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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Add 1 more new and truly unique armor set for each CE vendor. Make CE amors Legacy-bound.

2. Charachter (name/race/sex etc.) recustomization.

3. Enhanced Force alignment options & charachteristics, including neutral alignment.

Edited by iFruit
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That's a difficult to question to answer because the three first things I'd like changed are things in the league of "Just change fundamental design decisions, program half the game anew and make 70% of the existing player base hate it." Leaving that out:


1. More different customizable looks and by different I mean different! Players should be allowed to chose an appearance to their liking as opposed to be forced into a particular, narrow class look. That doesn't mean that mean that everyone should be allowed anything, but a Jedi Shadow should be allowed to look more dynamic and physical - like their role model NPC Satele Shan, for example. Especially add more simple outfits, with smart cut but without gigantic shoulder pads and voluminous applications!


2. Fix the crash bugs in Black Talon and Esseles.


3. Extend the existing companion storylines severely and add more depth to companions in general and romances in particular. (Oh, and Zenith should be a romance option - at least for twi'lek consulars)

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I want to see the use of more advanced phasing techniques to give players the impression their actions have an influence on the game world.


If lotro and wow can have Archet and Westfall change drastically to reflect your progression through the game, why does TOR approach things like it's 1999?

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1) proper space combat

2) more ships and 'guild ships' eg: guild star destroyers etc

3) a 'ship/driod builder' crew skill which can build 'pet' robots or wven companions and a wider variety of ships

4) proper space combat

5) proper space combat

6) proper space combat

7) proper space combat

8) proper space combat

9) proper space combat

10) proper space combat

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1. more customization! For EX: as a twi'lek in what way do my tentacles fit in my helmet perfectly? and why aren't we allowed a hood, dynamic looks like you were able to in SWG.

2. JTL space

3. Player housing.


It isn't wrong if you guys look back at SWG for examples :p just please don't ever do a Combat upgrade or NGE and destroy your own game.

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1.More companions with all varied romance and Jaesa-esque alignment choices, preferably deeper companion stories like Mako's.

2.Better alignment options with Dark/Light VI and beyond, including better Dark Side corruption A.k.A Darth Malgus and that version of Zash.

3.A few more hardcore KotOR 1 and 2 references, perhaps on planets like Dantooine.

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1.More companions with all varied romance and Jaesa-esque alignment choices, preferably deeper companion stories like Mako's.

2.Better alignment options with Dark/Light VI and beyond, including better Dark Side corruption A.k.A Darth Malgus and that version of Zash.

3.A few more hardcore KotOR 1 and 2 references, perhaps on planets like Dantooine.


Yay just what we need ...... sparkly vampires in space.




3. a new development company and distributor

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1. To be able to do wz while staying in group finder queue. My pre-50 level dps characters would thank deeply for that.

2. Remove class restrictions from moddable gear. It would be cool to make dark jedi actually look like something dark by equipping them with sith gear, but most of them is only usable by sith warriors and inquisitors.

3. A tool that would show how many people are in front of me in group finder (from my combat role). Would be useful to know if I have 10 or 100 people before me when I try to decide if I should just give up with my group finder and do a few heroics.

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I don't know what to attribute number 1 to. Bad designers cutting corners, poor engine capabilities and/or tools, bad engineers that cannot optimize the engine for better fps? Probably Designers.


1. the environment and textures as a whole breathes no life. Same design applied to all planets. Looks unfinished. (example: Rocks do not form like vertical rectangles everywhere stacked like a layer cake in real life) Learn to design geological features correctly or find a team that can.


2. Costume designer(s). Efforts are less than poor at best. Thats bad... Far too many unappealing helms and full costume designs available. Far too few appealing helms and full costume designs. Find someone that knows how to design overall appealing costumes for a Star Wars universe. Like Amy Beth Christenson, before she moved to Lucas Film.


3. The ingame sounds, special effects, background music, environmental sounds(wildlife/mechanical), "Star Wars idle droid sounds(go go power rangers)/aggro sounds(RAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!)", etc. are dismally poor for a Star Wars setting. You can do waaaaay better than all this. C'mon...

