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How is a FP selected in group finder?

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Just as the title asks, How is a Flash point selected from random when in group finder for the BH comms? I find it frustrating, as well as many other members of the community, that the same FP is popping up more then any other one Unless it is DE-selected.


We will take Kaon for this example, How is Kaon (or insert other Flashpoint that comes up more for you) the only FP that pops up more for me then another FP on the list for both the Republic and Imperial toons that I ( your self or someone else) play with on the same server. What is the selection process? I am quite sure there is no work around to this besides leaving the group and dealing with the lock out timer but that is a waste of time...

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The thing to remember (at least in my opinion) is that the other people in your group did not necessarily queue for a random flashpoint. The game will queue you with other players who have selected the same flashpoint as you. Queuing randomly this means you can be queued with other people in any flashpoint but as is often the case, someone in your group will queue for a specific (or several specific) flashpoint(s).


In the case of Kaon, it would be expected that this one is run more often than other Tier 1 flashpoints as it is part of the quest {Weekly Rakghoul Conflicts} which awards 8 Black Hole commendations. Many people choose to take advantage of the group finder to get a quick group for the easier of the two flashpoints. As to other flashpoints popping up more frequently it is usually either RNG doing it's thing or someone in your group chose to run that specific flashpoint for some reason.

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I have heard about about people getting Kaon above everything else. For me, I do my daily HM and have never had Kaon come up, it is usually Esseles (srsly, this game likes to troll me :( ), I've had one of each of everything else (D7 a few days ago, forgot to get my daily so I re-queued just for that and got FE), but maybe you can ask your groups if they queue'd randomly or not and see what the result is.


When they had it on the PST it actually TOLD YOU what FP you were getting, I don't know why they took it out (I guess since people were declining for stuff they didn't want?) but srsly, it is no different now, people are left group-less for flashpoints when people leave because they don't want to do them. (I've heard that LI Normal is the most left FP once people enter.)


I wish they would change it back to telling us, would be so much faster and not much of a headache. :/

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I can understand why Lost Island would be the most dropped FP. IMO, this has some of the more annoying bosses. Last night I went in it and we bailed after several failed attempts against the boss on the platform (the one who can knock you off, forget its name).
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I can understand why Lost Island would be the most dropped FP. IMO, this has some of the more annoying bosses. Last night I went in it and we bailed after several failed attempts against the boss on the platform (the one who can knock you off, forget its name).


They would be annoying due to the lack of understanding of the mechanics within the group. Get a group together that actually knows how each of the fights work and I can guarantee you that things will go much smoother.


>> HM LI guide <<

Edited by haliy
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I can understand why Lost Island would be the most dropped FP. IMO, this has some of the more annoying bosses. Last night I went in it and we bailed after several failed attempts against the boss on the platform (the one who can knock you off, forget its name).

Project Sav-Rak is the boss' name.


This is the common strat to beat him:


1. When he's about to smash, everone run to the boss. Stack so that your character model is actually overlapping his model. You will be standing right in the geometric center of the targeting circle when he jumps.

2. It can help, though not required, to jump yourself just as he is coming down. Done properly, all 4 members of your party will be knocked in a perfect vertical line and you land right back where you started.

3. Everyone except for the healer gets an "assigned" pipe and runs to their control panel and activate all 3 at the same time. It's 9-second cast and Savrak jumps pipes so someone will get him.

4. The healer heals the 3 people at the pipe control panels.

5. Rinse and repeat.

Edited by JeffKretz
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The thing to remember (at least in my opinion) is that the other people in your group did not necessarily queue for a random flashpoint. The game will queue you with other players who have selected the same flashpoint as you. Queuing randomly this means you can be queued with other people in any flashpoint but as is often the case, someone in your group will queue for a specific (or several specific) flashpoint(s).


In the case of Kaon, it would be expected that this one is run more often than other Tier 1 flashpoints as it is part of the quest {Weekly Rakghoul Conflicts} which awards 8 Black Hole commendations. Many people choose to take advantage of the group finder to get a quick group for the easier of the two flashpoints. As to other flashpoints popping up more frequently it is usually either RNG doing it's thing or someone in your group chose to run that specific flashpoint for some reason.


the best and most clear response Ive read so far, besides the other ones as well... I guess im just QQ-ing about Kaon popping up more then everything else but it is a interesting thing to look at, See how the numbers change when I remove the Rakghoul Weekly from my list and see what everyone else picked.

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Thanks for the detailed strategy. We were in fact executing this but one player kept getting killed after the jump, and then things went to crap. It still is an annoying boss IMHO. Not much room for error. I found it easier to go as a marauder, my assassin doesn't seem to do as well.
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I can understand why Lost Island would be the most dropped FP. IMO, this has some of the more annoying bosses. Last night I went in it and we bailed after several failed attempts against the boss on the platform (the one who can knock you off, forget its name).


You beat LR5 (the droid) but couldn't beat Sav Rak :eek:


The mind boggles.

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I have literally got D7 every single time I que with my tanksin, its almost to the point that I don't even look to see what I get because I know what it will be. And if you think I am joking since lfg has come out I have done D7 twenty seven times. So yeah tell me it is random please.
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