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Bioware Put up or Shut Up New Content 89 Min Gamebreaker Video


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though I do watch this show every week since before launch I have to say it is horrible now, the last couple months have really declined. hardly any real information with misinformation mixed in because noone on the show really knows much about the game, including darthhater


Gary and Ed don't play so it comes down to pretty much Gary doing what he does best, trolling and ed complaining about post 1.2 balance issues and vague comments on how he wants swtor to be gw2 he really does not contribute anything to the show anymore


justin and larry I don't know what happened to them but they have become official forum posts, they whine about stupid stuff that anybody who plays the game or has a brain wonders if these people are for real, I mean spend more time complaining about the lines in the event and dont mention once that all you have to do is group up, seriously I think they phone it in big time and dont have much to contribute


the show needs a new cast who actually plays the game and enjoys it. they don't mention anything positive going on or any positive experiences. torocast had the same problem, got a new cast and thier show is back to being good again [great job tom]. Ed should have stopped months ago and Justin and Larry probably should too. do not stop the show though, I dont know what I would do without hearing Gary troll swtor weekly. they just need new blood.


Gary I know you watch these forums put me on the show I play more than Justin and Larry combined, have more 50s, a higher legacy, and participate in more activities in game than either of them. I also have tons of great b-roll, more than just one fail sith inquisitor on Balmorra acting like a idiot ;)

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Trion released rift without an lfg tool and a few other standard mmo functions too, and that game started to die just like tor did. But instead of just going f2p they kept up their frequent updates, fixed their gear itemization, and upgraded the the games functionality


Trion is cool, I mean, I have nothing against them I plan to play EoN, and increasing the frequency of updates its a good strategy, to my knowledge that's what Bioware plans to do, you can watch this INTERVIEW with Matt Bromberg if haven't yet, basically he admits "we were not fast enough, we should have done more"


The lackluster event


That's just opinion, the event was fine, at least when compared to the Rakghoul Plague, I talk more about it on THIS thread, some people lean in favor the the Rakghoul event, but both were pretty good.


if you watched that whole video they said some good things about swtor, for example they really like the new wz. They also had alot of good advice for bw...


Look, they're entitled to their opinion but I'm not gonna sit through 80 minutes of that, I've watched them before and it's usually 90% b*tching and 10% praises, and for some people that's their cup of tea sure, but no thanks for me. Oh, and they have advice for Bioware? that's so grateful of them, I'm sure Bioware will be pleased. Does the advice comes after or before they took a dump on their game? or maybe it was after Gannon started dissing James Olhen? Maybe it was before they started reporting on rumors that Zeschuk quit Bioware.


If Bioware should be taking feedback from anyone should be their Players/Customers, the people actually playing and the people on the forums, if the folks from gbtv are actually playing, well they can come to this thread anytime, maybe explain why they are so biased, but I guess they don't even have posting privilges.

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I thinik the only people that need to put up or shut up is this community..


I find it sad that all we can do is make wild criticisms, and demand changes as if we are the CEO or something..


We demanded F2P.. So we go it.. But now whine and moan when F2P comes with restrictions.. DOH!! How are they supposed to pay the salaries of the people that work on the game?? You do realize that people work on this game..


We demanded a LFG system to help finding a group.. Despite countless people telling you that it would do very little, you whined and demanded it anyway.. Guess what.. Now we have countless threads whining about long queue times.. DOH!! Looks like the people against the LFG were right.. Imagine that..


Bioware is doing just fine and so is the game.. It isn't even a year old and it is moving along just fine.. Bugs are being fixed pretty steadily.. (See threads that complain about maintenance.)


People complain about wanting more content.. Yet, I have yet to see a single person wearing a full set of campaign gear on my server.. Sure, I would like some more content as well.. But I see no point in complaining about it.. They have given us videos about what is comming.. It takes time to make those things.. Not to mention add F2P that you all begged for because you thought you were going to get a free ride..


We the community need to put up or shut up.. If we can't give Bioware constructive criticism with some ideas to fix the issue.. The why even bother to post??


Here,here,i played EQ2 since day one and recall all the bugs and down times and lack of any gear that looked good,,Ebon armor anyone?,what we have here on this forum is teen's and early 20 something that picked up WoW around year three and scream to high heaven for as much content as three expansions and ask for stuff they do not need like a groupfinder,i mean really a groupfinder are they so socially inept in an MMO that they cannot type to get a group? it is an MMO for christ sake, yet they sure as hell can spend hours typing on here.


