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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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Make TB crit or insta cast with a proc.
It's already always criting as long as you have affliction on the target...and you should always have affliction on the target.


Insta cast would have been nice though.


On another note, it would also have been nice to be able to set DF as "ground reticule" or "on target". Mine would have been set to on target at all times.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I am full optimized warhero, and deathfield crits are never more than 5k, and that's against 0 expertise. I'm lucky if they crit for 3.5-4k against full wh players, and a fair bit less if it doesn't crit.


And not much point comparing DF to TB, AOE vs Single target. DF should be compared to Chain Lightning - which can hit more than 3 players. You should be comparing TB to Creeping Terror.



If sorcs were fine before they aren't now for various reasons.


1) DoT damage takes too long to do full damage, they need to do the same damage in half the time PvP wise. People's HPs have gone up considerably thanks to WH and Augs. Where you used to see 16k you now see 20k+ on players. This really hurts DPS sorcs that need burst to finish someone, and what a surprise we don't have an execute move either.

2) AoEs are comparatively low damage, and it's sad have to use an AOE to get our highest single target burst too, so Thundering Blast and Creeping Terror really do need a huge buff.

3) The DPS trees are badly designed, with not much synergy. We don't have an armour dedbuff. Madness instant Whirlwind white bars people (compare a scoundrel/agent aoe mez, 5 people instant and 8s) we have to talent ours to make it instant. Madness has crappy parasitsm in second tier and one below CT, when we really need DOT buffing talents. Suppose DoTs on a subject with an active deathmark were auto-crits for instance.


But it's been pointed out a MILLION times how and why sorc DPS is woeful with possible solutions, but because it looks super awesome on the scoreboard padded out with ineffectual AOE damage Bioware think Sorcs are OP, so we get our stun ranged nerfed (yay run into melee range? like seriously?) and our changed overload will never hit a competent melee player, and our kiting got a big hit.


I'm really depressed over how Bioware have screwed over sorcs, as its the character I love playing the most, but come 1.4 I'll only be playing my sin in PvP.


That sucks if you don't hit those #s, try getting higher bonus damage because I'm only qing for rwzs into full wh geared teams at 3k rating and there is never a time when I don't see 4.5-5k. My bonus dmg is close to 945 full buffed with my Rakata stim.

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The problem with dps sorcs in pvp is actually pve related. The majority of our damage (full madness) is supposed to come from chain casting force lightning to maintain force regen, damage and get our proc. I think someone said something along the line that 60% of full madness sorc damage is force lightning (I can not comment personally on the accuracy of this)


Reguardless, you can not kite while casting force lightning, and if it is interrupted you loose a large amount of your potential damage. Many would say "just cast something else" but our other options are very pitiful (lightning strikes damage and crushing's long cast). {lightning strike's damage is so low that even casted via wrath giving it 20% more damage and making it instant, it is still a dps lose to just casting force lightning again}


Honestly as advanced class, we have some of the least cc in game (which will soon be nerfed), least surviability and some of the worst burst damage potential. Things like our melee attacks not benefiting from our main stat is just icing on the cake.


My last post was in hopes that bioware would maybe consider some changes to the class. There are such a variety of abilities we have that serve very little purpose, and simply put our dps trees lack any real interesting mechanics (particularly madness). I can beat the majority of even good players of almost any given spec 1v1, and I can usually hit top damage in every warzone; So why am I not happy with the state of our dps class?


Because Sorcs lack options. We lack any real or unique tools to deal with our opponents. Our class has 0 unique defensive or offfensive cds as a part of our classes basline. We can kite fairly well, but since we lack any real burst, our dot damage and deathfeild end up only fluffing the damage meters. This, coupled with our even lower damage output while being pressured make us a very week class in a competitive setting. The fact that I can be burst down in full warhero by my assassin friend before his force cloak even wears off is a problem. The quality of burst damage and defensive cds some classes have that others do not is truly astounding this late into the game.


I tried to come up with ideas mostly using abilities we already have, and to lessen our dependence on force lighting. Sadly my ideas probably fell apon deaf ears.


I wish I could continue playing this game, but with the 1.4 changes it seems even less likely a dps sorc could be wanted or desired in a rated group. So I basically have to unsub. Best of luck to you all in warzones.



Depreva - Dps sorc

Prophecy of the Five

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Bubble now further reduces damage by 30% when up and is cast on you and a higher tier talent added in lightning to break you out of immoblizing effects and makes you immune to them for 4 seconds.


Thunderblast is an instant cast.


Damage from lightning strike is increased further talents to increase its critical damage bonus to make recklessness crit chance worth using.


Shock becomes an executes when the target is a 25% health doing 3x its damage. Change the talent Chain shock to now apply to lightning strike where it refreshes the Crushing darkness duration chance by the same percent chance.


That way it can be applied to multiple players if specced madness.


Make it so that Lightning strike is the key ability that powers our damage up, the more we cast the worse the target and group around him is. Fix the buffs so when we are forced to move it costs us this damage or when we are interrupted.

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I've said it somewhere on these forums, but the first thing that should be done is make Will of the Sith a 3 point skill (3/6/9%) instead of a 2 point 3/6% skill. Kind of messes with specs a little, but it's not fair that Snipers get 3/6/9% skill in their Engineer tree; they don't need it.
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