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i swear i got all datacrons except the +10 all stats,but in the codex sys 64 of 67.

question will getting all stats bring it up to 67?

i found a datacron in jedi/republic space port on corllia but was unable to access it, government sector, is this a bug? or can i just not access the ones in republic territory?

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There are separate Republic and Empire datacrons (I believe). The best way to check whether or not you have all the datacrons is to compare your list of codex entries against the known list that's on Ask Mr. Robot's character builder (or another known list if there is one, I use that one as I build my characters on that site).
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There are some datacrons that are different for Imperial and Republic characters, but they are very few in number. The majority of the datacron list is shared between factions. The ones that are different between factions are in areas that members of the other faction are unable to access.


You can check which datacrons you are missing by going into the planet section of your codex. There should be a magnifying glass or something that you can click on to show the numbers of codex entries on a planet that you have gotten and how many there are in total. Go through each planet and find which ones you are missing datacrons for. Then check a datacron guide for the planet and see which corresponding codex entries you are missing. Note that two of the "Quesh datacrons" are actually gotten on Corellia....and I have no idea as to why.


As for the one I think you are talking about in the Government district, that on is obtainable on Imperial characters. It is just a serious pain the rear to get.

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