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A full absorb tank. I need help. I wasted my last 6 months :(


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If you are pulling less than 200k protection in longer matches, its not the gear thats the problem.


In a longer match, with a healer I can get about 150,000 thats it. You are right maybe once I'm full WH with augs I can easily get 150,000 damage and 200,000 protection.


But the equiv POWER spec'd tank can get 500,000 plus 200,000 protection (WITH NO to LITTLE ABSORB).


That is my point. Completely unfair. Absorb armor is a waste. Power spec'd tanks have NO to LITTLE ABSORB in their gear, I have it on every piece!

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The faster you understand that tank in tank gear does not have "chances" vs anyone cause he is not needed to kill anyone, the faster you will obtain peace.


Tank in tank gear sticks to team and healers and helps them to have chances vs anyone.




I have tried this at least 10 times this month. JUST TANKING...not worrying about damage!


and i still get 100,000 if im lucky thats it. Thats with spamming taunts and with guarding. With a healer I can get 150,00 but thats about it.


SO AT THE END OF THE MATCH EVERYONES GETTING 300,000 this and 300,000 that and...you know what happens to us FULL TANKS? We get laughed at EVERY SINGLE MATCH!!!

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a tank in tank gear does far far far worse in damage than a tank in dps gear but have the same survivability...which is utter bull, no one can effectively argue that fact. The game is broken in that area. The problem is tank in tank gear gives up almost all his damage to receive a negligible amount of tanking ability. A noob with a can of beer in one hand can effectively kill a tank with just spamming buttons, because a normal rotation will yield a great nember of attacks that the tank can't even defend against, making the purpose of tank stats on his armor utterly retarded

they should either.


1. Get rid of all pvp tank stated gear altogether

2. Boost all damage abilities coming off of that gear so a tank be on par with others that are not so gimped.


They should really just get rid of all the pvp tank armor all together, and not let people gimp themselves.


Yes, i chose tank armor route long ago too hoping and having faith that the devs would change this and make tanks in tank gear effective in thier role in pvp....but as time goes on i think they either don't care or have adopted a "working as intended" design descision about it.


In the end tanks are the only role that when choosing battlemaster or war tanking gear for thier role/character, totally bork themselves...and thats not right by any stretch of the imagination.


hallelujah!! perfectly spoken!


now in BW's defense. from what I can see in other PvP games playing WZ's accaully seem well done. It's just this area that needs help from what I can see. That and maybe some PvP variation, like a guild queue, or open world. Besides that it's very fun.

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I have to admit. Ever since the 1.2 PVP revamp playing a tank completely sucks. They have boosted damage and reduced longevity because somehow the design team came to the conclusion that people lived too long. Pre 1.2 I could guard a healer and we could both live the whole game. But since 1.2 I die just as quickly as anyone else and do significantly less damage.


It makes playing a tank in PVP much less enjoyable because you are basically worthless. My preference would be a buff to tanks survivability in PVP because when I chose tanking I reserved myself to never topping the damage charts but being a punching bag keeping the rest of the team alive (healers and DPS), but now I barely take any extra punches than they can. The other option would be a buff to tank damage to allow use to kill people a bit faster and increase survivability through killing foes, however I dislike that option as tanks are not supposed to be heavy hitters and a change like that could hurt the PVE side.


Oh and add to all that I am a powertech shield tech and it's basically like a worthless player on the team.


Hmm well this post is about REAL TANKS. Regular tanks are just fine. They can blast out 300,00 damage no problem. It's FULL TANKS that can't do damage or get a high, nice looking PROTECTION rating at the end of a match.

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You knew that defense stats were basically a waste in PvP and you did it anyway on the basis of "faith" that BioWare would one day make it work. And now you're mad?




No No...well most people say that it does help SOME ( A LITTLE), just not ENOUGH. My point is that there is no "SOME" . I should be getting a LITTLE bit more protection...but I can't see it being even slightly noticeable therefore it's completely worthless. So tell your friends to stop spreading the lie that it does anything, cause it doesn't. after you factor in all the hard work, confusion, and embarrassment.

