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A Thousand Gaping Wounds


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You have some interesting concepts. I am going to offer you a suggestion.


Rather than waste your voice trying to be condescending to people you are wanting to take you seriously re-order the issues in a standard layout. The keep adding to the list. Intended or not (and i believe it is) your presentation is structured like a rant and this is not the best way to start a constructive dialog.


Regarding the bounty- make it optional with a week or two sign up and let it provide a small buff to reward folks for the potential of being killed. Maybe a 5% money drop increase. I think properly incentified there could be some fun there.

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reasonable answers to "wounds":




All said and done, these weren't "gaping wounds" they were "Look, I want to be a game designer, see?" suggestions.

I was going to refute each of your overly negative (not to mention obtuse) arguments point-for-point, but then realized I could sum it all up quite nicely with a: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No.

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You have some interesting concepts. I am going to offer you a suggestion.


Rather than waste your voice trying to be condescending to people you are wanting to take you seriously re-order the issues in a standard layout. The keep adding to the list. Intended or not (and i believe it is) your presentation is structured like a rant and this is not the best way to start a constructive dialog.


Regarding the bounty- make it optional with a week or two sign up and let it provide a small buff to reward folks for the potential of being killed. Maybe a 5% money drop increase. I think properly incentified there could be some fun there.

Thanks for the tip re: layout. As soon as I'm able to get around to it I'll work on giving it more polish.

Slight clarification: I'm not here to impress anyone apart from the developers. I have no doubt they're listening to me, despite the "player base's" generally negative response to the ideas I've presented.


If people want to provide insight or constructive criticism I more than welcome it, just don't expect me to show any courtesy to gnat-brained miscreants who clearly have no interest in doing either (see: the poster before you)

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I was going to refute each of your overly negative (not to mention obtuse) arguments point-for-point, but then realized I could sum it all up quite nicely with a: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No.


Also, you can't refute my arguments since they are objective and accurate as opposed to negative and obtuse. Just because I effectlively shot down YOUR calls for no new content for over a year so time and money could be wasted, uhm, mis-used to re-do the way existing content already works doesn't mean my comments are negative. Only that they smooshed yours.

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Slight clarification: I'm not here to impress anyone apart from the developers. I have no doubt they're listening to meeeee, despite the "player base's" generally negative response to the ideas I've presented.


[cue laughter] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Point Proven. Thank you and good night!

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Also, you can't refute my arguments since they are objective and accurate as opposed to negative and obtuse. Just because I effectlively shot down YOUR calls for no new content for over a year so time and money could be wasted, uhm, mis-used to re-do the way existing content already works doesn't mean my comments are negative. Only that they smooshed yours.

Come on now, seriously. You really want to play this game?

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Come on now, seriously. You really want to play this game?


Playing the game would only get one or both of us censured by the Mods here, and no one wants THAT. For the record, I could have played the game, and wouldn't have had a problem supporting my refutation of your "gaping wounds." Just because you have suggestions doesn't mean they are either good or as signficant or anywhere close to doable as you would like to think.

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Playing the game would only get one or both of us censured by the Mods here, and no one wants THAT. For the record, I could have played the game, and wouldn't have had a problem supporting my refutation of your "gaping wounds." Just because you have suggestions doesn't mean they are either good or as signficant or anywhere close to doable as you would like to think.


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Enjoy your dream.

I can't! To borrow your words, you "refuted all my arguments since they are objective and accurate as opposed to negative and obtuse" with a spectacularly incisive refutation of my gaping wounds.

The irony is that you're fighting something which you yourself would also enjoy. But oh well...

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I can't! To borrow your words, you "refuted all my arguments since they are objective and accurate as opposed to negative and obtuse" with a spectacularly incisive refutation of my gaping wounds.

The irony is that you're fighting something which you yourself would also enjoy. But oh well...


It would only be ironic if there was any chance those ideas would ever be produced. There isn't any; what IS ironic is that if they WERE produced it would take so long and be at the expense of ANY new content at all that there would barely be a player base left to try them. Even then, they would say "this is just the same game I've already gone through at least 8 times with a few changes here and there." Then they would re-unsub and likely write another forum post using the phrase "epic fail" at least a half a dozen times.

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It would only be ironic if there was any chance those ideas would ever be produced. There isn't any; what IS ironic is that if they WERE produced it would take so long and be at the expense of ANY new content at all that there would barely be a player base left to try them. Even then, they would say "this is just the same game I've already gone through at least 8 times with a few changes here and there." Then they would re-unsub and likely write another forum post using the phrase "epic fail" at least a half a dozen times.

