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Why not more companions like Jaesa Willsaam?


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I quite agree, though most likely it is not necessarily the character I found so very interesting, but the story leading to her recruiting. All together I think the SW got the best companions of all classes and next to the agent the best story.


On other classes I have sometimes really no interest in my companions or even outright hate them, especially Skadge on my BH is a thorn in my side. I would never have taken him onto my ship. From the first meeting (where he pretty much tortures a young woman for info...) all I wanted to do is shoot him. Still I had to take him on my ship.


As for a dark/light-meter on companions I don't necessarily need that. I like that my companions have their own ideas and like my deeds or not. It makes them characters instead of just a game mechanic.

Though I wouldn't mind a thing like the "hardening" in DA:O. For those who did not play it, it meant that there were convos in which you could help one of your companions over her doubts about herself or show another that the only one he could depend on was himself. Thus giving them much more determination and taking away some of their moral concerns.


All things concerned I think I would have liked to have less companions in number (one for each role, heal, tank, dps or two of each gender, with all of them open to s/s-relationships like in DA2) and therefore a bigger and better thought out storyline for each of them. More convos = more immersion. Well, of course it is not yet to late to add some high-level missions and more convos for each companion.^^


So long

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Yeah, some are quite cleverly interlinked if you listen to them.


The Imperial Agent has a small talk with the Trooper companion from Taris, Elara Dorne. When you get to the Imperial Station as an IA, he's the one that gives you the quest for your Advanced Class. I thought it was neat.

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Was so pumped for "how decisions really matter" hype at launch. Got mails from people I helped, or from families I ruined. Kept pluggin through my quest log, waiting and waiting for that pivotal moment where that fella I saved might show up and lend some back up, or help me get a good lead on Skavak.


Sadly though, all I got was the mail, and I'm still waiting for them to show up :( The companion quests and dialogues, while fun to listen to, are merely the same. After my wedding, I got a couple emails with low lvl gifts, and that was that. Was really hoping for some random adventures with her, or anyone I finished the stories with. Guess I can keep my fingers crossed for some updated stories, but with 16 to deal with, I'm not expecting too much anytime soon.


My SW spared a pub commando team at one point, then called in a favor from them to take out a rival sith lord when i met up with him. Kind of like what you were expecting. Lets be honest though, the JK / SW stories were the main stories of this game, the rest all felt like side stories.

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I always enjoyed that Jaesa could be light or dark depending on which side you went with. It seemed to make the companion and play experience much more customized to the individual player.


I dont expect the devs to come here and say 'yea, we got lazy after we added her to the game', but I do think the game would be so much better if all of the companions were like this, and would like the developers to think about this when adding new companions in the future(cough HK cough)


edit - I guess it could follow her individual story, and not all companions are conflicting to which side they are on. . .but every main class should have at least one of these types of companions if not more(depending on the companion's backstory)


I agree, i was hoping for a more kotor2 -esque approach on characters, like you could influence their alignment, i thought that was very cool. It doesn't make much sense that your own alignment wouldn't rub off on your characters. Still this is something bw might introduce later on

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I thought it was weird how the 'fixed' the killing companions plan. I mean, I understand why BW would not let you kill your only healing companion but they could have thought of that before trying in beta, no? Now you just


throw Malavai against a wall, say bad healer and you continue as if he is your friend, after he betrayed you.

They should have made it so you can kill a companion but would get a replacement if you did.

Edited by Gokkus
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