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Give Us More Fluff God Damnit!


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We have nothing to do at end game. Give us player housing, let us be able to change how our ship looks on the inside, give us a damned player tab.

EA is saying Pay to Play is dead? No don't blame the business model you hacks, blame your lousy game.

You're losing subscribers EA/Bioware GIVE US WHAT WE WANT


Here's more junk I can't even put on this lousy game's site.


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We have nothing to do at end game. Give us player housing, let us be able to change how our ship looks on the inside, give us a damned player tab.

EA is saying Pay to Play is dead? No don't blame the business model you hacks, blame your lousy game.

You're losing subscribers EA/Bioware GIVE US WHAT WE WANT


Here's more junk I can't even put on this lousy game's site.



Actually you have nothing to do.I have plenty.As far as the fluff well that would be fine with me.It gets a little old people thinking they talk for everyone.Unless you have a frog in your pocket.In that case carry on.

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I'm really starting to feel this pinch myself.


I have 5 level 50s. 2 of them are fully campaigned out. 3 of them are full rakata/BH and as min/max'd as I can get while I wait for campaign drops.


It's especially bad at night time when the server dies down. I'm a bit of a nightowl and once 1-2AM rolls around my options for doing things are dramatically limited.


I've farmed up all the datacrons-- many times.

I've leveled every crew skill and a few extras.

My only 3 choices anymore are level more alts (which I'm running out of), PvP (which I don't enjoy), or grind dailies.


Sure I play more than I probably should and it's my own fault that I have nothing to do, but it's getting to the point where quite a few of us on the nerdcore end are quickly running out of stuff to do (which to be honest we ran out of stuff to do months ago-- we're running out of stuff to re-do at this point).


We need more non-linear soloable grinds.

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