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I hear the frustration man... and i know the feeling. My main is a JC and we are definitely under-appreciated IMHO, especially when it comes to Protection numbers. Good prot #s are hard to come by (in pugs especially). Granted, i did not go full tank like u - my skills are more balance than anything, something like 17 0 24 (dont recall exactly). And i am in mostly augmented WH gear, have the survivor gear set for the dmg increase, and every other piece is stalker. My stats in pugs (which is all i play) hover between 150k - 350k dmg and 45k to 100k prot on a normal basis. There have been higher stat matches but they are very few and far between. I am not a biochem so i dont have stims and i dont use wz exp buffs simply b/c i use my wz comms to get the last few pieces of wh gear i play i need. Here's my points: are you having fun? Do you feel like you are on equal to other jc's? Do you feel you contribute to team wins? If the answer is Yes then dude, dont worry about it too much. The game is in an everchanging state. What fotm is great atm will be gone soon... should u voice your concerns? Absolutely, but dont quit b/c of stats. Hell, the default listed stats at the end of a match don't show the full picture at all. They need a better way to track certain things like dmg mitigation, taken, etc...


See I can't even get to 150,000 damage without going insane on the keyboard with aoe's! lol. I am almost full war hero. I still top the charts with medals but...everyone makes fun of me. very annoying. i feel I try my absolute best...and I have no high numbers like other players.


anyway thanks for the nice speech though, it was very helpful! and your right it's all about fun!! Thanks!!

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if theyre in DPS gear and getting more protection that a war hero tank its something you are doing wrong then maybe you're out of tanking range or the fact that you guard healers who are away from the fight, maybe its who you're guarding can you give us a sample of your gameplay?


NO necessarily DPS...just POWER SPEC. It's call mystics gear, its war hero. It has no absorb. just power and willpower.

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I have tried this at least 10 times this month. JUST TANKING...not worrying about damage!


and i still get 100,000 if im lucky thats it. Thats with spamming taunts and with guarding. With a healer I can get 150,00 but thats about it.


SO AT THE END OF THE MATCH EVERYONES GETTING 300,000 this and 300,000 that and...you know what happens to us FULL TANKS? We get laughed at EVERY SINGLE MATCH!!!


Dunno man, I play RWZ with this guardian, who is fully tank geared, and once he gets the ball, there's no chance of dropping him.


Also, I played as tank for quite a while, and when you're defending a node, and you see 3 people incoming, I would rather be there, as a tank, alone, as opposed to being a very squishy dps and get smoked in 3 seconds.


Topping the stats board is not what tanks actually do. It's not what you're meant to focus on. You are meant to be the last one standing to make sure the enemy doesn't cap a node when overrun, meant to be there to make sure the healer doesn't die, meant to be there to give enough time for your team to get there when a node is attacked, meant to hold the ball so that a relay can be set up.


Really, if you're stressing about it, maybe you shouldn't have rolled tank. I know I don't regret it, even when I only get 50k protection.

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Some people have suggested OP rerolls.


Where are the abusive anon posters shouting down anyone with more than one character? I know they infest any thread that suggest people might play alts or are tired of regrinds?


Good luck OP, many reasons to leave a game, "enjoying the game" is one reason to stay.

Edited by Elkirin
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You knew that defense stats were basically a waste in PvP and you did it anyway on the basis of "faith" that BioWare would one day make it work. And now you're mad?




Lol. I concur. I find this entire thread funny because the Shadows/Assassins were trying to explain this to people of why we were in DPS gear instead of tank gear. But you had all the diehard tanks screaming about how we were lying and that tank gear works. Here we are now and people finally realize how ****** tank gear is. Lol. This is just too funny.

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@Altheran Doesn't oil slick only apply to melee/ranged


Actually tank can "dodge" tech/force attacks. That's what "resist" rating for if you hover your mouse under "defense" word.


Too bad there is no any piece of gear that has tech/force resist rating attached :D.


Yea this is what was funny the attacks in question are Kenetic damage but also Force attacks (Smash and Force scream to be specific). But it specificly said Miss not Resist which is what confused me.

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It depends on the damage type that's to be inflicted - Kinetic/Energy damage type will say "Miss" and Internal/Elemental damage type will say "Resisted". That's what the Sniper probably meant by a TD "missing".


