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What's the point of an AFK Vote Kick again?


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Players will be able to vote to kick AFK players out of a Warzone. Any player can vote to kick a player through the group context menu. This will not initiate a vote prompt, but rather must be actively sought out by multiple players. [Once a player has received several votes they will receive a prompt indicating that they’ll be kicked from the Warzone in a few seconds if they do not engage in combat or defend an objective. A player who is kicked from the Warzone in this manner will be returned to their original location before they queued, and will not be able to queue up again for several minutes.


Just did a Novare Coast where a guy went AFK at the start, did literally nothing the entire warzone and every person in the group voted to kick him. Problem? He gets defender points for standing there, doing absolutely nothing. He even ended up getting 6 medals for doing absolutely, positively, nothing. Not even moving. Great design and thought behind the vote to kick system Bioware. Keep up the good work.

Edited by unixbomber
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Hmmm... initiating combat will clear a vote to kick.... Perhaps the objective defend was doing the same...


Perhaps you have to yell to the other side to go kill an AFKer at a node... they'll probably want the node...


<shrug> At least its better than no kick vote..

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Obtaining objective points will prevent an AFK kick. If he is within range of the node he will get defender points and cannot be kicked.


I did a Novare Coast last night where two guys from the same guild decided to camp out and watch the fight at our natural node from atop one of the fortification pieces. They even watched the other team cap our node since they were just AFK farming their dailies.

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Wow sounds like a bunch of QQ to me :rolleyes:


Oh well ok it happens, there are people that, do that get the dailys and dont fight, just camp at the node all I can say is "SO WHAT"


What does it matter if there over there guarding the node???

What you want the other team to just walk over there and take it ???


People quit crying and just play the dang game, there will always be someone over there doing that so just deal with it ...


I personaly dont see a problem with it as long as they call out intercepts ;)

Edited by Legolose
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Wow sounds like a bunch of QQ to me :rolleyes:


Oh well ok it happens, there are people that, do that get the dailys and dont fight, just camp at the node all I can say is "SO WHAT"


What does it matter if there over there guarding the node???

What you want the other team to just walk over there and take it ???


People quit crying and just play the dang game, there will always be someone over there doing that so just deal with it ...


I personaly dont see a problem with it as long as they call out intercepts ;)


There is a HUGE difference between defending a node and AFK farming.

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my guildmate got afk-voted out of a WZ because he was the only one defending a node, and the opposition didn't hit it after the cap.


pretty sure we've all seen matches like that in NC/CW.


the current system is pretty lame.

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