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Nurf premade WZ vs random queue !!!


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i dont have time to search for a premade group, so i queue. if you get set against a normal random vs random squad, the score is close and its fun. now when get back to back losses, and the other team is twinked using ts or vent and you cant get a win, thats a Premade. its unbalanced its almost like RWZ vs WZ, i remember in the first month when game came out it was always fun to wz. now most people have high end, endgame gears. if you want want people to stay around for this game... NURF PREMADES VS RANDOMS. or LOWER THE RELEASE STUN SKILL FOR PLAYERS TO 1MIN OR 30SEC!!!


also when you only get Premade opposing faction WZ's, that needs to be nurfed too.

Edited by UOSWTOR
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Orrrrrrr you could realize that the ranked war zone's are for competitive players that want to win. After realizing that you could also figure out that if you're just looking for fun, that's what the non-ranked war zones are for. You can't honestly hop into a highly competitive arena of players by yourself and expect to have a breeze. People queue up in the ranked war zones to reach the top and be the best. If you can't handle some of those people wisely grouping up with their friends then stay out of the ranked zones. It's that simple.
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Orrrrrrr you could realize that the ranked war zone's are for competitive players that want to win. After realizing that you could also figure out that if you're just looking for fun, that's what the non-ranked war zones are for. You can't honestly hop into a highly competitive arena of players by yourself and expect to have a breeze. People queue up in the ranked war zones to reach the top and be the best. If you can't handle some of those people wisely grouping up with their friends then stay out of the ranked zones. It's that simple.


im not taking about nurfing ranked WZ's thats where endgame is needed. people looking for a fun random wz is what i mean. if you want to make a premade normal wz go ahead, then you should be set against premades. (that use ts or vent)

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While I do agree that there is a distinct advantage that premades hold over pugs in the so called "random" queue that really eliminates any real chance of competition, the player base is currently far too small for the issue to be resolved.


Ideally, there would be three separate queues:


Random (no groups allowed)

Group (2-4 people in groups queue to face other groups of 2-4 people)

Ranked (8 person groups)


Given enough players, all 3 queues would be "bracketed" so that players were pitted against other players of similar/averaged Resolve values.

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