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Voidstar aoe design oversight?


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I just was in a match, where our team for stuck on the last set of force fields for a bit. The imps sorcs were using aoe lightning from the bottom area and were able to hit us and prevent us from bringing down the foce fields.


I've never seen this done as a rank 81, but interesting strategy. I doubt this would be an exploit, but is that the intended way it should work?

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Of course this is an exploit... Although I don't report it, I do lose all respect for anyone who tries it. I get solace in the fact that they have to live with themselves knowing they are such *****es.


Why don't you report it?

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Why don't you report it?


I already said. I get solace in the fact that they have to live with themselves being total b i t c hes.


I'd rather run in circles on the fleet than make a report.


I'm not on here complaining about it though... b i t c hes will be b i t c hes... I was just telling the OP that, no question, it's an exploit.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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So can anyone do this or is their an actual exploit? Never tried.


I did file a ticket with all the sorcs names. I'm sure I'd never find out but would be nice if they got a little smack down. Their guild is kinda notorious.

Edited by miragewsu
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So can anyone do this or is their an actual exploit? Never tried.


I did file a ticket with all the sorcs names. I'm sure I'd never find out but would be nice if they got a little smack down. Their guild is kinda notorious.


An exploit is an exploit no matter who knows how to do it. The difficulty of an expliot is irrelevant. That being said.. it must be easy, cause I see scrubs do it all the time. It's just a matter of knowing where to stand and where to target the AOE.

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