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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Discovered a rather exploit-heavy glitch.


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So I was cliff-jumping to save time, judging my angles carefully and the distances properly so I would be able to jump, fall, land, and Seethe to heal up and repeat, instead of walking all the way around the path I was going to have to take. I landed, started to Seethe (Sith Inquisitor) and while I was walking during Seethe, I walked off the ledge I landed on, freaked out, then landed with taking -no- fall damage what so ever.


Figured I would report this, didn't know where to... So, here it is. Apologies if this is in the wrong section.

Edited by Folgimar
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So I was cliff-jumping to save time, judging my angles carefully and the distances properly so I would be able to jump, fall, land, and Seethe to heal up and repeat, instead of walking all the way around the path I was going to have to take. I landed, started to Seethe (Sith Inquisitor) and while I was walking during Seethe, I walked off the ledge I landed on, freaked out, then landed with taking -no- fall damage what so ever.


Figured I would report this, didn't know where to... So, here it is. Apologies if this is in the wrong section.


It's not a bug unless you can reproduce it.

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Sounds like you get right next to the edge so when you're walking around during the Seethe animation, you fall


Thats what it sounds like, but with bugs it can be more than that. Location, Body Size, Time into seethe, all have the possibility of playing a part. I'm logging on to test it now, if I can reproduce it without that info, great. If not, oh well.


EDIT: Nevermind, Reproduced flawlessly first try. Reporting.

Edited by DoitiEtok
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Not a bug. As said, massive time saver. Things like this shouldn't be fixed. Prefer the devs to work on more important issues to be honest.


Ofcourse it's a bug. If it can be exploited in various ways, it will be exploited.

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How is that not an exploit/bug? It may save low-levels time, but it isn't a fair thing across the board. Not every class moves while using their OOC Regen skill. It's not fair at all to the other classes who can't just fall off of ledges without taking damage.
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He's talking about the seethe walk animation when you activate it.


Right. But, what I'm saying is that the other classes in the game don't have a walk animation when they use their OOC Regen skill. Only inquisitors have a walk animation, which means only inquisitors can drop off of ledges and take no damage while regenerating health.


If this were something all classes could do, I'd say this isn't an exploit or bug at all, but seeing as only 1/8 classes can do this, I think it needs to be fixed.

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