The worst group of MMO players are the crosserver,groupfinder,give me an easier lvling route,type of players,they kill games,i saw their posts asking for more solo content in EQ2 around year two and faster travelling and guildhalls with transportation to anywhere with a click,these guys killed alot of content with the solo baloney and destroyed alot of the community aspects of the game and get this i bet most did not stick around long even after THEIR GRAND suggestions were put in place,,,these guys are just like the one's here but different names a whole new generation of people that lack any critical thinking,,they are the killers of MMO's.

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That's just opinion, the event was fine, at least when compared to the Rakghoul Plague...


"That's just opinion" can be said for just about every single post.


The event was ok. The problem is, the event added so very little content and was gone in a week. This, after starving us for content is what we get. And Bioware thinks that is good enough to hold us over for another 6 weeks (or more, don't kid yourself)? That is pretty insulting actually.

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Trion is cool, I mean, I have nothing against them I plan to play EoN, and increasing the frequency of updates its a good strategy, to my knowledge that's what Bioware plans to do, you can watch this INTERVIEW with Matt Bromberg if haven't yet, basically he admits "we were not fast enough, we should have done more".


I dont understand your arguement, i wasnt saying that bioware hasnt SAID they were going to fix the game, i said they HAVENT fixed the game and compared to trion are totaly incompetant and slow when it comes to updates, whether its content or bringing the game up to current standards. Bioware has been SAYING they were going to do those things since the game released, how long do we wait before we ask, "well bioware when are you going to start?"





Look, they're entitled to their opinion but I'm not gonna sith through 80 minutes of that, I've watched them before and it's usually 90% b*tching and 10% praises, and for some people that's their cup of tea sure, but no thanks for me. Oh, and they have advice for Bioware? that's so grateful of them, I'm sure Bioware will be pleased. Does the advice comes after or before they took a dump on their game? or maybe it was after Gannon started dissing James Olhen? Maybe it was before they started reporting on rumors that Zeschuk quit Bioware.


So you didnt watch the show and youre just assuming what was in the video. dont really see anymore reasons to explain anything to you or argue about it, except to say, you need to get over your hypersensitivity to swtor critisism, because nioware needs alot of it and they need to start listening to it.

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So you didnt watch the show and youre just assuming what was in the video...


Yeah because I watched their shows already, and sure Bioware can use our feedback, not the one from the media, or a GW2 fansite in the case of GBTV, so that's mainly why I'm here in the forums. A lame attempt to disqualify me because I didn't sit through 90 mins of that Clusterfawk, I'm sure you've all heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" but I've read their "books" before several times and the cover pretty much reflects all they have to say "Bioware shut up..." "SWTOR doomed to fail" "Swtor less than Rift" and you get the picture.


you need to get over your hypersensitivity to swtor critisism, because nioware needs alot of it and they need to start listening to it.


One of the reasons I'm here it's to critize the game, but saying the game is doomed to fail or that it's dying is not criticism, and it doesn't help anyone. In my signature I have a few articles linked one of them is from Taugrim actually an undiluted 10 minute video of his first impression of the F2P announcement and some of the challenges Bioware will be facing, I also have a link to Totalbiscuit talking about the same subject and a few other Threads of my own.

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Yeah because I watched their shows already, and sure Bioware can use our feedback, not the one from the media, or a GW2 fansite in the case of GBTV, so that's mainly why I'm here in the forums. A lame attempt to disqualify me because I didn't sit through 90 mins of that Clusterfawk, I'm sure you've all heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover" but I've read their "books" before several times and the cover pretty much reflects all they have to say "Bioware shut up..." "SWTOR doomed to fail" "Swtor less than Rift" and you get the picture.


So do you think it was a swtor fansite when it was nothing but swtor swtor swtor for 6 months before and after the release of swtor? they cater to the people that go to their site, that is mainly gw2 people, who also happen to be ex swtor people who are really pissed bioware ruined a game they waited 6 years for.


Gw2 will launch, people will realize that it isnt mmo jesus and it will be on to the next second comming of wow.

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I thinik the only people that need to put up or shut up is this community..