The conversation mini-game I laid out? That qualifies as new content. In fact, more so than any additional flashpoints, planets, war zones, or operations ever could, since they're essentially just more of the same. The same applies to the bounty hunter system. Oh, and as for the adaptive-conversation system? Lets talk plainly here for a moment, that could prove to be revolutionary if it were ever put in place. And that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amount of ideas I have for this game.


I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'll let you get back to writing your three-page dissertation on why Bioware should add dual-spec.

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The conversation mini-game I laid out? That qualifies as new content. In fact, more so than any additional flashpoints, planets, war zones, or operations ever could, since they're essentially just more of the same. The same applies to the bounty hunter system. Oh, and as for the adaptive-conversation system? Lets talk plainly here for a moment, that could prove to be revolutionary if it were ever put in place. And that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amount of ideas I have for this game.


I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'll let you get back to writing your three-page dissertation on why Bioware should add dual-spec.


I don't recall having written anything about dual-spec.


Some of your ideas are good (none are "revolutionary" - let's not get caught up in a hype machine) but the time it would take to implement would stall this game for 6 - 12 months of NO new content. A conversation mini-game (that somehow requires reflexes instead of enjoyable character consideration??) just is not better nor anywhere near as replayable as a new warzone, where other mechanics could come into play. Even a variety of Huttball arenas would be new, playable content instead of applying additional conversations to content already played and replayed. Your expansion of the existing would certainly not be mo bettah content than a WHOLE NEW PLANET.


A Bounty Hunter system could be a very fun addition, but right now this game isn't set up to deal with it (minimal planets even have cross-faction access, so hiding from a bounty would be as easy as going to Balmorra). Plus, it would only work on PvP servers.


That's why the Paper Cuts thread is more germaine to this game; offering smaller suggestions that are at least POSSIBLE within the scope of the game currently.


FYI, the longest post I've made here was a (much!) abbreviated version of your OP with short comments. If any dissertations are casting shadows here, yours would overwhelm them all.

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I don't recall having written anything about dual-spec.


Some of your ideas are good (none are "revolutionary" - let's not get caught up in a hype machine) but the time it would take to implement would stall this game for 6 - 12 months of NO new content. A conversation mini-game (that somehow requires reflexes instead of enjoyable character consideration??) just is not better nor anywhere near as replayable as a new warzone, where other mechanics could come into play. Even a variety of Huttball arenas would be new, playable content instead of applying additional conversations to content already played and replayed. Your expansion of the existing would certainly not be mo bettah content than a WHOLE NEW PLANET.


A Bounty Hunter system could be a very fun addition, but right now this game isn't set up to deal with it (minimal planets even have cross-faction access, so hiding from a bounty would be as easy as going to Balmorra). Plus, it would only work on PvP servers.


That's why the Paper Cuts thread is more germaine to this game; offering smaller suggestions that are at least POSSIBLE within the scope of the game currently.


FYI, the longest post I've made here was a (much!) abbreviated version of your OP with short comments. If any dissertations are casting shadows here, yours would overwhelm them all.

At last, you've decided to make some sense! Good to see you downshift to a more sensible and reasonable tone.


While I'll admit the way I laid out the conversation mini-game concept is not ideal (twitch-mechanics do not seem to be the way to go), I've already devised a more carefully thought out alternative. I'll post it here when I have the time.


I disagree with you that adding more planets is beneficent for the game, especially if they use the exact same mechanics of the planets that preceeded them. Using the exact same formula which failed so resoundingly to maintain subs the first time around is obviously not the way to go. Fortunately, from the little Bioware has shared with us about Makeb, it seems as if they're integrating a few mini-games into the planet to help mix things up. But even then, this will obviously fail to resonate, especially with new players. I mean, what's the point of adding mini-games to a planet that's restricted to plus-level 50's? No, the smart thing to do would be to add these to Tatooine, or Coruscant, or any of the other low-level planets.


By the way, regardless of your feelings about its current presentation, the conversation mini-game would be the perfect way to capture new subscribers without having to resort to a pay 2 win model by being locked out to those who didn't subscribe and freely accessible to the ones who did.


Think of it as a "pay 2 be cool" model.

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I saw some good ideas in your wall of text but do you really think that Bioware will summon every voice actor and actress back to the recording room and spend another 200 million dollars on voices to make a different conversation system?

Voice actors aren't THAT expensive. I doubt they spent 15 million total on them the first time around.

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