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Voice overs potentially ToRs downfall?


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If I had that much money to spend on voice, I wouldn't use actors. I would rather have a professional team of programmers to make a voice-speaking program that sounds good and can be used with any voice type by code.


Yeah we're about twenty years from that technology at least that doesn't sound like a transformer.


Oh and the perception is VO is astronomically expensive..that isn't the reality.

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The way they built the entire game is restrictive from an MMO standpoint, and its on the road to an apathetic death. Its so sad, and its going to pull what Knights of the Old Republic stood for, in to the pit with it.


Yet you still fund it.


D0000mmmmmm!!!! :rolleyes:

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i skip through most cutscenes so i dont care much about voice overs. thus potentially making voice overs the downfall of swtor because much less ppl care about them than you think - and creating a new class with so many dialogues will be impossible for them lol


I don't like onions on my burgers. Therefore no restaurant should make burgers with onions! Lovely logic I say.

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I guess the real question would be is: given the nature that many games are emphasizing graphics and voice acting could TOR have really sold well if they went with say a Zelda style text only or Morrowind style voice overs only for minor background chatting/noise? Even KOTOR had voice overs for everything expect the player character and that was years ago.


Personally I think if there was little or no voice acting we'd have people complaining how that style of game is over and how the game is terrible because it isn't keeping up with the times. I think we'd have lost just as many subscriptions or even more subscriptions simply because people weren't happy at the lack of voice acting.


The people who spacebar through cutscenes don't care about story content anyway (given they miss all of the content by doing so) so any extra funds that would have been freed for additional story content by not having voice actors would have been wasted on these people. So the people the devs have to satisfy are the people who will sit through every cutscene (at least when they see it the first time) and I think those gamers today expect there to be voice acting, not text they have to read.

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Rather than spending $200m plus on voice acting, they should of spent $200m on developing the games mechanics, BETA testing, class imbalances, and more content.



Voice acting has no replay value, and they shot themselves in the foot.



What does Bioware do? Does every content patch already have voice acting ready to be pushed out?


Or do they scrap the voice acting idea in future releases.

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I for one love the voice over and don’t think it to blame for why people quite (at least not all of them). One thing I most often hear praised about the game is leveling/stories, it simple end game where they failed. Maybe it could cause problem in the future development.


The problem was we were told end game would be different and not like WOW, not smashing on one big villain line come to mind. This could be because of the engine or just running out of time, but either way they failed to do something inquie. Maybe they could have done civil war over planets “control points” but I’m not really sure what would keep people.


I think they should have added more mini game; swooper racing, exploration with more meaningful rewards, and housing etc. These things can help break up the everyday grind.


I’m not really sure there is a way to keep players these day, they simple burn through content too fast and move on.

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I disagree.


I believe that the class stories, and the way they are played out with voice acting and dialogue choices, is a feature that is helping SWTOR retain a large amount of subscriptions.


I agree with your statement but... I think it would have kept alot more and still kept what it had IF


They limited the voice/cutscene/choices to Class Story and World Arcs. Left it out of the side quests. Put the resources from the sidequests into other areas of the game.


The premise of my OP, wasnt necessarily if the story should have been cut out. It was more of a ... is it still going to be able to do that in the future. So far it seems as if its not going to be able to. Look at the new dailies they added and the world events. No story like we seen in the past. The new dailies are all from a terminal. Because its cheaper and faster to produce. People will get pretty dissapointed if it goes that direction. There are already people craving for Chapter 4. Chapter 4 isnt even comming with Makeb and its level cap increase. That is more proof that it may be going the wayside.

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You guys do know that BW allready have the content for the next 5 years made right? They said that in the prelaunch interview.


Made no... tentatively planned ... maybe. If content was made for the next 5 years, which would be impossible, then they would have released a portion of it to keep the subscribers happy.

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Yeah we're about twenty years from that technology at least that doesn't sound like a transformer.


Oh and the perception is VO is astronomically expensive..that isn't the reality.


What, in this game, cost them ~200 million dollars.

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I think I should have Titled this thread different. It seems people want to read the title and not really understand the gist of my post.


Im not saying VO killed ToR. Im saying if they would have cut back on it somewhat then they would have had resources to allocate elsewhere. I dont think many players would miss much of the side quest voice overs. Those are mostly garbage and repeated ad nausium IMO.


Im also saying that it might kill them in the future because of the cost to do so and the time it takes to do so. When you dont have the funds or the time or the staff... its not easy to come out with the same quality that people expect. We have already seen the cutback of the quality of work. New dailies are fully terminal. Makeb has no chapter 4 even though it is getting a level cap increase. Because of the quality that people now expect, they are going to be butthurt if they dont continue to get it. Because BW is hampered in funding and lost some staff... they cant produce that same quality.... atleast not for long periods of time between.... like yearly.

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FULL voice-over is what defines this MMO. And honestly I can't even imagine a modern game without full voice-over. If they ever decide NOT to voice-Over some conversations or side quests, it will just become another WoW... in space. I'm really tired of having to read all those lame text boxes, if i want to enjoy the story.

If I wanted to read the story I'd go get a book, or play Old-School Fallout again or something...


If I wanted to hear the story I'd get something for my Kindle. I'm sorry that reading is so hard for so many people these days.

I play without sound and the only thing the cutscenes do is give affection and light/dark side points. The quest areas are marked on the map so you don't need to pay attention to generic voice #23 to figure out where the bandits he wants me to kill are.


BTW, the game is another WoW with or without voice-acting bloating the size of the game.

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I disagree.


I believe that the class stories, and the way they are played out with voice acting and dialogue choices, is a feature that is helping SWTOR retain a large amount of subscriptions.


Really? You think the few minutes of class story each planet is keeping players slogging through the hours of repetitive 'collect 10 womp rat butts' that they have to grind through to be able to do those few new class missions?

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Very true.


But getting back on topic, the developers at least on twitter still seem confident that they can continue to provide VO story to the game after they address the PVP , crafting and endgame issues; I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until the two year mark.


So after they fix the other three pillars they'll get around to the fourth one they touted endlessly?

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So that means they have even less excuse for the paltry amount of content released so far?


I think he's referring to the voice overs. As in the voice overs for the content are already long done. That would explain how the dialogue from future raids is already in the game available to be data mined. Building the raids and content which includes these conversations is quite another thing entirely.


Honestly I don't believe the voice overs took as much resources as people are thinking. Compared to building the game itself, simply recording the conversations of the characters isn't all that difficult. Yes they have to hire a writing staff and voice actors in addition to normal staff, but its not like these guys make up the majority of the development team.

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You guys do know that BW allready have the content for the next 5 years made right? They said that in the prelaunch interview.


Good for you!! Now that they said they are going to release new content every 6-week. Have fun waiting. Anyways, they did say alot of things but where are they??

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