I find it sad that all we can do is make wild criticisms, and demand changes as if we are the CEO or something..


We demanded F2P.. So we go it.. But now whine and moan when F2P comes with restrictions.. DOH!! How are they supposed to pay the salaries of the people that work on the game?? You do realize that people work on this game..


We demanded a LFG system to help finding a group.. Despite countless people telling you that it would do very little, you whined and demanded it anyway.. Guess what.. Now we have countless threads whining about long queue times.. DOH!! Looks like the people against the LFG were right.. Imagine that..


Bioware is doing just fine and so is the game.. It isn't even a year old and it is moving along just fine.. Bugs are being fixed pretty steadily.. (See threads that complain about maintenance.)


People complain about wanting more content.. Yet, I have yet to see a single person wearing a full set of campaign gear on my server.. Sure, I would like some more content as well.. But I see no point in complaining about it.. They have given us videos about what is comming.. It takes time to make those things.. Not to mention add F2P that you all begged for because you thought you were going to get a free ride..


We the community need to put up or shut up.. If we can't give Bioware constructive criticism with some ideas to fix the issue.. The why even bother to post??


So much misinformation in this thread.



  • Most criticism I have seen is not "wild". Complaining about lack of content, lack of communication, and bugs that don't get fixed is not "wild" criticisms.

  • We demanded F2P... really? I think F2P might help this game (at this point), but I remember most in the forums were against it. Many didn’t even believe Bioware would even consider F2P this soon after the game’s release.

  • Demanding a LFG system is not unreasonable in a modern MMO.

  • The game is not doing "just fine", unless you consider losing a whole lot of subscriptions to be doing just fine.

  • You want to see more content as well, but "see no point in complaining about it". I'm glad people complain. If no one did, how would Bioware get feedback as to what to improve on? I complain because I want to play a good Star Wars MMO... I really want SWTOR to succeed. Yes, I am bummed out about the game now, but it doesn't mean I want I don't want it to improve.

  • The forums are FULL of constructive criticism and great ideas (going right back to beta), but Bioware does VERY LITTLE with these ideas.

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I remember watching these guys staying up late when SW:TOR was at conventions and such before launch, there used to be a lot more optimism, unfortunate the way a couple of them are now but some what understandable.
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I remember watching these guys staying up late when SW:TOR was at conventions and such before launch, there used to be a lot more optimism, unfortunate the way a couple of them are now but some what understandable.


Larry everett (the guy with the beard) is a role playing star wars freak, Justin lowe (the bald guy) owns a site that soley depends on swtor. how does anyone not realize that these people want swtor to be good?

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So much misinformation in this thread.



  • Most criticism I have seen is not "wild". Complaining about lack of content, lack of communication, and bugs that don't get fixed is not "wild" criticisms. (The forums look good now because the Mods have been cleaning house but the reason I think many people didn't even bother with the official forums and were driven to fansites it's because there was nothing constructive here to be read, the forum community was just disgusting)

  • We demanded F2P... really? I think F2P might help this game (at this point), but I remember most in the forums were against it. Many didn’t even believe Bioware would even consider F2P this soon after the game’s release. (F2P was not very high on the list I wanted but it might help the game, a good business decision can be more helpful than a good design decision, LoL and HoN, similar design totally different bussiness model, you know which one was more succesful)

  • Demanding a LFG system is not unreasonable in a modern MMO. (It's not, but they did say it was not gonna be at launch, it's not like they lied and they ended up adding it anyway)

  • The game is not doing "just fine", unless you consider losing a whole lot of subscriptions to be doing just fine. (You know I remember not very long a go I used to play video games and the number box sells, the stock price who was getting laid off, etc, was not something I was concerned about and It didn't affect my gaming experience nor it shouldn't have! Nobody was paranoid that the servers might be shut down at any minute or were letting "the media" influence their enjoyment for games)

  • You want to see more content as well, but "see no point in complaining about it". I'm glad people complain. If no one did, how would Bioware get feedback as to what to improve on? I complain because I want to play a good Star Wars MMO... I really want SWTOR to succeed. Yes, I am bummed out about the game now, but it doesn't mean I want I don't want it to improve. (I think complaining and giving feedback is fine)

  • The forums are FULL of constructive criticism and great ideas (going right back to beta), but Bioware does VERY LITTLE with these ideas. (It's that way now but finding constructive threads before was like digging a pile of Bantha poo trying to find something of value)


So that's pretty much what I have to say about that.

