a forum can come up with a quick explanation of how revan could still be alive, and have it not break canon. imagine what a real star wars writer could come up with



If Revan learned abilities from the Emperor then he would have wiped the floor with us in The Foundry.




Fold Space is Aing Ti and Skywalker only. They were also taught Flow-Walking. Says so in the novel, they are Aing Ti Abilites and they were only used by the Aing Ti.


The Aing Ti would not allow a Dark-Sider to enter, in fact they were against the Dark-Side.

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If Revan learned abilities from the Emperor then he would have wiped the floor with us in The Foundry.


Fold Space is Aing Ti and Skywalker only. They were also taught Flow-Walking. Says so in the novel, they are Aing Ti Abilites and they were only used by the Aing Ti.


The Aing Ti would not allow a Dark-Sider to enter, in fact they were against the Dark-Side.


The Aing Ti have a unique view of the force. IIRC the actual line about how they viewed the force was as a "Rainbow of Perspectives." So, they were pretty big on the grey side of things. Also, IIRC (from the original crappy C canon RPG guide that created the Aing Ti) they aren't force sensitive yet. There is a ridiculously convoluted story about how the species didn't gain force sensitivity until they were exposed to weird cosmic rays (fantastic four style, yo) from some spacial rift thing that popped up about a millenium after TOR.


Aside from that, didn't The Emperor Palpatine have some kind of space-time manipulation ability that was a major plot element in the (quite terrible) Dark Empire series?

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The Aing Ti have a unique view of the force. IIRC the actual line about how they viewed the force was as a "Rainbow of Perspectives." So, they were pretty big on the grey side of things. Also, IIRC (from the original crappy C canon RPG guide that created the Aing Ti) they aren't force sensitive yet. There is a ridiculously convoluted story about how the species didn't gain force sensitivity until they were exposed to weird cosmic rays (fantastic four style, yo) from some spacial rift thing that popped up about a millenium after TOR.


Aside from that, didn't The Emperor Palpatine have some kind of space-time manipulation ability that was a major plot element in the (quite terrible) Dark Empire series?


The Force Storm that ripped a hole in the vacuum of space or something like that.


Lucas made sure his characters were the gods of the gods in the EU..

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If Revan learned abilities from the Emperor then he would have wiped the floor with us in The Foundry.




Fold Space is Aing Ti and Skywalker only. They were also taught Flow-Walking. Says so in the novel, they are Aing Ti Abilites and they were only used by the Aing Ti.


The Aing Ti would not allow a Dark-Sider to enter, in fact they were against the Dark-Side.


You're contradicting yourself here. You say they are Aing Ti(i) and Skywalker abilities but then say(bolded I might add) they are abilities only used by the Aing Tii. Which is it? The Skywalkers weren't Aing Tii but they learned things from them and were able to use these "Aing Tii" only abilities.


Jacen Solo trained under the Aing Tii and learned and used many of the so called "Aing Tii only" abilities like flow-walking, fighting-sight and more and he was only half a Skywalker(arguably from the less Force using talented/powerful side of the family).


Jysella Horn has no relation to the Skywalkers and is thought to have used Flow-walking rather proficiently, no Aing TII monk confirmed she was doing so but a Jedi master believed she was in his experience with those that use it.

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Jysella Horn has no relation to the Skywalkers and is thought to have used Flow-walking rather proficiently, no Aing TII monk confirmed she was doing so but a Jedi master believed she was in his experience with those that use it.


... She also didn't so much "learn it" as was able to "use it when possessed by an evil spirit". Do you think Revan was possessed by and/or serving eldritch horrors that drive men to madness by their passing?

Edited by losdia
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in that interview we are told it is the emperor and he is dead, we are also told in star wars its not impossible to come back from the dead


the official lore says that it's only the Emperor's Presence, not the emperor himself. Also says it in-game if u read the warrior epilogue

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... She also didn't so much "learn it" as was able to "use it when possessed by an evil spirit". Do you think Revan was possessed by and/or serving eldritch horrors that drive men to madness by their passing?


the point isn't how it happened or why it happened, the point is, it did happen. proving that there is more than one way for it to happen, and if there is at least two, why not three, or four. i understant that ppl dont want revan to come back, but unless your work at LA and your job is to decide what is canon or not, you can't say revan using force walking, fold space or any other abilitys is breaking canon, as i have said, your can say its stupid. its bad story telling, but not a canon breaker


anyway i'm bored of this thread, there is certain ppl that have obviously made up there mind, that revans return would break canon, so if it happens that he comes back, they can argue it out with leland chee, who at the end of the day is the person that decides canon

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... She also didn't so much "learn it" as was able to "use it when possessed by an evil spirit". Do you think Revan was possessed by and/or serving eldritch horrors that drive men to madness by their passing?


Sigh, that wasn't my point. I was using it as example of a non-Aing Tii/Skywalker using an Aing Tii Force technique, regardless of how or why she could use it.

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