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Sentinel keybindings


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You can do that, or instead of pressing C for character pain O for Who pain, and so on; You can make them Ctrl+C for Character pain, and so on (you get the point?)


Then bind all those open plain letters to your moves and all that. How I saved 80 bucks :).

Still want a Naga though.

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I can't comment on whether this is enough at level 50 (I haven't seemed to get near to 50 for all the time I got levelling), but what I use so far:


1-6 pressed, 7 = f, 8 = g, 9 = v, 0 = t (I guess you can add in more for - and =). That way you don't miss anything like whisper or inventory. Then combine that with Shift for bar 2, (eg, Shift + 1 is usually my CC breaker), control for bar 3 (if you're 50 I'm assuming you don't need to hotkey your companion's abilities), and that adds to 36 abilities safely in reach. You can make it 48 if you add Alt too. Simples *meerkat noises*


Helpful gear like mice are good, but sometimes I worry that people depend on out-of-game utility (eg, addons, hardware etc) too much (it's one of my complaints on WoW, addons became a necessity). Not that it's a bad thing, but IMO it's an extra rather than a necessity, if that makes sense.

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I recommend a naga mouse. I personally could not play my sentinel without one.




My first ever character was a Sentinel and I was fine with random empty keys bound to abilities but as I got to around lvl 35-40, I was having a hard time with my rotations. Ordered a Naga. Now my keybindings are hardwired into my head and I can throw out abilities fluidly. You don't NEED a Naga per se, but if you can afford it, it makes life a LOT easier.

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Qerfzxv , ctrl+qerfzxv, ctrl 1234, ctrl d for hutball pass. Mouse 5 for pacify. Click rebuke awe force camo gbtf and introspection


Wut? why on earth would you keybind everything except 5 of your most awesome abilities?

Just bind them with shift+something.

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I have 1-5 bound to skills, as well as tilde.

I also have shift plus the above keys.


I have the 6th through 12th quickbar slots bound to my mouse (not a Naga, it's a newer Logitech but forget the model name).

I also have shift plus the above mouse buttons.


That's 26 keybinds. I also have shift + mouse wheel up/down bound to change which quickslot bar shows, at which point I have another 12 keybinds available, but I typically only put my out of combat stuff there. Everything else I need in combat I click, but those buttons are all situational for pve if I ever use them at all (cyclone slash, force sweep, unity, heroic moment, etc).

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Also, if you play multiple characters, one thing I've found helpful is to "standardize" your keybindings are as much as possible. For example:


Shift + 2 is always my basic/free attack (strike, consular's disturbance, trooper's hammer shot, etc).

Shift + 3 is always my interrupt.

1 is typically an opener of some kind.

2-3-4, 6 and 7 are typically my main abilities (strongest fingers/easiest mouse positions).

5 and shift 5 are typically some kind of nearby aoe (awe, consular's force wave, etc).

9-10 and shift 9-10 (mouse buttons) are typically offensive and defensive CDs, respectively, with more or less needed depending on the character.


I think that is enough examples. But it makes transitioning from one character to another much easier if there is some consistency between them.

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lvl 40

` kick, 1 strike, 2 slash, 3 riposte, 4 z-strike, 5 op-strike, ctrl ~ crippling throw, ctrl 1 force sweep, ctrl 2 cyclone slash, ctrl 3 master-x, ctrl 4 forse statis

alt ` force leap, alt 1 oload-saber, alt 2 blade storm, alt 3 merciless slash, alt 4 cauterize,

ctrl alt ` pacify, ctrl alt 1 rebuke, ctrl alt 2 saber ward, ctrl alt 4 call the force


ctrl-c disable droid

alt q leg sweep


using a mouse with 2 extra button at thumb

mouse 5 zen

ctrl mouse 5 inspiration

mouse 4 resolute

alt mouse 4 force camoflage


left hand hurts badly

and sometime mis-pressed alt-tab :mad:

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