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Larry everett (the guy with the beard) is a role playing star wars freak, Justin lowe (the bald guy) owns a site that soley depends on swtor. how does anyone not realize that these people want swtor to be good?


larry isnt as bad but justin acts like running darthhater and playing swtor is a chore, even the dh podcast just sounds like everyone but pete wants to be doing something else but that may just be justins personality

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larry isnt as bad but justin acts like running darthhater and playing swtor is a chore, even the dh podcast just sounds like everyone but pete wants to be doing something else but that may just be justins personality


Exactly, Exactly, this goes back to what I said on the very first page...


it gives the impression that they talk about SWTOR because it's their obligation, not because they like the game and want to talk about it.


Maybe it's Justin's Personality as Vis-Tecum said, but that's the last guy you want to have talking about your game, after E3 people were excited about the HK-51 announcement and they asked justin if he was gonna get it, he said "Nah..." that's all he had to say about it. Seriously, the always present negative spin, the lack of excitement and apathy, and the fact that some of the people on the panel don't even play, I think this is the worst SWTOR show that's out there, and I as I said before, I think any self-respecting swtor fan would be better off listenening to any other show, or none.

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larry isnt as bad but justin acts like running darthhater and playing swtor is a chore, even the dh podcast just sounds like everyone but pete wants to be doing something else but that may just be justins personality


Because Justin is just like the vast majority of people that have waited for this game sicne it was just a rumor, we were upset that bioware dropped the ball, and now we are getting really mad that they still havent picked the ball back up. He used to be the biggest fanboy on the site, always very careful what to say so he wouldnt piss off the people that give him interviews,


If a fanboy who has access to the people that run swtor and talks to them on a regular basis is getting this jaded it doesnt bode well for the game.

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So that's pretty much what I have to say about that.


Thanks for your reply ChazDoit, but some of your replies aren't considering the context of the post I was replying to from MajikMys. E.g. Nothing was ever said about LFG's status at launch and what Bioware said about it, and you need to read MajikMys' post to see what I mean about the game being "just fine".


What I am confused about though is you saying that the forums were worse before and better now (with more constructive threads than before). I've watched the forums since roughly Feb/March and if anything, I admit I think they have gotten worse rather than better, perhaps because people are getting impatient and it's showing.


Or were the forums before Feb/March way worse? If so, I am glad I missed that period. :)

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Because Justin is just like the vast majority of people that have waited for this game sicne it was just a rumor, we were upset that bioware dropped the ball, and now we are getting really mad that they still havent picked the ball back up. He used to be the biggest fanboy on the site, always very careful what to say so he wouldnt piss off the people that give him interviews,


If a fanboy who has access to the people that run swtor and talks to them on a regular basis is getting this jaded it doesnt bode well for the game.


nope it just means he should move on, I also understand he was in the early beta and has been playing longer than most of us and is probably burnt out.


that said, I love the game and have fun playing since December, I still criticize its faults but I don't obsess on them and let it ruin all the things the game does right. there is a point when you are no longer giving criticism and are just whining about topics that have been beat into the ground.


it's a show for fans of swtor not let's spend 80 mins nit picking and pretending we know more about game design then <insert company here> that's what you tube videos are for

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Nope it just means he should move on, I also understand he was in the early beta and has been playing longer than most of us and is probably burnt out.


Hit the nail in the head, you have. :csw_yoda:


And yes he was burned out, a few days after the game came out he and Larry talked about how they were sick of going through the early planets again like DK and Balmorra.


Thanks for your reply ChazDoit, but some of your replies aren't considering the context of the post I was replying to from MajikMys. E.g. Nothing was ever said about LFG's status at launch and what Bioware said about it, and you need to read MajikMys' post to see what I mean about the game being "just fine".


Oh, ok then :p

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Hit the nail in the head, you have. :csw_yoda:


And yes he was burned out, a few days after the game came out he and Larry talked about how they were sick of going through the early planets again like DK and Balmorra.




Oh, ok then :p


I always thought people who told paying players "If you dont like what they are doing (or not doing) to a game, then leave" were idiots, but saying that about a game that has done a faceplant as bad as swtor has brings it to a new level.

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