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Make it possible to choose which Warzones you want to queue for!


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Instead they should show what WZ you are entering before you click join. That way you can at least cancel it, instead of dropping after loading.


This is exactly what I've been advocating too. Its an easy thing they can do too.

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Lol, nothing beats challenging actual data (a ranking poll) with anecdotes for a good laugh at the irony. Thanks for that!


FYI - I never said I was opposed to choosing, I merely pointed out that people who hate Huttball will hate the game even more when they never get any queues to pop since the vast majority of people will be playing Huttball.


You act as if we don't bail on certain maps already. All this does is save me time, and doesn't impact you at all because I exit when it shows up anyway. There is no change, its just convenience for the person who hates to play a certain map.

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You act as if we don't bail on certain maps already. All this does is save me time, and doesn't impact you at all because I exit when it shows up anyway. There is no change, its just convenience for the person who hates to play a certain map.


I'm not acting like anything, I'm not sure why you are being so antagonistic. :confused: I'm just pointing out that your queues are going to be a lot longer if this gets implemented.


The people like you who drop out of the warzones they don't want to play will probably only see a small increase in total time spent between actual warzones played. The people who don't drop out are going to see a pretty substantial increase in wait times, and they will be coming back here to complain because they didn't think their idea through very carefully before they made it.

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I'm not acting like anything, I'm not sure why you are being so antagonistic. :confused: I'm just pointing out that your queues are going to be a lot longer if this gets implemented.


The people like you who drop out of the warzones they don't want to play will probably only see a small increase in total time spent between actual warzones played. The people who don't drop out are going to see a pretty substantial increase in wait times, and they will be coming back here to complain because they didn't think their idea through very carefully before they made it.


I'm not being antagonistic, I'm just pointing out that it won't change since we bail on the maps we don't like anyway. I am saying people are doing manually what we're asking to be automated. The queues times won't change because people bail out of them anyway and it removes them from the queue as soon as they do. Net effect is the same.

Edited by Ybini
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I'm not being antagonistic, I'm just pointing out that it won't change since we bail on the maps we don't like anyway. I am saying people are doing manually what we're asking to be automated. The queues times won't change because people bail out of them anyway and it removes them from the queue as soon as they do. Net effect is the same.


It's not needed, nor wanted by those who give 2 chits about PvP. Do what you do, but don't ask the Devs to justify carebearing it for you as well.


Thanks bye.

Edited by Pistols
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I'm not being antagonistic, I'm just pointing out that it won't change since we bail on the maps we don't like anyway. I am saying people are doing manually what we're asking to be automated. The queues times won't change because people bail out of them anyway and it removes them from the queue as soon as they do. Net effect is the same.


Not true. People are inherently lazy. Given the choice to take the WZ they've loaded into vs dropping and re-queuing most people will take what's given to them unless they loath a particular WZ.


The server populations don't really support the ability to pick your WZ during off peak hours either. They need cross server queues to make this idea viable. Additionally letting people pick the WZ let's pre-mades stack the deck, to a certain degree, with classes best suited for a given WZ. This would become very apparent in Huttball.


I'd much rather see them implement the option to not que for 1 WZ. I'm sure we all have a particular WZ we hate with a passion, I'm looking at you Novare Coast. This keeps people queued up for 3 WZs and would more then likely limit delays in getting a fully populated WZ.


As for skipping WZs currently you can get a good idea what WZ your going to load into by bringing up the Who window and typing 50 Pit civil void novar into the search bar at the top. Sort by WZ and keep a tab on the totaly number of players listed. Queue for WZs and refresh the Who window periodically. When the WZ join window pops wait 10-15 seconds then refresh the Who window. You should be able to make a good guess as to which WZ is queuing either by it not being in the list before or more people in that WZ them previously. If it's a WZ you hate leave queue other wise accept the WZ. I haven't loaded into a Novare Coast in months doing this.

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Agree to disagree. I belive that many people feel the same way as I do. And maybe someone hates Voidstar, then they can untick that one. Im sure that it would work.


Btw, the pattern is very simple to see. Everyone on the imp side loves Huttball while the reps hate it, cuz we lose 90% of the matches.


I cant remeber the last HB match my PT won...i think it around mid-June. Pubs come in and pass like frigging Manning while every imp tries to be the big hero and score by themselves on my server.

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all that needs to be done is when the WZ queue pops up , somewhere it should say what warzone its for,, that way u can decide wether u want to enter or cancel for the next one... then no1 gets a loss for leavng a rwz and no1 wastes time loading into a wz they dont want to play


fixed and with very little modifying on the devs part

Edited by Wookubus
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It's not needed, nor wanted by those who give 2 chits about PvP. Do what you do, but don't ask the Devs to justify carebearing it for you as well.


Thanks bye.


Help me understand how it is carebear to not want to play a WZ that has nothing to do with pvp. My Commando Trooper is so far behind the curve in huttball it is ridiculous. I find it hard to believe that people are against the ability to choose. This isn't a job. It is for enjoyment and many people like myself loathe Huttball and get no enjoyment out of it.

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If we could make it so that hutball never pops up again I would be fine with that, I would probably never play it again.. The reason hutball lovers dont like the idea is because they will lose their ability advantage when their competition is composed of the same 3 classes that can leap pull and force sprint. I usually just skip it half the time anyway unless the servers are dead.
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