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Planetary Control


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I'm a PvPer on a PvE server, and not moving now because I'm settled with a PvP guild, I play a Jedi Shadow Infiltration.


My idea consists of this.


Each shared planet, contains a battlefield (Open world), so... in no particular order

-> Tatooine (Not the Rogues Den)

-> Belsavis

-> Hoth

-> Voss

-> Ilum

-> Nar Shadaa

-> Alderaan


Imperial and Republic can fight over these battlefields to gain control of the planet. There will be a number of objectives required within the battlefield to gain planetary control.


Once these objectives are controlled, the planet favors the controlling faction.


There are a lot of disputes as to what the rewards are, mainly because of what was carried out at Ilum. So I suggest convenience and experience rewards are granted, rather than valor and Armour, of course this doesn't exclude those from the equation.


The Rewards could include;

5% Experience bonus to the controlling faction

10 - 30% Off Speeders and other items

50% off Travel Costs

A Buff, granted only when on a controlled planet which grants a bonus, like 5% Damage Increase.


This is just a sketch really, but any suggestive feedback is more than welcomed :)



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Not bad, but you might have to come up with a way for 50's not to gank lowbies, and for 50's to even do it.


Although under 50's will still be at a disadvantage, they could use the bolster mechanic, so at least they are competitive, perhaps overshoot the bolster, more so than in the warzones, to make them even more competitive.

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Its a great concept that would give folks a reason to PVP while leveling.... probably wouldn't be a huge draw for 50s because there are zero rewards for player kills in this game. Still I like it.


It may be viable to give level ranges per planet, so only certain levels can attend planetary control, so Nar shadaa would be 20 - 24.


Would leave little margine

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I'm a PvPer on a PvE server, and not moving now because I'm settled with a PvP guild, I play a Jedi Shadow Infiltration.


My idea consists of this.


Each shared planet, contains a battlefield (Open world), so... in no particular order

-> Tatooine (Not the Rogues Den)

-> Belsavis

-> Hoth

-> Voss

-> Ilum

-> Nar Shadaa

-> Alderaan


Imperial and Republic can fight over these battlefields to gain control of the planet. There will be a number of objectives required within the battlefield to gain planetary control.


Once these objectives are controlled, the planet favors the controlling faction.


There are a lot of disputes as to what the rewards are, mainly because of what was carried out at Ilum. So I suggest convenience and experience rewards are granted, rather than valor and Armour, of course this doesn't exclude those from the equation.


The Rewards could include;

5% Experience bonus to the controlling faction

10 - 30% Off Speeders and other items

50% off Travel Costs

A Buff, granted only when on a controlled planet which grants a bonus, like 5% Damage Increase.


This is just a sketch really, but any suggestive feedback is more than welcomed :)




check my post about the open pvp concept...it is more or less the same as yours

i like it

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I'm a PvPer on a PvE server, and not moving now because I'm settled with a PvP guild, I play a Jedi Shadow Infiltration.


My idea consists of this.


Each shared planet, contains a battlefield (Open world), so... in no particular order

-> Tatooine (Not the Rogues Den)

-> Belsavis

-> Hoth

-> Voss

-> Ilum

-> Nar Shadaa

-> Alderaan


Imperial and Republic can fight over these battlefields to gain control of the planet. There will be a number of objectives required within the battlefield to gain planetary control.


Once these objectives are controlled, the planet favors the controlling faction.


There are a lot of disputes as to what the rewards are, mainly because of what was carried out at Ilum. So I suggest convenience and experience rewards are granted, rather than valor and Armour, of course this doesn't exclude those from the equation.


The Rewards could include;

5% Experience bonus to the controlling faction

10 - 30% Off Speeders and other items

50% off Travel Costs

A Buff, granted only when on a controlled planet which grants a bonus, like 5% Damage Increase.


This is just a sketch really, but any suggestive feedback is more than welcomed :)




This is basically what they did in WAR, but with some improvements. What you've got is a good starting point, but lacks motivation.


If you have to control the pvp zone in order to gain pve benefits, people wont care. It'll either be ignored, or it will become a pve swop-fest as people take objectives, leave zone, pve, lose zone, come back to retake, repeat. You have to give the pvpers themselves motivation to stay.


So, for the pvpers, this means valor and gear. Link gear to objectives i.e. take / defend an objective gives you barter tokens which will buy you a pvp set appropriate for your level. This way you encourage actual combat over objectives (structured opvp), give pvpers an alternative way to level, and the pvers can appreciate the world wide benefits.


To stop ganking, again, do the WAR thing: turn over-leveled players in to chickens / rakghouls upon entering the pvp zone.

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This is basically what they did in WAR, but with some improvements. What you've got is a good starting point, but lacks motivation.


If you have to control the pvp zone in order to gain pve benefits, people wont care. It'll either be ignored, or it will become a pve swop-fest as people take objectives, leave zone, pve, lose zone, come back to retake, repeat. You have to give the pvpers themselves motivation to stay.


So, for the pvpers, this means valor and gear. Link gear to objectives i.e. take / defend an objective gives you barter tokens which will buy you a pvp set appropriate for your level. This way you encourage actual combat over objectives (structured opvp), give pvpers an alternative way to level, and the pvers can appreciate the world wide benefits.


To stop ganking, again, do the WAR thing: turn over-leveled players in to chickens / rakghouls upon entering the pvp zone.


Yeah you're right, there wasn't a lot of benefits for higher level players, perhaps cosmetic armour relevant to the planet for each class as well, call it like Tatooine Conflict, or Scenario gear as an idea.

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