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Will Lance Henriksen ever...


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complete the galactic history timeline? This was one of the coolest pre-launch features and I'm certain that most of us would love to see Bioware get him back in the studio to finish that up. I mean come on...the guy was in Alien for crying out loud. ALIEN! Get him in here and finish the timeline!
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Threads asking this same question seem to pop up a few times a month. The devs have stated that the timeline videos gave enough background information and the actual game and the stories within filled in the blanks so there will be no new time line videos.


Pzljug: When are you guys going to finish the Timeline on the Holonet?


Stephen Reid (Senior Community Manager): When the Timeline series was begun we weren’t entirely sure how many timelines would be needed to detail relevant backstory for The Old Republic and left ‘blank spaces’ on the Timeline that, we thought, would all be filled in with Timeline entries. Ultimately, we feel we’ve detailed all the relevant backstory required, so no more Timeline entries going back into earlier history are planned. However, we know how much players enjoyed the lore details, style and presentation of Timelines, so we’re planning to continue that with a different series (currently unscheduled!) which will detail other aspects of the lore of The Old Republic.

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I just realized today that Lance Henriksen is 72 years old :eek:


On topic: I think the current timeline videos detail the history enough, especiall if you can be bothered to read couple SWTOR novels. Certain things should be left to imagination, since mystery keeps us interested.

Edited by Karkais
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I just realized today that Lance Henriksen is 72 years old :eek:


On topic: I think the current timeline videos detail the history enough, especiall if you can be bothered to read couple SWTOR novels. Certain things should be left to imagination, since mystery keeps us interested.


The Galactic Timelines were my favorite Friday Updates by far and are easily the best thing on this site (even better than the forums in my opinion). I wish they would bring them back, but like I said they won't because there isn't any profit in it.

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