Edited by xorcist
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1) The ability to customize the interior of my ship. Not a lot, but it'd be nice to see mementos from past story events. Trophies from conquered enemies and the like. Maybe store the cut scenes from those mementos so that they're replayable as 'memories' if you access them. Beating down Darth Thanaton is something I'd relish seeing again.


2) Change Heroic quest givers from a yellow triangle to a red triangle. I avoid Heroic quests simply because I prefer to level on my own, for the most part, and I hate getting a quest and then seeing that it's a Heroic 4+ or 2+ mission.


3) Add a few things to the collector's edition vendor.

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1) The ability to customize the interior of my ship. Not a lot, but it'd be nice to see mementos from past story events. Trophies from conquered enemies and the like. Maybe store the cut scenes from those mementos so that they're replayable as 'memories' if you access them. Beating down Darth Thanaton is something I'd relish seeing again.


2) Change Heroic quest givers from a yellow triangle to a red triangle. I avoid Heroic quests simply because I prefer to level on my own, for the most part, and I hate getting a quest and then seeing that it's a Heroic 4+ or 2+ mission.


3) Add a few things to the collector's edition vendor.


For #3. in Patch 1.7.2 Apparently your wish (and mine) will be granted.

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1. Updated graphics textures / fixing technical glitches.

2. Bring out more than one companion to do Heroic quests if you cant find a group or dont want to be social.

3. Armor customizing... color changing options or other visual changes (hide shoulder pads lol) and letting my female toons add heels to their shoes. They might want to be as tall as the male characters? ha

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1) Fix the in-game lag. It's getting to be a real sigh-maker when farmed content is still a challenge if the entire raid suffers a 5-second lag spike and a tank dies from it because we missed some important mechanic to a fight.

2) Better bug-testing. It's getting to be really dumb that every time they fix something in an operation, they break something else. Latest round of terribadness: they fix mobs respawning in EC, but now break it so people will get randomnly locked out of the instance. Look at the next operation to come out. It's supposed to come out sometime in the next 5 weeks (they said next month, so, at the very latest, that's 5 weeks), and they haven't even released in on the PTS. Which means players will have a couple weeks to bug-test the instance? Awesome! Cuz I'm sure they're going to be able to have that kind of turn around from the player community back to developers... /sarcasm


3) Make instances longer. This "4-5 Boss" thing, is getting disappointing. I would like to see 7-10 bosses in an operation.


To be honest, next content patch is my last patch if they don't fix #1, don't better handle #2, and keep the operations at a breeze where people are beating the hardest content in a week (I think beating SM in the first week is fine, but HM and NiM should take a long time before groups are killing the last boss - assuming he's bug-free).


To be fair to Bioware here you have to realize that game lag is not always on the provider of the game. There are many things that contribute to lag. One of the biggest is your ISP and how much traffic is on at the time when you are playing the game. If you are playing at peak times you speeds will go down and lag will go up. If you have a very erratic connection to the web (DSL comes to mind here) you will experience a lot of lag. I myself always play on off peak times (have to because of work) and I have an awesome cable connection to the web. I have yet to experience lag in the game.

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For the love of all that is good and just, please fix the mess with Underworld metal missions and companion gifts. I've tested it, and it is well out of line with all other missions and skills. There are many, many times when in the entire 6 levels, not one UM mission will appear beyond a useless "moderate" or two. Qiute frustrating to have to jump in and out of your ship up to 8 times just to get a level 2 UM mission to pop so one can gear his alt with about 2 hours worth of updated gear.


Raise the RE value above an 80% failure rate for high level crafters trying to turn low level mats. Certainly understandable, if this is the method used, to maintain that rate for level 50+ gear, but for low level, worthless items that one's alt will use for about 3 hours?


Allow companion gear comparisons when using the GTN on one's ship. Currently, to review gear improvements for my companions I have to leave my ship and go to the GTN on fleet as they will not show up on the ship. This is a significant inconvenience for those of us that spent the cash to have that GTN on our ship.

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