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Is the new addition Cathar also coming with some changes to convo's?


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There are a couple places where what the npcs say doesn't take into consideration the species of the player character. Playing Hoth as a Republic Chiss is full of them. I'm hoping that they'll find these inconsistancies and remove them cause it's a little jarring to have your species insulted in front of you and not be able to respond.
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Devs have already said that there are a number of Cathar who are not pro-Republic and have gone so far as to become Mandalorians and such. This faction probably has no qualms about killing their own.


it fits what I do know about the Cathar, with Juhani from KOTOR being from one of at least two sub-species with in the Cathar. Seems to reason not only that they have physical differences but probably political,moral and ideological ones as well.

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Speaking of Aric, actually, that one line he's got about joining up to prove his species is worthwhile and the Trooper's response that the Cathar are always welcome in the Republic is going to sound a bit strange if they don't alter it for a Cathar PC. But as mentioned, the Chiss on Hoth issue makes it seem pretty unlikely that they care.
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