Note: Rail Shot IS NOT A TECH ATTACK. It is a Ranged attack that deals Energy damage (as most Blaster Pistols deal Energy damage). TD is a Tech attack that deals Kinetic damage.


No it won't. If i force scream a sin with shroud up it says Resisted and it's Kinetic damage.

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if theyre in DPS gear and getting more protection that a war hero tank its something you are doing wrong then maybe you're out of tanking range or the fact that you guard healers who are away from the fight, maybe its who you're guarding can you give us a sample of your gameplay?


this ....


100k protection? lol... and btw ask some tanks in rated team why they are there ... and they are in tank gear ...


it doesnt matter it doesnt work only against white dmg... and so what? its still bonus ... maybe 20%? is it not enough?


wake up ... tanks are there for protection, after match look only on protection in the table, or if u won, or how many times his healer died ...


L2P issue ...

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In a longer match, with a healer I can get about 150,000 thats it. You are right maybe once I'm full WH with augs I can easily get 150,000 damage and 200,000 protection.


But the equiv POWER spec'd tank can get 500,000 plus 200,000 protection (WITH NO to LITTLE ABSORB).


That is my point. Completely unfair. Absorb armor is a waste. Power spec'd tanks have NO to LITTLE ABSORB in their gear, I have it on every piece!


2 things.


1: Absorb only works when you are being attacked, not on guarded damage (its bugged atm), so to make use of that stat you have to pro actively piss people off and make them attack you.- not just stand there.


2: Even in BM gear you can break 200k protection playing in random PuGs, i did it on my Jugg all the time.


Sorry, but you are simply doing things wrong. The end.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Hey there op,



First and foremost, welcome to the pvp tank club :D. I myself am using a shadow tank with three types of fully augmented wh gear. A full tank one for huttball, a full dps (30 crit and 77 surge) one for the rest of the warzones, and a hybrid mix for when I decide to play balance. My favourite spec is the 31 0 10 spec and i like to bring my protection as close as possible to my damage. If I do 300k + dmg I am aiming for a 200k+ protection. This is a personal goal and should not be taken as a measure at how awesome you are. I also change gear during wz and respec according to what we need.



Many of you here have made valid points and I wholeheartedly agree that getting protection depends on many factors. A few of them come to mind :


1. Is your single / aoe taunt always on cooldown?

2. Are you making sure that you spam your dmg reduction abilities efficiently?

3. Are you peeling off the highest dps-ers and stay within the shield bubble range at all times?

4. Are you guard swapping? I myself swap guards, on a full warzone, between 20-40 times depending on the amount of healers or who needs it. This is also a good way to increase the number on that protection.

5.Are you playing against a team that has major damage?

6. Are you playing against a ******* team that has no clue they need to isolate you from the healer and constantly spam your healer within the shield?





The above are just a few things to consider. When the wz ends, i look at my stats and see that the healer has only died if I died. Sometimes, when I am going with our commando / scoundrel healer, he dies less because i manage to return and reguard. Being a pvp tank is not easy. It is a painful job which sometimes in pug wz is not appreciated. On a voidstar I did 350k dmg with 305k protection and had no MVP. Everything went to the vanguards that did 500k+ damage.

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2 things.


1: Absorb only works when you are being attacked, not on guarded damage (its bugged atm), so to make use of that stat you have to pro actively piss people off and make them attack you.- not just stand there.


2: Even in BM gear you can break 200k protection playing in random PuGs, i did it on my Jugg all the time.


Sorry, but you are simply doing things wrong. The end.


Thanks for telling me this. I really didn't know that. Just more reason that Bio Ware has problems. They never list enough info IN GAME. Thanks again Bio Ware for making us come to your website and search endlessly...


Secondly I already knew that to get my protection up I had to take damage, it was just obvious from my combat logs. Yet I still thought GUARD gave me protection. Am I right?


Don't tell me i'm stupid for thinking this, that makes sense. Protecting some one = Protection...? I'm lost now.


