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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How do you like playing nonstealth toons?


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I feel that when I stealth through a lot, I end up under-leveled when I come up across something tough.


I have a Juggernaut who soloed his way up to 50, helping various people along the way. I actually like helping people out, but after a while, I got a bit tired of helping out Assassins who were two or even four levels below the quest area.


Me: "You're a bit under-level. You might want to hit a Bonus Series or something."

Them: "I did the Bonus Series."


And then I roll my eyes as they lead me off on their impossible quest... stealthed and avoiding every mob they can.

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in every game that I played with stealth I always felt that it was a crutch, if you have stealth you rely on it way too much. PvPers like to come up on someone unexpected and try to kill them, but if it doesn't work out they run away. (keep in mind I have a scoundrel and an assassin in this game and I play stealthers and enjoy them in other games, just not as much as non-stealthers)


Being a non-stealther in a pvp setting, you learn to stay alert or be dead, and how to survive unexpected problems. It also makes me learn my class and all it is capable of without relying on one ability to save me every time. This is just my opinion though, people who say I am wrong, that is their opinion. Everyone has opinions and everyone has Butts and they all stink.

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My first 50 was a Scoundrel and boy did I miss stealth on my second, a Sage! I learned to live with it, but there were times where I reeallly missed my stealth (gah, so many Sandpeople!).


My Scoundrel was never underleveled, and I had enough credits for stuff I needed. I find that stealth does not impede progress if used judiciously. I always made sure to kill a few mobs in the area to see if there was a bonus quest, and I didn't stealth through everything else.


I found stealth to be best for those times when I had to run around looking for things in small areas that were swarming with mobs. And I'll admit it, I love to explore yet I have a lousy sense of direction (a really bad combo lol) so stealth made it so my taking a wrong turn didn't wind up costing me a lot of time.

Edited by Gwena
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I was playing my 7th alt earlier and I am at a point in leveling my alts that I only do the class and planet quests and I level up with a combination of those and wz's and fp's.


Anyway, over the course of leveling up all these alts and narrowing down the questing to just planet and class specific, I began to notice a large number of them took place in caves or hallways or other confined spaces that were just packed from one end to the other with trash mobs. You are basically forced to fight your way to a point in the cave and if it isn't instanced you will most likely also have to fight more on your way back out.


The first time around this didn't bother me that much. Now I find it incredibly tedious and started grumbling about how it seems actually quite lazy to have so many quests inside caves. I've already leveled up my 2 stealth classes and miss them dearly. Should have saved them for last. It's gotten to the point where I do some very creative traveling to avoid as much trash as possible and in cases where I find the mob density obscene and impossible to avoid, I will just do a suicide run to the objective, rez and complete and either port out or make a run for it if quick travel is on cooldown.


So yeah, in closing, less quest objectives buried deep in a cave packed from end to end with trash mobs in the future please.

Edited by Vellem
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I don't like stealth. Mainly because I like to blow things up and setting them on fire. But also because that the leveling goes slower (less xp from kills and bonuses) and you have less money (less creds and vendortrash from said mobs you didn't kill).


That said, I did like Thief :)

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I feel that when I stealth through a lot, I end up under-leveled when I come up across something tough.


Yup... I ran into this as well. Sometimes you miss bonus objectives and lots of xp because you just don't kill enough mobs while you completing your main objective.


However, I have found that with my Shadow, I'm very good at taking on Elites and Champs (depending on the Champ, lol.) So, I make up alot of XP by looking for those fights.

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