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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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Cathar dont shock me as a upcoming playable race


But its just fluff really

Being cathar Smuggler will still mean you get smuggler skills and smuggler story, nothing changes


Personally Id like to have seen the ilthorian (the long necked guys) as just so iconic and different and would add much needed variety to the race looks.


I wont be rolling a Cathar personally


Hopefully EA gets more creative in future additions


Id really like to see some playable aliens in game


Wookies, Ilthorians, Selkaths, Geonishians


Races that look vastly different the human (we got enough of those)

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Also they just introduced another who speaks basic in the Clone Wars series:





Just like Darth Tenebrous:



I actually know of both of these characters and think they are both awesome, i read Darth Plageuis and love that Borkus has that eastern european accent, reminds me Brighton beach lol.

Edited by kirorx
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


Out of your list of 10, pretty much only Mon Cal are even a potential candidate to be in game as playable. And personally I can't see the appeal of playing any of them.

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I think we can all agree that everybody likes alien species and something too human is just lame.

Reason for this, nobody wants to be a human given the chance to not be a human, why? Because humans suck.


Who is this everybody? I do not agree with this.


Whoever said something along the lines of "the more human looking species are, the better we can relate to them" is completely untrue and extremely ignorant. Kit Fisto - A lot of people love him. Yoda - A lot of people love him. Etc.


Loving them and identifying with them are two completely different things. Perhaps you need to rethink your concept of ignorant.


Nautolan's are my favourite species and their head tentacles shouldn't be a problem since for them it's like hair, they could have a pony-tail, out and around their face or pulled back like Kit Fisto and theres flexibility with head gear e.g they tuck their tentacles (since they're tentacles they're incredibly elastic), though I don't think anybody would want to put a helmet on a nautolan anyway. They're pretty much Twi'leks with bug eyes and dreadlock lekku.


Much better than Cathar (Human looking thundercats)


Thats all your opinion. My opinion is you are wrong.

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