I thought you received protection;


1.) from guarding others

2.) from taunt

3.) from your own shield...whatever that ability is called...with the rocks


I'm not sure how to track this in my combat logs...or if it's possible

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Hey there op,



First and foremost, welcome to the pvp tank club :D. I myself am using a shadow tank with three types of fully augmented wh gear. A full tank one for huttball, a full dps (30 crit and 77 surge) one for the rest of the warzones, and a hybrid mix for when I decide to play balance. My favourite spec is the 31 0 10 spec and i like to bring my protection as close as possible to my damage. If I do 300k + dmg I am aiming for a 200k+ protection. This is a personal goal and should not be taken as a measure at how awesome you are. I also change gear during wz and respec according to what we need.



Many of you here have made valid points and I wholeheartedly agree that getting protection depends on many factors. A few of them come to mind :


1. Is your single / aoe taunt always on cooldown?

2. Are you making sure that you spam your dmg reduction abilities efficiently?

3. Are you peeling off the highest dps-ers and stay within the shield bubble range at all times?

4. Are you guard swapping? I myself swap guards, on a full warzone, between 20-40 times depending on the amount of healers or who needs it. This is also a good way to increase the number on that protection.

5.Are you playing against a team that has major damage?

6. Are you playing against a ******* team that has no clue they need to isolate you from the healer and constantly spam your healer within the shield?





The above are just a few things to consider. When the wz ends, i look at my stats and see that the healer has only died if I died. Sometimes, when I am going with our commando / scoundrel healer, he dies less because i manage to return and reguard. Being a pvp tank is not easy. It is a painful job which sometimes in pug wz is not appreciated. On a voidstar I did 350k dmg with 305k protection and had no MVP. Everything went to the vanguards that did 500k+ damage.


Thanks for your help! By the way we have the same skill spec! 31-0-10.


I do everything you listed except I have questions about two things.


1. I am curious as to the distance, and how it works, not only of guard but more importantly of taunt. It seems about the same distance but I'm not sure. 15 mtrs?


2. Guard swapping. I used to do this all the time but I found it made my damage lower. Either way this week I tried it, and tried it properly. I guarded who ever was getting hit the most (by looking at their health bar) over and over again and I didn't seem to get more than 30,000 damage if that. I was just experimenting. If I would have been fighting more I may have got my protection up...but no where near 200,000.


ALL I CAN SAY is that I have noticed one thing. Those guardians who have POWER SPEC GEAR or at least don't waste their time on an absorb rating do much better with protection than me. And I try very very hard. It has to be the gear. Plus tons of people on here agree that the absorb gear is a waste.



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As a tank your more valuble to the team than your normal DPS player, alot of DPS (not all, some are really good) players are garbage, have no idea what the word teamwork means and count damage dealt as how awesome they are, they forget that their damge is high because you reduced the output of the enemy and the healers kept them alive.


As far as the gear grind and how it feels worthless, at least if you get bored you can tank hardmodes in that gear

(its really good money, alot better than credits from warzones).


In like 3 months or so (possibly) we will be getting a new level cap, which means new gear and from what i have been told, that means that your current gear will be like going into a warzone with level 45 gear now.


So what ever hours you spent grinding that stuff will be for nothing and you will have to regrind anyway


On the plus now you can have low level gear for low level hardmodes and next time you can be working toward dps gear for warzones, if your so inclined.

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As a tank your more valuble to the team than your normal DPS player, alot of DPS (not all, some are really good) players are garbage, have no idea what the word teamwork means and count damage dealt as how awesome they are, they forget that their damge is high because you reduced the output of the enemy and the healers kept them alive.


As far as the gear grind and how it feels worthless, at least if you get bored you can tank hardmodes in that gear

(its really good money, alot better than credits from warzones).


In like 3 months or so (possibly) we will be getting a new level cap, which means new gear and from what i have been told, that means that your current gear will be like going into a warzone with level 45 gear now.


So what ever hours you spent grinding that stuff will be for nothing and you will have to regrind anyway


On the plus now you can have low level gear for low level hardmodes and next time you can be working toward dps gear for warzones, if your so inclined.


Thanks for the tips! I'll keep that in mind! It's a relief to know I'll have a second chance, and that others will have to regrind too.

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