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SWTOR PvP is pretty Decent.


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1000 expertise damage reduction entirely negates 1000 expertise damage bonus. Do the math. Previously we had a situation where 1000 expertise damage reduction exceeded 1000 expertise damage bonus, although superficially they looked the same. 5% damage bonus brings damage up to 105%. 5% damage reduction on 105% damage brings damage down to 99.75%. In other words damage reduction slowly was outpacing damage bonus and heals flatout got stronger as more expertise was added(they still do). Now the formula has been changed so that damage reduction and damage bonus from the same amount of expertise almost perfectly cancel each other out.


Additionally, pre 1.2 expertise was insufficiently high. PvE rakata gear was equal to or better than battlemaster.


I'm well aware that now expertise damage and DR 'negate' each other. I'm saying I preferred when DR increased more than damage since it lead to longer fights. As a matter of fact, I *really* prefer how WoW did it with the PvP stat only adding to DR and not adding to damage at all. I prefer longer, more strategic fights to this dead in 5 seconds BS. I don't recall anyone complaining about fights lasting too long back then, but there sure are a lot of complaints about fights being too short right now.


I play a tank in full war hero gear, so this isn't a 'get gear' situation. But with all the armor penetration and elemental/internal damage being thrown around it's almost pointless being a tank right now. Guarding someone is almost suicide right now so taunt is the only the only thing that's really helpful, and you don't actually have to be a tank to use that.

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