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Server transfers, more slots, account-wide Legacy or Legacy merges?


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Without getting into the whole story (if you want the story, see bottom of post) I currently have 8 Imperial characters on one server and 4 Republic characters on another.


It's my wish that all of these were together on the server of my choosing and within the same Legacy.


If I'm not mistaken, at one time or another you have come out as saying that:

  • Someday there may be server transfers made available.
  • Someday there may be more character slots made available.
  • Someday it may be possible to have an account-wide Legacy.


Thus, my wish involves all of these things simultaneously:

  • If you allowed only server transfers tomorrow, I'd still need more character slots, and I'd want to merge the one Legacy into the other.
  • If you opened up more character slots tomorrow, that still leaves me with two separated groups of characters and two Legacies.
  • If you created account-wide Legacy tomorrow, that still leaves me with two separated groups of characters and no way to transfer goods between them.


Put bluntly, will an altoholic and loyal player such as myself ever get their wish? Surely I'm not the only crazy person out there who wants to consolidate all their assets.


Is there anything resembling a plan or a release schedule for which these features are intended to be made real?






*The story: the 8 Imperials were made on my first server, which I was put into because I joined up with friends in the pre-release guild creation program. I didn't choose the server; I'm not sure if they did either. After release, the server depopulated and the guild fell apart because most people lost interest or never really took one. Then the involuntary server transfers happened. I found myself on a new server with no guild, and the server is not in my native time zone; neither was the first one. I joined another guild which also fell apart after several weeks due to lack of interest, and its officers declared it dead. Even when the guild was together, it was difficult to do ops with them because, again, not on my time zone.


Because voluntary server transfers simply haven't materialized with no solid news in sight, I recently started rolling the Republic characters on a server in my time zone that had a guild I wanted to join. I love my new server and guild; this is where I would have liked to have been since release. Just night and day better from the other two. It's like this is where the adults came to get away from the idiot children everywhere else. I want the Imperial toons to come over and enjoy the party, hence the post. It's been pretty painful leveling a new toon with no Legacy and no benefits because of this lack of transfers. I likely wouldn't have rolled or started leveling a new one if there was any other choice.

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We do have plans to make more character slots available per server and will bring you more info as soon as we can. Thanks for all your suggestions in this thread!



This is a recent post on more character slots per server. There was also a post that said character transfers would be looked into after the forced server merges, which are supposed to happen by the end of summer(this is sept 21st, later than that is late).

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I'm not in as dire a situation as the OP (only 5 chars on main server atm), but could visualize being in the same fix in the future. The ability to have all chars on the same server would not be critical to me as I'm perfectly happy with my server and am confident I could find another one to put characters on , but account-wide legacy and account-wide item/credit transfer would be nice.
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I would love an account-wide legacy, as well. I had characters on three different servers for playing with different people and all three went to different destination servers. Whether it's paid transfers, cross-server legacy, or some other mechanism, I would love to unite my characters in one "family".
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